Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The Satanic "Oh no" effect

These are the temptations that come in the middle of the night when you are ‘open’. They come when masturbating and or sexually high. They come when you worship. They come when you least expect it. They are temptations that you would have normally never even thought about.. You know the ones. No I didn’t think of that. That is awful.  That is disgusting. Oh no!
They are the temptations that are a bit further down the road to Hell than where you are at. But make no mistake they will keep on returning.. They can be to do with morals or taboos which had been dealt with in early child hood-now to be re opened and considered within your Satanism.
They may be to do with sexual orientation, societies norms, how you dress, how you treat your body, what you do with your body, what you do with your mind, drugs, in fact anything.
Early on in worship I had this temptation, idea or need to stick pins in my biceps and pour hot wax on my body etc I thought no way this will be painful. But the temptations did not go away.  It was in some way to overcome fear and physical pain. But on it went. When I did-No pain –Just ecstasy!-Weird. Perhaps it was a test.  I also had a temptation to drink my urine. I thought “oh no” this is insane. and disgusting. Eventually I did. To me it is pure nectar. Pure me. There have been many others.
It seems if you are gay and a Satanist you get a massive sexual drive which becomes uncontrollable. You want more. You cannot get enough. It seems most eventually have an obsession to go bare back even with the risks. The massive pleasure outweighs the potential pain.
Down this path parts of the “original “animal brain are activated destroying modern social rules. Many being the moral and taboo social codes. It is an unending realization as outer lays of social crap are peeled away. Some times easy and quick, other times difficult.  Those difficult ones when overcome are when you make giant leaps forward.
In some way you must draw a line down the middle of your thoughts. To the right you have the old thinking, Nice and comfortable. Now on the other side you have all the “Oh no” thoughts. You must cut yourself off from making an opinion about these. No judgment. No opinion. No right or wrong. They must not be tangled up with these”Oh no” thoughts. The thought must just be thoughts. Then action. You see chocolate. I want. I take. I feel horny. I fuck or masturbate. Maybe on the bus –well perhaps not! There must be no considered opinion. Definitely no judgment on what others or how society might view you –theirs is an irrelevant view. You then start to have Satanic mind. Your thought processes then flow without any regard for this right or wrong, moral judgment or taboo crap. You will be a free Satanic spirit. A free thinker. You will walk with Demons. You will feel .You will fully experience.

Look at these “oh no “temptations as service to Him. You definitely don’t have to like them initially. You may not want to do them. But you must consider them if you want to serve Him. Serve Satan and He will serves you. It will give you Power. Eventually you will want it .Eventually you will crave it. Sometimes you have to do things you may initially hate. Satan will drive you, be under no illusion in what ever way He thinks necessary. A fully enlightened Satanist has no problem with this. When temptations come he reacts. No questions, no consideration.. He then becomes the personification of Satan in the human form on this earth. Hail'

Power of Satan

Anonymous wrote:

I was a so say a "happy" married man. Then I saw a picture of Satan - No No Not This. But got drawn back again and again. First real fear, then submission, then pleasure. Then started to look at naked men. Then wanted cock. All I wanted was cock. Male bodies, male chests. Unknown lust, pleasure depravity and freedom. I am now a complete homosexual who has been turned and corrupted by Satan. If anybody had said this would happen I would of said it was impossible. Split from idiot wife. Satan has broken down my morals and taboos. Satan is corrupting me to break down the incest taboo ..

