As you go down this path there are many trails that lead off the main highway. Satan gives one complete freedom. All paths are in fact Satanic. Even if you may find some of them unacceptable. There are so many arguments between Satanists saying this is the way-not that. This is incorrect-this is not, These people I am afraid have lost the plot. Their thinking is still xtian. It is main stream society thinking. These people are still left with their indoctrination. In Satanism you have to accept there may be things you do not like, do not wish to do and do not accept. But within the Satanic framework it is all part of the system. Satan does not say do this, do that. It is up to you how you develop. Whatever you do always has consequences. Cause and affect will always apply. If a Satanist does something you do not accept remember it is their process, not yours. They will have to live with the effect and the consequences of their actions. One must remember within Satanism there is enormous growth. All those rules and regulations set up by society, family, friends, companies, governments, religions are ripped apart. You re assess everything. You make new rules. New ways of living. What you do as a Satanist will in all probability not be acceptable within the social framework you had before. Satanism is in the main a very individual and lonely path. Everybody has their own ideas as they grow. Your mind in a way is split open. All those thoughts which were held back come charging out. One must remember others have this but their path will in all probability be very different. Many will also be at very different stages of development. As everybody moves along the path they will find barriers and blockages. Other will stop by the wayside and just enjoy the experience of where they have got to. Taking their time before moving forward. But forward they will eventually go.
The paths are many, prayer, affirmations, altar worship, sigils, demonolatry, cock worship, sorcery, magic, pain. others considered disgusting by some, others on the far right wing politically and others into some form of sacrifice. Although sacrifice can show some form of mental problem. But leaving aside any who may have serious mental problems, all paths with Satanism have to be seen as acceptable. Satan does not judge. HE is if you like totally neutral to what you do, to what happens and how you develop. That is your concern-not HIS. HE just wants to open you up to what HE sees as the potential in you . To develop this potential to what you were supposed to be before society tried and did in many cases crush you.
Yours offers the most realistic and honest account of the Satanic path and has helped me hugely along this dark but fascinating path. All your entries resonate. Thank you so much! Ave Satanis