Tuesday, 30 October 2018


 I have read that many Holy Men of the East have a very different idea on religion to us in the West. Their framework for development is "balance". In the West it is something we do not have within the religious framework. We seem to like or are developed to extremes. The xtian church is considered RHP.  This has been push radically from day one in your life to the end of your days. The main concept is a word I hate-Compassion. So wrongly interpreted by Westerners. One is still today hammered by this idea although the main rules of the religion have been thrown out by modern society. A very strong idea in the East is the idea of balance . Balance in everything. If your swing of the pendulum has been too far on the RHP, then you should gain equilibrium by going the other way. It will balance you out to be a happier and more rounded person. In the East many Sadhus may start off on the RHP and be Masters of it. Then they will switch to the LHP to balance their psyche. They say before you attempt the LHP you must have studied the RHP in detail and may be a Master in it. Otherwise you can come crashing down going straight into LHP without the RHP background. This is where many fail in the West. You must learn the rules before breaking them.
This is why so many Ministers of religion in the West suddenly find later in their Ministries that they are drawn to the LHP. This is in fact totally normal. For them to get balance they must do this.
In the East many experienced teachers will only teach RHP to their pupils but they themselves will only practice LHP.

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