Found the above message on another Satanist’s site. It shows the strength of Satan.
It shows this is not a game.  This is a is serious endeavor. It is not for the faint hearted..  When you become a Satanist you will start to think and react like a Satanist without being primed by others. As a religion or life style it will have radical changes on you. From the above you can see anonymous starts off I assume reasonably happily married to a women. Building a “normal’ relationship over a number of years. Fucking her pussy. Getting turned on by her body and tits. Maybe something is wrong. Perhaps there is too much control. Perhaps he has to work night and day to please her. Perhaps she is a dominating bitch (why anybody would want to marry a woman today is beyond me. Men get nothing out of it .She can fuck whom she likes, divorce when she pleases, then gets all the assets and guardianship and custody of the children.)After a few years perhaps she gives him little sex.
Anyway just a picture of Satan starts to draw him in. Satan works on him to make sure he cannot resist. Satan works on his brain-in his subconscious. He probably starts to watch porn. More porn. Then men to men porn. He probably quickly turns it off. This is wrong. But his increased sex drive draws him back.  He wants more. This probably went on for weeks or months. He might set up an Altar. Wife is pissed off and won’t sleep in same room. That adds to him watching more porn. With Satan the drive to have sex is immense. He starts to hate her. He must touch, suck cocks. He must touch men, there chests, lick their tits. He starts to push things up his anus in worship. But he wants more. But he thinks STD’S, HIV. But he thinks “I can’t take this intense sexual stress “- it has  become greater not doing than taking the “risk” He has no further interest in his wife . Fuck her. He goes to a glory hole. Oh shit the ecstasy. Again and again. He has arrived. He will never go back. He has experienced sexual bliss for the first time in his life. The beauty of man on man sex.  Passionate and powerful. He still has far to go-anal fucking and bare backing. But he is on the correct path. Satan has converted him. Now be aware of the power of Satan if you join His world.
There are many many men out there who have gone part of the way he has but still hold back through fear. But they live in a sought of misery.  In a sought of twilight world. Never feeling complete. Never satisfied. Satan can break them out if they will let Him.

This extraordinary violent change can and does happen to anybody on this path. This is the radical fast track method to enlightenment. There is no other method as fast as this but like driving a racing car you must be careful you don’t go off the track, Hail 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Satanic "Chaos"

You have to deprogram the self. You have been programmed in a specific way from birth, to fit in with society. To be it's slave. To think and react in "it's" way. Not to question. You have to unscramble this process and create a new one. To move forward you must understand the current you..The old "you" holds you back. It must be broken down and destroyed. Stop the automatic circle of associations and reactions.Look at yourself. Who are you. You will associate your current given name with all the crap indoctrination from your  "upbringing". Strip it away. Take away your association of where you were born or the country you grew up in. Strip it all away.You are not the "job" that you do. Do not let a relaitionship dictate who you are.You view everything through a "filter' that was impregnated into your"mind' by society.What are you left with. Emptiness-Nothing? Look at your biceps , flex them. Look at your body. What do you see. What do you feel. What is your reaction Question yourself. What is this consciousness you experience. Is it real or is it just a reflection of all the indoctrinations and rules society placed on you. Take all this away and the 'rules' associated with it may start to crumble-Compassion, morals, taboos, family values, eating habits and sexual orientation.What are there rules. Need I comply. You have to find the real you. Your basic desires. You must  return to the animal that you are. You must get back to your true nature. You must disbelieve what you have been told about yourself. Bring out your basic nature.  Identify your self beliefs. Accept what you are without guilt. Start seeing and experiencing reality in a new and different light. What is this consciousness. How do I experience? What is reality.Is it the same for everybody. Do they experience the same way as you. Do you experience the way society has told you to intrperet it. Do animals have the same consciousness. What is this sub consciousness. The secret hidden mind.

When you have completely "cleaned your thought process" you are left with an empty vessel? That conscious mind you are left with is raw existence. You will be like the cave man of ancient history. Complete animal. He saw he took.If he was horny he fucked. If he hungered he ate.  If he hated he attacked. He was
That is what Satan wants you to be - primeval man. It is in your body it has just been buried under layers of indoctrinations over multiple generations of time. It will be near impossible to get back to day one . But it may be possible to go further back
Once you have reached primeval man you can go further back. Back to the animal mind,back to the lizard mind and further...
But start by braking down your indoctrinations from your life. Try to experience life without the filters.
Satan will push you forward. Satan will guide you. He will make you "see". Explode the mind. Push it to the limit.Let the chaos in. Satanic Mind. Hail

