Once you have accepted Satan you will be tempted. It will push your boundaries. It will be unending. It will smash all your "rules". Everything will be questioned. Conservatism will be destroyed. All social norms-phat!You will have opened the door into the basement. If you're heterosexual you may find you become bisexual. If your bisexual you become homosexual. If your homosexual you become a complete slut or want to go bareback. There is no way of telling what will happen. When you were pleasant and "fitted "in you may become rude and difficult. You will become arrogant. You may become vain and self loving. People will notice you more.
The main problem is control. Your control. How much do you control your control. Eventually the idea is to have no control. To completely "Walk with Satan". No mind . Only Satanic mind.But few are able to do this. It is a tight rope.It can be dangerous. It can destroy you if not handled correctly. But you must cast off the energies that block you going forward on this path to Satan.
Satan will tempt you to do everything that you have been taught not to do. It is up to you to choose. Only you can choose what you do. Not Satan. He only tempts.
But as you go further down the path to Hell more of your "controls" will be removed. You will have no fear.
In fact the temptations will strip away the outer layers of indoctrination. The temptations will be like a hammer chipping away at your mind. And at the same time holding out the benefits. Eventually thrill gains the upper hand. Sometimes the fact of not doing can be more stressful than going forward. You know you want to but that conservative indoctrination holds you back. But more of this will in time be broken down.
Pleasure -extreme pleasure is a strong pull.
But always-always remember it is your choice. And your choice only. Not Satan's. He is just the potential catalyst. And most importantly remember the maxim" cause and effect." What will be the outcome.
To survive in society one has to in some way conform to certain rules . It is unavoidable.
It depends in some way how you want to appear to society. Due you want to walk in secret like a few R.C.Priests I have come across who are Satanists. Wolves in sheep's clothing, or others who are elders in xian groups who are Satanists. Others may be totally open about their Satanism. Attracting people to them like bees to a honey pot. It is your choice and only your choice.

You must try to develop your mind. Look at yourself. Try to ascertain the real you. To bring out the Basic Nature. To disbelieve what you have believed and been indoctrinated with about yourself. Identify your basic desires, and self beliefs.
As a Satanist to develop you must know yourself -the real real you.Then you will be able to handle the temptations and make the correct decisions.Discard some, react to others. Satan wants you to develop into the real person that you are. Not some mindless accepting slave-even within the Satanic Realm.
As you go down the Path you gain more experience. You will be able to go into situations and realms that you would never of been able to handle or control when you first were "chosen".
It your life. Your Decision. Develop the Power.Hail.
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