Saturday, 1 March 2014

West Meets East


In the West for the last 2000 years religion has fundamentally been controlled by the xians and their agent the Roman Catholic Church from Rome. Later by its many off shoots. There was still much paganism up to the 1600 to 1700's. But the xians burnt approximately 2 to 8 million so called witches and pagans who were basicaly herbalists during this time in Europe. Luckily there has been a resurgence of the herbal medicne industry in Europe. Things started to change from the 1950"s and Paganism and Satanism is no longer illegal in most European and North American Countries.

If one considers the church to be a right handed conservative path then Satanism is an extreme left handed path which one can equate with the extreme left handed paths of the East. These are the Tantrik Schools of India, Tibet, China and Japan. Most show a strong sexual approach to religion. They believe that the road to enlightenment,to the godhead etc, is not by keeping to strict social moral codes or taboos but by going in the opposite direction, by breaking them. Their philosophy of life is in some way reinforced by the energy of one' feelings and instincts. Strong emotional passions are powerful aids that make for higher awareness and help to concentrate spiritual forces and lead to liberation of self and a state of union with the Absolute. The feelings can be from passionate devotion to raging lust,burning love to murderous hatred.

This is sometimes expressed in obscene language (equivalent for Satanists in blasphemy) They say nature cannot be transgressed so anything natural cannot be wrong.Same way as saying anything you think or do is valid and should not be held back by social norms. If you think it act on it. They call for an uninhibited life free from the bondage of artificial convention and social restraint and feelings of remorse and guilt. They would prefer to go about naked. Erections, emissions, urination and evacuation are modes of worship. Sex is an amoral activity to which evil is not applicable. They maintain that current codes of morality are unnatural and cause injury.Nothing is prohibited and everything is permitted. The initiate must become indifferent to taboos and reject them. What sends the average man to hell ensures their salvation. Prohibited acts are rungs of a ladder by which they ascend to the heights.There is no right and wrong. Tensions are removed. Mystical union occurs for all things are one.The self and what it seeks become one. This is where the saying "I am god "appears. There becomes neither deity nor devotee since they are now identical.There is no virtue and vice. Folly and wisdom are one. The folly of fools is wisdom and the wisdom of the wise folly.There is no difference between industry and idleness, pleasure and pain, praise and scorn, honour and dishonour. Forbidden sexuality, including incest and adultery must be practiced. Meat and alcohol which was taboo was eaten. They would also consume scatological substances and human flesh in ritual symbolizing rejection of traditional values.Quite often in burial grounds.
In India and Tibet a characteristic feature was carrying out certain actions contrary to normal practice. In some sects things normally considered unclean or disgusting, such as excretions of the human body, are used in certain cult rites.Ritual copulation takes place in reverse order. "Coitus in ano"- Anal sex. This draws down more perverse powers and makes more potent magic.
Sacred chants are recited backwards.
In their holy scriptures some of the writings are as follows:-
"One who has knowledge of god although he commits great evil, become pure and immortal"
"A wise man should remove the filth by filth"
"Do not suppress your feelings choose whatever you want, and do whatever you desire, for in this way you please the goddess(Kali?). Perfection can be attained by satisfying all one's desires"
"By the very acts through which the ordinary person boils in Hell, by those very acts the initiate yogi obtain emancipation"
"Mukti through bhukti"-Salvation through sensuality
"Yoga through bhoga"-Union with god through sexual enjoyment
"The journey to erotic love is also to god"-the journey to lust is also to light"
They work on the body with exercise, breathing exercises, chakras, and get the kundalini energy at the base of the spine to rise. Eventually they may attain "siddhis" or supernatural powers.
Sex with prostitutes was held in the highest regard. Sometimes extremely ugly to  overcome the initiates personal or acquired taste. In some cases the last phase of a tantrik's progress was sexual union on the astral plane and in some cases necrtosexuality.
There were many violent sects carrying out human sacrifices and ritual murder to please the goddess. A well known one were the "Thugees'

In the West we have made a start in the last few hundred years. Sometimes in extreme secrecy  I feel though the West still have a long way to go. In the East they have been at this for over a thousand years. I think although we are moving forward many Satanists acquire "power" but lack wisdom to control it and use it to their advantage.There are few "teachers" around. There are many self styled teachers who are downright dangerous and want to use and abuse the initiate. I think we are slowly getting there. But Satanism will always be outside main stream society.
In some cases in the East some of the "Gurus" teach the right handed path but practice the left.I wonderer if this does not happen in the West.

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