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Satanic Temptations

Once you have accepted Satan you will be tempted. It will push your boundaries. It will be unending. It will smash all your "rules". Everything will be questioned. Conservatism will be destroyed. All social norms-phat!You will have opened the door into the basement. If you're heterosexual you may find you become bisexual. If your bisexual you become homosexual. If your homosexual you become a complete slut or want to go bareback. There is no way of telling what will happen. When you were pleasant and "fitted "in you may become rude and difficult. You will become arrogant. You may become vain and self loving. People will notice you more.
The main problem is control. Your control. How much do you control your control. Eventually the idea is to have no control. To completely "Walk with Satan". No mind . Only Satanic mind.But few are able to do this. It is a tight rope.It can be dangerous. It can destroy you if not handled correctly. But you must cast off the energies that block you going forward on this path to Satan.
Satan will tempt you to do everything that you have been taught not to do. It is up to you to choose. Only you can choose what you do. Not Satan. He only tempts.
But as you go further down the path to Hell more of your "controls" will be removed. You will have no fear.
In fact the temptations will strip away the outer layers of indoctrination. The temptations will be like a hammer chipping away at your mind. And at the same time holding out the benefits. Eventually thrill gains the upper hand. Sometimes the fact of not doing can be more stressful than going forward. You know you want to but that conservative indoctrination holds you back. But more of this will in time be broken down.
Pleasure -extreme pleasure is a strong pull.
But always-always remember it is your choice. And your choice only. Not Satan's. He is just the potential catalyst. And most importantly remember the maxim" cause and effect." What will be the outcome.
To survive in society one has to in some way conform to certain rules . It is unavoidable.
It depends in some way how you want to appear to society. Due you want to walk in secret like a few R.C.Priests I have come across who are Satanists. Wolves in sheep's clothing, or others who are elders in xian groups who are Satanists. Others may be totally open about their Satanism. Attracting people to them like bees to a honey pot. It is your choice and only your choice.

You must try to develop your mind. Look at yourself. Try to ascertain the real you. To bring out the Basic Nature. To disbelieve what you have believed and been indoctrinated with about yourself. Identify your basic desires, and self beliefs.
As a Satanist to develop you must know yourself -the real real you.Then you will be able to handle the temptations and make the correct decisions.Discard some, react to others. Satan wants you to develop into the real person that you are. Not some mindless accepting slave-even within the Satanic Realm.
As you go down the Path you gain more experience. You will be able to go into situations and realms that you would never of been able to handle or control when you first were "chosen".
It your life. Your Decision. Develop the Power.Hail.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Power of Satanic Thought

Your Satanic thoughts turn a key and open a door to Hell. A door to unknown freedom and pleasure. To acceptance of depravity outside societies moral norms. It is a two way process. Partly inside your mind, partly I believe from an outside force. Maybe Satanic Universal Consciousness. By your acceptance of Satan they connect in some way. Your "evil" energy acts as a catalyst to grow and make contact with that external Satanic energy.That external Satanic energy then acts as a catalyst, connecting and activating your sub conscious mind to expand your natural Satanic thoughts. It is a like a chemical reaction. Eventually changing your thought processes. It is automatic. Once your thought process has activated that key, the mind is opened up to receive the energy from this Satanic External Universal Consciousness. It just pours in. It is like opening the flood gates of the mind and letting the water pour in. The more the mind receives this outer energy the more that energy explodes the mind which in turn expands the outer energy to feed the mind . And visa verse. Getting bigger and bigger and more powerful. It is a massive growing process. You have watered the plant.  Similar in some ways to the "big bang". It can and does explode for some.When a human being pays "reverence" to a non human force then it gives that force power within the human realm.You are unleashing a massive external force that until that moment you had no idea existed. It has existed from time immemorial. It is a force that has been denied and hidden from you by the conservative upbringing that you have received. Up to that moment you have been brainwashed by society. Society does not like this path. They would like to destroy you. It scares them as you are no longer their slave. They can control you no longer. They wanted to farm your energy for their uses. No more.

When you become a Satanist initially you will have no idea of the changes that will occur. It will rip your social norms to shreds. It will turn what you thought you were on its head.

