Whether to expose yourself. Show people who you are. Show who you are on the net.The ideal is probably to be completly open.Show that you are a Satanic Homosexual. But even exposing yourself as a Gay can be tricky. Your position at work could be affected. Your social position could be affected. Loose friends gain others. Family could reject you. Satanism as well could cause more problems. Luckily for me I work on my own and do contract work. But my clients don't know I'm gay nor a Satanist. But I can if I want take days off, sometimes no work so I can do whatever I like. If you work in a large organisation it will be very different.As I work from home I can work naked or wear tank tops and I never wear underpants. I now shave my head.
There is a very strong desire to to expose myself. Give out your full name contact details. Some of my immediate family know. They think I'm nuts. When others were told one got some very strange looks. But looking back at least one was not "in fear" -Hiding in the closet. The more who possibly come out as Satanists maybe the better. I have also found when I tell other people their eyes open wide! As if I am going to put a spell on them. Idiots.
We are supposedly powerful Satanic men it seems ridiculous that we have to hide away. Mind you on the other hand it maybe a good thing. We can work on those xians in secret. Doing all manner of manipulations without them being aware of it. But as you go further down the path it gets more easy and less of a problem to expose more of yourself to the world and society.
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Going Down the Path
As you go down this path things get more erotic. You were highly sexed before. Now it has been increased. Satan and the Demons will tempt you night and day with all soughts of new methods of enjoyment probably never considered before. You may find initialy this can surprise and or could horrify you. The levels of what society considers depravity are endless. This is all acceptable to Him. In fact He and the Demons get as much enjoyment out of one's sexual exploits as you. In fact many Demons like to get into your mind and try and control your antics for there pleasure. One may in early stages still have some ego strength and indoctrinations that will in some way override and may stop or mitigate these new sexual thoughts, so that they may be in your mind but not acted on. The temptation is there but you in some way still control it with your "old" thinking process. But the temptation may barrage you night and day. It will get stronger and stronger in time. You feel in some way you are going insane. Your mind is being completely turned on its head.You want it but you see the "risks" are high. Before you were careful. You used protection. Maybe occasionally going bareback. Now that is all being thrown out the window. You may have been a top now you want to be a bottom. Maybe Satan wants your ass as the cup for toxic Satanic seeds of men. As a bottom accepting all Toxic Satanic Seeds will make you very powerful. As a top you have unlimited Satanic sexual energy which must be released to empower others. Maybe you can manipulate it. Get the massive new sexual exhilaration without the risk. Maybe by more worship and invoking you can still get your sexual highs that Satan wants you to enjoy. It is in some way like walking a tightrope. One must play with this to come to an acceptable risk formula. If you go the whole way you may find you burn yourself out very very quickly. Satan may not want that. Prehaps He wants to show you what a sexualy pwerful being you are. If you have the mind control maybe this can be used for other purposes within the Satanic realm. Its up to you . Its your choice.
Friday, 30 September 2016
When I first came to Satan I was meditating one day. Looking at my thoughts. Suddenly a red figure appeared. Naked with horns and a tail. I felt the thoughts were coming from outside myself. Satan beckoned to me to suck His cock. Then He turned around and beckoned me to kiss His left buttock. Then He turned around and sucked my cock. All very erotic. Then He was gone. After many thoughts about it and discussions with another Satanist, the meaning was interpreted as you give to Satan and in return He gives to you. It is a two way process. He wants you to grow to be like Him. As you in some way give to Him He reciprocates. To grow into what was originally intended when you were born . Before the xians got to you. Before they indoctrinated you with all their crap. So that all your natural and immense power was drained by them. To be used for controlling purposes.
Satanism is a 50/50 thing. It is a two way flowing process. You do not and it has never been intended that you grovel in the dirt before Him. That you "die " for Him. What fucking nonsense, that is all for the xians to do. If as a "Satanist' you still think that way you have lost the plot.
