Watching pornography and prolonged masturbation seems to be one of the pleasures that arise with Satanism. I have found that I was watching porn and edging from 4 to 6 hours a day!!!!!Sometimes till 2am or 3am in the morning. I would get up early and start for an hour before breakfast . If you find you only get a hard on when doing this you may be possessed by Demons or a Demon.It really depends on how you want to handle this. Some people in main stream society would say -"you are in trouble" But looking at this objectively -are you? You are doing what you enjoy. It may help you relax. It is very pleasant. You are seeing interesting sexual pictures that turn you on.What could be wrong with that. Some of the naked bodies one see look like gods -their bodies are perfection. On some sites you can chat to others. So at least you don't feel an odd ball. Sought of outside society. You find others like you who have the same interest. One thing I have realized is what a massive and I mean massive sex drive men have.It has all been destroyed by current societies. If one looks at it under a magnifying glass -much of what society does is to control or push male testosterone into certain avenues that give no release nor satisfaction to the male. These indoctrinations in fact emasculate him . In many ways castrate him. It causes serious illnesses and fucks the male psychic. Half the psychologist's waiting rooms are full of these guys. Like many others these powerful lustful desires are destroyed by being forced into the deep sub conscious mind. Never to be experienced again. The internet has become our pathway to freedom. It is a Satanic highway which main stream society can not control . It has a power of its own. A Demon if you like of its own making. Chaos manifest. It shows one what the world is really like. Not what bullshit society likes us to believe. At long last Cock Power has been able to rise up. To show itself and affect any man who wishes to behold the power in his penis. Porn watching can be used for edge training. One should probably attempt 3 hour sessions. Remember this is in a way your worship to Phallus. God Cock if you like. Don't be put down by indoctrinations . If you think it. You need it. That thought process has relevance. You should and must act upon it. Remember you were born this way. And Satan wants you to develop in the way you see fit. Not in the way others like to control you.
So porn creep will develop for males on the LHP. It is something to be viewed as a development. It is to be used for further development. You might start my only liking specific types of pics-certain types of cocks, or naked bodies. Later you may find you like all types of cock, all bodies.. What shall we say a complete devotee in a way. Who knows. Still it must not be abused. But at the same time enjoyed.
If it becomes so strong that your livelihood is affected then asked the Demons to return to Hell and possibly spread salt water round.
For more information on this there is a Master in Masturbation and Cock Worship at the Temple of Masturbation -http://templeof
I've always thought this was a good thing -- Satan just gave me another conduit. Or outlet, if you will. I will sit around for hours, days even bating. My only problem is here it's had -- as in difficult to find batebuds. Or FBs or anything like that. I don't want to always be on the top fucking -- despite having 10+'