When I became a Satanist I had little idea of the changes that were going to happen. That automatically without effort ones mind was going to be totally opened up. Once that Satanic catalyst is allowed to enter all Hell breaks lose. Your orientations will in all probability become completely reversed. Where there was once caution  this will be none.After  "giving your self to Satan " the affects can be immediate. Are all these evil thoughts just there waiting to be activated by this key. Are we in fact naturally more like the left handed path in orientation, the right handed path being the odd man out. Once we break the" rules" our natural self, the Satanic self, comes out. The changes for a human when they become a Satanist is so great as to believe they no longer have a self. But personalities are ever changing and Satan has just been the catalyst for change. The new "personality's" concepts and orientation has moved so far in such a short space of time for the "old" personality to accept and deal with. Once on this path it is virtually impossible to go back to the old you.It seems you hunger for "more".  The "old" personality may have imagined it would be able to control the situation. But it had no idea of the force that was going to come. This "evilness" of Satan plays on the human weaknesses of  sexuality, pleasure, power and freedom etc And once it starts it is like a drug. You are released into the natural animal kingdom of nature.You become aware of societies controls and how many mental controls there are out there.  One becomes more sexual-sensual. You become depraved, You are shocked but you want more. This is just from saying" I  WORSHIP SATAN "  Those words, thoughts, forces  flows out from your conscious mind to both your sub conscious mind and universal consciousness and back.It will not stop. Just from that simple statement.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Evilness of Satan

Is Satan Evil? Is this an illusion set up by main stream social religions. Is Satan in fact the good guy. He is the one who wants you to do what you want. To be the human being that you are. The animal that you are. And surely that is what you want. Is He in fact saying He feels sorry for us humans who have been used ,abused, controlled, kept down and basically been brain washed into being sheep and slaves. Are not  these other main stream gods controllers of society. Was in fact the Xian idea pushed to crack the Roman Empire and Western Civilization into this ridiculous passive state-and use that bloody useless idea called compassion. Satan  wants you to developed into what you should be. T o what your heritage is. A powerful individual in both mind and body. With his own ideas and identity. A powerful aggressive individual. A strongly sexual being. Afraid of no one. Not this whimpering individual we have all been turned into today. Ancient traditional  methods are looked down upon and ridiculed. Xian elders killed 2 to 8 million of these herbalists/witches in the last 500 years in Europe. So that the Vatican could dominate society. Even the political parties in any country are cartels. With this ridiculous idea that they sell called democracy. Its no more democracy than the man in the moon.  Look at your life. Really look at your life. Men completely emasculated. We have all been programmed from an early age to conform.
The xian god was pushed upon you. Controlling every thought you have. Don't do this don't do that. Less than 300 hundred years ago they would burn you, torture you if you had free thoughts. You had to conform. The inquisition ruled. The fear was immense. Terror and Damnation would come down on you if you did not toe the line. Plague and pestilence would come they said. This was the nice guy?? Please. They have have brainwashed society for ions with their crap.Given a chance they will move in on you tomorrow.The Demons are not the dangerous ones  the Angels are.
No Satan is the nice guy. He wants to release you from their control. He want to open your eyes. He wants expand your consciousness. He wants to expand your feelings. So you can give free rein to them. So that you can become what you truly are.So that every thought and feeling that you have can be savored, enjoyed and acted upon.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Path to Satan

A few days ago a young guy asked for my advice. He said " I am new into this but I don"t know what is happening to me, I feel so attracted to Satan , getting to know unknown pleasures, dimensions, new organisms. Show me how to discover this "
In Satanism there is no strict course to follow. It is your journey not mine. Your relationship is with Him. You have to work out the were, how, when, what etc Although a person who already has gone down that path can guide in some way-but only guide. One cannot say you must or should do this -one can only say from ones experience try this and see the outcome-try that and see what happens.. 
For this neophyte I said he was already "called" as he was being  bombarded with these new and "evil" thoughts. As he seemed  highly sexed, I suggested  he get a picture of Satan and masturbate in front of it. Then listen. Really listen. See what ideas might come from Hell. Be aware developing with Satan is a life long process.
I always feel that these strong sexual feelings can be,  if one wants, channeled into other powerful forces to be used in magic. So in some way it should be controlled. I have at times been barraged by thoughts that made it impossible to work.
Another point came up for him giving himself to other men -receiving their seed.It seems to be common in Satanism. One always assumes the person receiving is in some way being used by the alpha male -but I think it might be the other way around and that the sub is the one who is taking energy which he can use.
Within Black Magic seed is a very powerful substance and should not be given away lightly.The person receiving it  is being given a powerful energy force while the person who gives it is losing out. Mind you some alpha males are so powerful- physically and sexually, that they have too much energy and need to give it away to cool down and function on an even keel.They can be drained so to speak for ever and not be ground down. In some ways they are fountains of sperm to be drained. This benefits the sub no end-He can this way gain enormous power. This is of course where the question of bareback comes in. Being given seed and power at the risk of eventual STD'S.I would not necessarily advocate it but it does have a strong pull for some people.  A certain type of freedom develops. That is why in Satanic worship if three or more get together the energy vortex of the people involved  increases dramatically. 