You have to "serve " , give or present to Him in some way. Give blood. worship etc etc etc Give Him what you feel He wants of you or feel He in some way has communicated to you. But always remember it is a two way process in which He in return will "give" to you. He will have mapped out a development process for you to move forward along the path to His Satanic enlightenment. This is basically removing all the indoctrination of you past life. To be completely reprogrammed so that you become the Satanic person you were meant to be. Not a subservient wimp that Western society has impregnated into your skull since birth. Satan wants you to be as far as you can be similar to the Gods and the Demons with all the powers that they have. Do not on your Satanic path take the xian programming with you. You are not a Servant of Satan. You meet Him on equal terms.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
At the moment I find I am drawn to Baal. He was a fertility God the Canaanites. He is now considered one of the most powerful Daemons within the Satanic framework. No one now seems to know exactly how He was worshiped as nearly all records have been destroyed or lost. But a few bits of information remain. It seems that it was considered that anything excreted from the body was sacred. Therefore sperm , shit or urine would to worshipers be seen as sacred.Some called it the worship of the crack. In that the worshiper would turn his anus to the Baal at the altar ,expose his buttocks and crap on the altar. They also used to have sexual orgies in which temple prostitutes would take part and all devious practices were accepted. In one statue or picture Baal is shown sucking a penis.All this was in some way to help the fertility of crops. So they would have bumper harvests. Dung was also put on the altar. Baal was in some way the epitome of regrowth for the communities future and well being. Within the Hindu framework much is offered to their Gods especially food. After being offered it is then eaten. This would definitely show that in the case of Baal Worship there is a strong possibility that human excretions offered being sacred would be eaten. This brings me to what I have seen on the net.In Satanism it seems most become extremely lustful and partake in all manner of sexual acts which are considered abhorrent by main stream society. Looking at them, homosexuality, drinking sperm, eating scat, drinking urine and fucking bareback etc - These all seem to be without the participants knowing it -the modern worship of Baal. In some way his power has been reactivated in the Satanist. The more they partake the more they want. Baal has pulled them in to his style of worship -for both the participant and Baal's enjoyment. it is as if the ancient worship possibly unknown to the participants has been re activated in the in this century.
Many people have said Baal was associated with child slaughter but there seems to be a difference of opinion here in that this was so in the worship of Moloch, but was not found much in the worship of Baal except where both religions overlapped.
So when you partake of theses abhorrent acts it is just that the Demon Baal has converted you to His pleasurable style of worship for your and His enjoyment. If as a Satanist ideas such as these appear on the path to Hell be aware of probably where they come from. Hail Satan.
Many people have said Baal was associated with child slaughter but there seems to be a difference of opinion here in that this was so in the worship of Moloch, but was not found much in the worship of Baal except where both religions overlapped.
So when you partake of theses abhorrent acts it is just that the Demon Baal has converted you to His pleasurable style of worship for your and His enjoyment. If as a Satanist ideas such as these appear on the path to Hell be aware of probably where they come from. Hail Satan.
Do not apply xtian principles
Came across this email from a very powerful Satanist. She makes interesting comments here about the mind and Satanic thought. I don't agree with some of her other statements on the web but this gave me food for thought
Too many people apply Christian
principles to Satanism. One does not "pray" to Satan or our Gods for
this and that.
Satan is the giver of knowledge. He
gives us knowledge on how we can obtain our desires using our own mind and
power. When we do this, our minds and souls become much more powerful. We then
obtain what we need.
I have worked very, very hard for Satan
and the Powers of Hell for over 16 years now. I only ask Satan or Lilith (She
has worked directly with me for the past several years), when there is
something I can't accomplish on my own. I would never, ever bother them for
trivial concerns. Never.
I respect them. I know they are
extremely busy. I am grateful beyond words for the knowledge they have given me
and they have rewarded me for my years of work in many different ways.
Satanism is about learning and
empowering yourself so you can take care of your own needs.
Christians pray and weakly rely upon
some nonexistent spook to take care of everything and to control their lives.
If the spook is unresponsive, too bad. Many Christians pray for years and years
and get no response. Also, the spook doesn't always pan out the way the
Christian wants the earnest prayer answered. Many even wind up dead relying on
the spook.
Satan gives us the knowledge, the words
of power and meditation techniques so we can take control of our own lives.
