Your Satanic thoughts turn a key and open a door to Hell. A door to unknown freedom and pleasure. To acceptance of depravity outside societies moral norms. It is a two way process. Partly inside your mind, partly I believe from an outside force. Maybe Satanic Universal Consciousness. By your acceptance of Satan they connect in some way. Your "evil" energy acts as a catalyst to grow and make contact with that external Satanic energy.That external Satanic energy then acts as a catalyst, connecting and activating your sub conscious mind to expand your natural Satanic thoughts. It is a like a chemical reaction. Eventually changing your thought processes. It is automatic. Once your thought process has activated that key, the mind is opened up to receive the energy from this Satanic External Universal Consciousness. It just pours in. It is like opening the flood gates of the mind and letting the water pour in. The more the mind receives this outer energy the more that energy explodes the mind which in turn expands the outer energy to feed the mind . And visa verse. Getting bigger and bigger and more powerful. It is a massive growing process. You have watered the plant. Similar in some ways to the "big bang". It can and does explode for some.When a human being pays "reverence" to a non human force then it gives that force power within the human realm.You are unleashing a massive external force that until that moment you had no idea existed. It has existed from time immemorial. It is a force that has been denied and hidden from you by the conservative upbringing that you have received. Up to that moment you have been brainwashed by society. Society does not like this path. They would like to destroy you. It scares them as you are no longer their slave. They can control you no longer. They wanted to farm your energy for their uses. No more.
When you become a Satanist initially you will have no idea of the changes that will occur. It will rip your social norms to shreds. It will turn what you thought you were on its head.
When I became a Satanist I had little idea of the changes that were going to happen. That automatically without effort ones mind was going to be totally opened up. Once that Satanic catalyst is allowed to enter all Hell breaks lose. Your orientations will in all probability become completely reversed. Where there was once caution this will be none.After "giving your self to Satan " the affects can be immediate. Are all these evil thoughts just there waiting to be activated by this key. Are we in fact naturally more like the left handed path in orientation, the right handed path being the odd man out. Once we break the" rules" our natural self, the Satanic self, comes out. The changes for a human when they become a Satanist is so great as to believe they no longer have a self. But personalities are ever changing and Satan has just been the catalyst for change. The new "personality's" concepts and orientation has moved so far in such a short space of time for the "old" personality to accept and deal with. Once on this path it is virtually impossible to go back to the old you.It seems you hunger for "more". The "old" personality may have imagined it would be able to control the situation. But it had no idea of the force that was going to come. This "evilness" of Satan plays on the human weaknesses of sexuality, pleasure, power and freedom etc And once it starts it is like a drug. You are released into the natural animal kingdom of nature.You become aware of societies controls and how many mental controls there are out there. One becomes more sexual-sensual. You become depraved, You are shocked but you want more. This is just from saying" I WORSHIP SATAN " Those words, thoughts, forces flows out from your conscious mind to both your sub conscious mind and universal consciousness and back.It will not stop. Just from that simple statement.
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