So later I said "You are on the right path. What is happening is normal and natural. I have been there. Old programming is being rearranged to set you FREE. New ideas and wanting new experiences will enter the mind. Set up an altar to our Master. 2 black candles, a knife,bell, plate, black cloth and pic Satan. Altar facing East. Strip naked, light candles, ring bell 9 times, looking down say "I invoke demons of Hell to watch over my worship", "I invoke the Beast to watch over my worship". Looking East say 'I invoke Lucifer to watch over my worship",Looking South say "I invoke Belial to watch over my worship", Looking West say"I invoke Leviathan to watch over my worship".Then face north and say "I invoke my Lord and Master Satan to watch over my worship". Then masturbate saying I offer my sperm to you Satan. Listen. Thoughts and ideas in worship come from Satan When finished- Face North say "Satan Thanks for watching over my worship you may depart back to Hell. Depart." do the same for Leviathan facing west say"Leviathan Thanks for watching over my worship. You may depart back to Hell. Depart." Do the same for Belial facing South , and Lucifer facing East. Then ring bell 9 times and put out candles.You will have strong thoughts that night. You are strong enough to do this. You have the makings of a powerful Satanist."

Then while looking on the net I saw another question from a neophyte in a similar vein saying "I just did the Dedication Ritual for Father Satan, what should I do next?"It was answered by a very experienced Satanist who said
"The point to make here, is that you should not have *expectations* of immediate reward.
Dedicating your soul is about reaching out to your creator and acknowledging Him as the Father of humanity and entering into a spiritual bond with Him that lasts forever.
Finally, (and this is a very important step) you should meditate. This is where you privately ask Satan for help and guidance through the difficult times that you will undoubtable encounter (as we all do in life).  This does not mean that you will see Satan appear before you. We all have different levels of openness and communicative abilities. But live the rest of your life intelligently and following Satan’s wishes (He will communicate them to you in time) and you will be greatly rewarded.
After a ritual there can be expected:
-         Bizarre coincidences that will give you confidence on what you did,
-         Reliable personal guidance,
-         Dreams in which you see a problem’s solution or answers to questions,
-         Solving of the problem in a way, let’s say, odd. Impressive,
-         Dreams in which Demons appear,
-         Guiding voices."

So there you have it -worship, meditate, listen ,watch and be aware. Satan will communicate with you.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Satanic Control

When you accept Satan  it is for life.There is no return. Even if you go back to your old ways they will be Satanic. You have become aware of Him and His ways. Your eyes have been opened. You cannot re close them. Satanic experiences cannot be forgotten.This  path  is never ending. Ideas are always unfolding. One will find strange and very new thoughts will enter your mind. They are put there by Satan. In most cases He will make you rethink moral codes that you were indoctrinated with. You will have to re look at them in a completely new Satanic way. Are they valid anymore. Probably not. You may consider to break Taboos is too disgusting and unthinkable. But whatever happens Satan will make you think in a unique and very different way. A Satanic way, His way. But be aware Satan will work on you and hammer away at your mind. You will be forced to consider them, whether to accept His way and act accordingly. You see it was so much simpler when the rules were laid down and you were told what to do. Not in Satanism I am battling with certain taboos and life style challenges.Once these are embraced one has totally switched in some way as a person. You are no longer the same person. I found some disgusting at first but have since looked at them in a new light. Strong lustful thoughts like whether to go bareback appeared which were never considered an option before. Eventually I think He breaks down your idea of your old self. Your ego. And in its place puts Satanic Mind. Part of the Satanic Domain. If you like you become a Beast. You act and do without thought to morals, taboos. Just like your heart beats or blood goes around without conscious effort. It could be equated  or may be similar to the idea in Buddhist thought of "no mind". You act but you do not have any consideration as to if "right" or "wrong" as a Satanist.Once you break the old self one moves down the spiral to Hell at a much faster pace.
Someone once told me that it was safer looking into these left handed paths after 50 years old as you are more "mature" and able to handle the changes.  You will look at things with a more objective cynical eye. Many young people developed amazing Satanic power but are unable to handle it and land up in prison, mental institutions and or get completely taken over by it. I think when you have this power you must in some way mold it-control it-drive it-manipulate it into what you desire to increase whatever power is developing within you. Each person in this world is unique and each person will develop in Satanism in a very unique way and will have very different powers or siddis.conferred  on them. It is just that you have to find them.

