Once you realized that there was no going back .No escape or you did not want to escape what was the next cause of action.There are few books. There are no covens on the corner. There are no priests wanting your money.This is a private relationship between you and Satan. You have to listen. Go with your gut instinct.You must develop that. Hear the sound. Listen to your unconscious brain. Meditation yes. For me I set up an altar. I put pictures on it. Stones -anything that I felt was relevant. I made a black mirror. I got black candles, incense etc. This was my journey. My partner was horrified. I was octricised. Other people were told. He has gone insane. The looks!!!Phew. All part of the course for some . The more they shat over me the more I fought back.I mean was I not an individual free to choose his destiny?What the hell was going on with these people. Oh yes the whole thing is a con. Its all ok as long as you tow the line. Fuck that not for me. Anyway I was glad the partner refused to share my bed . I was quite prepared to do this alone. So at night I was free to do as I pleased.my altar was beside my bed . This was my gateway to Satan.
I would light my candles,ring the bell, invoke the four corners and carry out incantations to Him.Most I had gleaned off the net. The first thing I noticed was I seem to always get very horny around my altar -especially when I was doing worship. So fine I started masturbating over my altar. It was very normal to me and I got the feeling Satan enjoyed it. Sometimes I would also put pictures of naked men on the altar. I would do many different prayers to Satan that I found on the net. I found my sexuality increased ten fold. Once or twice my partner when occasionally we did have sex said it was like having sex with the devil-which of course it was. Fantastic.Strange things started to happen to me . I made a black mirror and put it on the altar. Once in worship I had this feeling that a strange power was in my stomach and started to come up my body. When it came to my mouth I let out a growl then a raw. Another time I felt demons were going round and round me-watching.Another time when I was close to an xian I felt this quite growl within. Strange fantastic stuff.I loved it. I also found that the more horny I became I also seemed to become very anal. Perhaps Satan was trying to get into my head and bit by bit breakdown ones earlier indoctrinations. This I now realise was so-But it is a long road which never ends.Untill there are no morals left and all indoctrination destroyed.
But I realized I was a complete neophyte. And I now realise the road one has to travel is long and arduous.It is not for the faint hearted.But the power within grows. But that is for another time
The power, as dark and ineffable as it is, always grows. Constant evolution/involution into the dark void that is also enlightenment. From your previous post, Satanism as it is, is best reached at a later state when one is more in control of desires and emotions. Of course, this is merely to conform to what this plane of existence demands of you, or in my case, to bend it to my Will and construct a veneer that society will digest. Inevitably, the path demands more than tempts, and one must take action.