So later I said "You are on the right path. What is happening is normal and
natural. I have been there. Old programming is being rearranged to set you
FREE. New ideas and wanting new experiences will enter the mind. Set up an
altar to our Master. 2 black candles, a knife,bell, plate, black cloth and pic
Satan. Altar facing East. Strip naked, light candles, ring bell 9 times,
looking down say "I invoke demons of Hell to watch over my worship",
"I invoke the Beast to watch over my worship". Looking East say 'I
invoke Lucifer to watch over my worship",Looking South say "I invoke
Belial to watch over my worship", Looking West say"I invoke Leviathan
to watch over my worship".Then face north and say "I invoke my Lord
and Master Satan to watch over my worship". Then masturbate saying I offer
my sperm to you Satan. Listen. Thoughts and ideas in worship come from Satan
When finished- Face North say "Satan Thanks for watching over my worship
you may depart back to Hell. Depart." do the same for Leviathan facing
west say"Leviathan Thanks for watching over my worship. You may depart
back to Hell. Depart." Do the same for Belial facing South , and Lucifer
facing East. Then ring bell 9 times and put out candles.You will have strong
thoughts that night. You are strong enough to do this. You have the makings of
a powerful Satanist."
Then while looking on the net I saw another question from a neophyte in a similar vein saying "I just did the Dedication Ritual for Father Satan, what should I do next?"It was answered by a very experienced Satanist who said
"The point
to make here, is that you should not have *expectations* of immediate reward.Dedicating your soul is about reaching out to your creator and acknowledging Him as the Father of humanity and entering into a spiritual bond with Him that lasts forever.
Finally, (and this is a very important step) you should meditate. This is where you privately ask Satan for help and guidance through the difficult times that you will undoubtable encounter (as we all do in life). This does not mean that you will see Satan appear before you. We all have different levels of openness and communicative abilities. But live the rest of your life intelligently and following Satan’s wishes (He will communicate them to you in time) and you will be greatly rewarded.
After a ritual there can be expected:
- Bizarre coincidences that will give you confidence on what you did,
- Reliable personal guidance,
- Dreams in which you see a problem’s solution or answers to questions,
- Solving of the problem in a way, let’s say, odd. Impressive,
- Dreams in which Demons appear,
- Guiding voices."
So there you have it -worship, meditate, listen ,watch and be aware. Satan will communicate with you.
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