Probably one of mans most powerful drives is lust. Satan uses this to His advantage. In fact probably most people were pulled in to Satanism by lust and sex. Within Satanism when this happens the lust increase enormously. It is  like super sex. But these lustful thoughts can be manipulated  into a very strong force which can be used by the Satanist for his use.  In many cases if one gets overcome with lustful thoughts and sexual acts it may become a drug if not properly channeled. A  neophyte may find himself abused by stronger dominant persons. Being dominated can be thrilling but one has to be very aware of what is happening and whether this is truly what you want. Recently read an article on one of the blogs I follow which equates the world like an hour glass with the top hell, the bottom the human world. The salt flows  from one to the other. The demons and evil flow into the world via the small center piece. This is the penis, your Satanic penis through which all the demons and evil can flow into the human race
Many Satanists use drugs to help them on there path. Especially crystal meths Of course it gives a massive high and will send you down the Satanic path very quickly but as I have said before i t can be difficult to control..

As I said earlier, on this path you will come to a time when you seriously wonder who is in control. This is where I am at the present time. It has come to a point where I feel there is a strong realization about whether humans in fact do have such a "thing" as an ego. In fact we act out according to situations, events and people. And change the "I" accordingly. Now Satanism for me puts everything on its head. I had this idea in my head of what "I" was. Now that has been ripped up. The changes have been radical. Total different underlying thinking. Is this a "New Me". The old me had control shall I say from early training and social conditioning. If one had moral or taboo thoughts they would go through this "control" and if necessary be destroyed within that framework. Just accepted. But not now. Early training and social conditioning is gone. All the old ideas have to be reassessed.  And within this new system everything is acceptable.So in many ways you may feel you have last control. But in fact your mind is still there looking at everything but just with a new model standpoint.
 Maybe I am close to"Walking with Satan". All my thoughts are Satanic. The original "me"has gone. Maybe "Satanic Me " is now in control. Satan has converted my mind. He wants all "controls" to go. Just ACT. FEEL, REACT, Don't consider or decide-just do. Hate,Love, Feel the power. Enjoy the freedom. Become what you were before birth.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

West Meets East


In the West for the last 2000 years religion has fundamentally been controlled by the xians and their agent the Roman Catholic Church from Rome. Later by its many off shoots. There was still much paganism up to the 1600 to 1700's. But the xians burnt approximately 2 to 8 million so called witches and pagans who were basicaly herbalists during this time in Europe. Luckily there has been a resurgence of the herbal medicne industry in Europe. Things started to change from the 1950"s and Paganism and Satanism is no longer illegal in most European and North American Countries.

If one considers the church to be a right handed conservative path then Satanism is an extreme left handed path which one can equate with the extreme left handed paths of the East. These are the Tantrik Schools of India, Tibet, China and Japan. Most show a strong sexual approach to religion. They believe that the road to enlightenment,to the godhead etc, is not by keeping to strict social moral codes or taboos but by going in the opposite direction, by breaking them. Their philosophy of life is in some way reinforced by the energy of one' feelings and instincts. Strong emotional passions are powerful aids that make for higher awareness and help to concentrate spiritual forces and lead to liberation of self and a state of union with the Absolute. The feelings can be from passionate devotion to raging lust,burning love to murderous hatred.

This is sometimes expressed in obscene language (equivalent for Satanists in blasphemy) They say nature cannot be transgressed so anything natural cannot be wrong.Same way as saying anything you think or do is valid and should not be held back by social norms. If you think it act on it. They call for an uninhibited life free from the bondage of artificial convention and social restraint and feelings of remorse and guilt. They would prefer to go about naked. Erections, emissions, urination and evacuation are modes of worship. Sex is an amoral activity to which evil is not applicable. They maintain that current codes of morality are unnatural and cause injury.Nothing is prohibited and everything is permitted. The initiate must become indifferent to taboos and reject them. What sends the average man to hell ensures their salvation. Prohibited acts are rungs of a ladder by which they ascend to the heights.There is no right and wrong. Tensions are removed. Mystical union occurs for all things are one.The self and what it seeks become one. This is where the saying "I am god "appears. There becomes neither deity nor devotee since they are now identical.There is no virtue and vice. Folly and wisdom are one. The folly of fools is wisdom and the wisdom of the wise folly.There is no difference between industry and idleness, pleasure and pain, praise and scorn, honour and dishonour. Forbidden sexuality, including incest and adultery must be practiced. Meat and alcohol which was taboo was eaten. They would also consume scatological substances and human flesh in ritual symbolizing rejection of traditional values.Quite often in burial grounds.
In India and Tibet a characteristic feature was carrying out certain actions contrary to normal practice. In some sects things normally considered unclean or disgusting, such as excretions of the human body, are used in certain cult rites.Ritual copulation takes place in reverse order. "Coitus in ano"- Anal sex. This draws down more perverse powers and makes more potent magic.
Sacred chants are recited backwards.
In their holy scriptures some of the writings are as follows:-
"One who has knowledge of god although he commits great evil, become pure and immortal"
"A wise man should remove the filth by filth"
"Do not suppress your feelings choose whatever you want, and do whatever you desire, for in this way you please the goddess(Kali?). Perfection can be attained by satisfying all one's desires"
"By the very acts through which the ordinary person boils in Hell, by those very acts the initiate yogi obtain emancipation"
"Mukti through bhukti"-Salvation through sensuality
"Yoga through bhoga"-Union with god through sexual enjoyment
"The journey to erotic love is also to god"-the journey to lust is also to light"
They work on the body with exercise, breathing exercises, chakras, and get the kundalini energy at the base of the spine to rise. Eventually they may attain "siddhis" or supernatural powers.
Sex with prostitutes was held in the highest regard. Sometimes extremely ugly to  overcome the initiates personal or acquired taste. In some cases the last phase of a tantrik's progress was sexual union on the astral plane and in some cases necrtosexuality.
There were many violent sects carrying out human sacrifices and ritual murder to please the goddess. A well known one were the "Thugees'

In the West we have made a start in the last few hundred years. Sometimes in extreme secrecy  I feel though the West still have a long way to go. In the East they have been at this for over a thousand years. I think although we are moving forward many Satanists acquire "power" but lack wisdom to control it and use it to their advantage.There are few "teachers" around. There are many self styled teachers who are downright dangerous and want to use and abuse the initiate. I think we are slowly getting there. But Satanism will always be outside main stream society.
In some cases in the East some of the "Gurus" teach the right handed path but practice the left.I wonderer if this does not happen in the West.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Satanic Living

 Well you've become a Satanist. Now what? How do you live. I mean what will be your underlying motives in life. Say which are different from other human beings. I mean you can't necessarily live by their rules. Mind you I suppose you can if you want to. But Satanism gives you such freedom that makes you come alive.And Satan will probably work on you in some way. I tend or use three "rules"or what I would call underlying ideas. They are not written in stone. But just useful.
1)The Rules: There are no rules-Satanic Koan?
2)Always be aware of cause and effect
3)Satan may tempt you but it is your decision whether to implement

Now although "There are no rules" that must also be read with respect for every other human being. They have as much right as you to do what they want. Satanism is about every single person having the right to be an individual, thinking what they like and acting how they like. I think there is a proviso here-that is within the current laws of the country in which one resides.I don't feel it give you carte blanche to go out and make mayhem.I think its pointless.I don't quite see the benefit. It seems these sought of guys have in some way lost the plot. As a Satanist fine but I don't think as a Satanist you will grow. I think you will stagnate. And that to me in Satanism is not the idea . The idea is about growth. Also if your intention is to "stuff "others up you are to me breaking one of the fundermental Satanic premises that in Satanism everybody has the right to be an individual.
Many Satanists seem to get drawn to drugs or are already into it. Fine. But I think they should be aware of the down side. I feel it is cheating in some way. They want to fast track forward. Which it will. But it is like being put in charge of a jumbo jet at 40000 feet. Fantastic but heck "how do I land". The other risk is it opens up your aura and allows all manner of enterties to enter or attack you. Not all enterties or demons are in the Satanic camp. Many are very unfriendly to humans. Its like removing the earth's atmosphere. All manner of meteors etc would hammer the earth.
Lust is a very strong drive for most Satanists. Its probably the single biggest thing which "trapped" people into Satanism. Satan loves using this and knows the human weakness for this. Most of us have been bashed by the establishment to destroy our primordial lust. And when it is released it can be mind blowing for a time.You will want sex all the time.All soughts of hidden deprived and unconventional ideas may come to the fore . They may shock you. Things you never thought of before. This in some way you will have to handle. In most cases it will increase over time. Many Satanists get pulled into the lust thing 100%. They believe it is the b all and end all of it. That can be fine if that is what they truly want. But there could be more to Satanism. But if you want more sex and sensuality then Satan will give you what you want. He does not mind. But it can lead you into dangerous health situations.Always be on your guard.
Marriage in its present form in the Western World was always an xian concept. Basically to control men and womens sexuality. It is a complete farce. The ideal for a Satanist is to be single. If they are a couple I think it will put tremendous pressure on the relationship unless both are Satanists or are very accepting of each other, or they went into the relationship knowing the facts. The lustful drive will tend to break down any xian vows that they had.  Whoever is the Satanist will want to break down those vows. If in a relaitionship the other party cannot change then I think you will find that you have to lie and cheat to satisfy your lust. Possibly divorce. I have come across couples where the man was able to turn his wife into a total slut.  Or if she is able to cuckold him this again is a Satanic way to live.Love is very nebulous and goes out the door after a few months or years. It also seems that for most men and women a strong homosexual or bisexual theme seems to develop. So the points above would apply whether gay, bi or whatever. If there are children I think it is near impossible to play out that life. And if you do you may have problems from social services. So for those couples best if left till  kids have left home.
Politically I believe most Satanist would have a strong gravitation towards anarchy or libertarian camp.Eg minimum government controlling you. I'm afraid I don't see  that happening in the Western World. Did happen in the Ukraine after the breakdown of Russia in 1918 but the communist took the country after 3 years or so. But it would give us the greatest freedom.

"Always be aware of cause and effect". To me very very important. Think through what change you are going to initiate. Just don't go and do it . Think-think of all the possible outcomes. It may sound great. It may look great. It may be massively tempting. Stop-think it through. Afterwards what would be the outcome. Good for you. Bad for you. Dangerous. Risky. Health Danger. Illegal.  Loss of Finance. Loss of Partner. Legal outcomes. As they say in financial circles does the gain overide the risk.Usually for them the gain is at least double the potential loss.If the stakes are too high do not do it whatever the benefits are. And I know sometimes the temptations are massive.

Now we come to the last idea."Satan may tempt you but it is your decision whether to implement".
You will probably be bombarded with ideas and temptations from time to time. They are really suggestions from Satan to you.  They are not necessarily instructions from Him. He sees you as an individual who has a right to do as you will. That's what He wants. Not some weak figure doing what He tells them. He wants you to be powerful and think for yourself. So if you like, it is a joint relationship between Satan and you. He is helping you to break down all that xian indoctrination. Years of it. And it will take years to break. It is a never ending process. When new suggestions come into your mind you may never have thought about it before. He can bring up totally new ideas. It is up to you if you want to implement. You may need time to implement. You may try it out and say no not for me. You may put it on hold. But it is YOUR decision. And only yours.