Satanism is NOT Christianity and should never be approached in Christian
My thoughts on this is that we are programmed in many ways like a computer. When grown up we are handling information within the xtian tradition. Its a bit like say Windows 10 Operating System being the xtian way for our minds to handle new Satanic thoughts. All your Satanic thoughts will be tainted by xtianism in some way. You need a new operating system in order to process information within the Satanic framework.. A totally new way of handling Satanic concepts. You need to be completely re programmed like getting a Linux operating system into your head. This is where in many traditions they take you and break you down mentally so that you start in some way from nothing -like being at day zero of your life again . You can then start to reprogram yourself to see and accept Satanic ideas in a completely new light. In a Satanic way within a Satanic framework. Within the framework of your mind having a completely new Satanic operating system.This reprogramming framework one can see in many sects of Satanism. In some way you are "killed" and then given a new "life'. You are in some way broken down so that Satan can build you up and mold you in His ways. So that you then develop yourself in your way to become the real person you were meant to be. Not a lackey of Windows 10 programming.
There are many ways to reprogram yourself but it has to be done completely -Not in half measures. That I think is why some of the methods used can be painful or barbaric. The idea is to smash your built up crappy ways of looking and interpreting life and situations. The idea is to break you down. To get you back to year dot. Then and only then can you be built up with a new Satanic system in your head. It is in a way like the initiations one has at school, college, university or the army. But these are much more tame as you keep the original operating system and just pay alliance to their community.In Satanism it has to be much more in some ways extensive. More complete. All your rules are turned inside out. To some degree some of the processes bring on a cathartic experience which will completely open the mind. Once done there is no return. It is impossible. The thinking experience has been rebuilt. One sees every thing from a Satanic view point even if you do not partake in what you may see around you. To do this on your own can be difficult but it is not impossible. It may take time. Exposed to other Masters it can be speeded up. Satan will of course slowly work on one. But His main process is to make you aware -so that you grow to be what was originally intended for you as a human animal-machine. He will help you develop. If married--an xtian concept - He may get the male mind to crave men sex. To be fucked by other men maybe. A cathartic experience for some. A female to become within the xtian concepts a whore. and or a lesbian. Within Satanic concepts these are completely natural and normal. Maybe eat scat-oh fuck! Unthinkable. Drink urine-oh no!!! This to shake the mind to its very foundation Be whipped. Expose yourself in many ways-On the net -To other people. Maybe it is better to stay in the Dark and secretly work on others. Very important for xtian priests and ministers. But in some way you must always be aware that you are most of the time looking at life through glass coloured by xtian upbringing and you have to change that so that your WHOLE being now sees or starts to see life through Satanic colouration. Satan will make you aware of the total control and indoctrination of our society. He will expose you to the freedom of your body and mind.
My thoughts on this is that we are programmed in many ways like a computer. When grown up we are handling information within the xtian tradition. Its a bit like say Windows 10 Operating System being the xtian way for our minds to handle new Satanic thoughts. All your Satanic thoughts will be tainted by xtianism in some way. You need a new operating system in order to process information within the Satanic framework.. A totally new way of handling Satanic concepts. You need to be completely re programmed like getting a Linux operating system into your head. This is where in many traditions they take you and break you down mentally so that you start in some way from nothing -like being at day zero of your life again . You can then start to reprogram yourself to see and accept Satanic ideas in a completely new light. In a Satanic way within a Satanic framework. Within the framework of your mind having a completely new Satanic operating system.This reprogramming framework one can see in many sects of Satanism. In some way you are "killed" and then given a new "life'. You are in some way broken down so that Satan can build you up and mold you in His ways. So that you then develop yourself in your way to become the real person you were meant to be. Not a lackey of Windows 10 programming.
There are many ways to reprogram yourself but it has to be done completely -Not in half measures. That I think is why some of the methods used can be painful or barbaric. The idea is to smash your built up crappy ways of looking and interpreting life and situations. The idea is to break you down. To get you back to year dot. Then and only then can you be built up with a new Satanic system in your head. It is in a way like the initiations one has at school, college, university or the army. But these are much more tame as you keep the original operating system and just pay alliance to their community.In Satanism it has to be much more in some ways extensive. More complete. All your rules are turned inside out. To some degree some of the processes bring on a cathartic experience which will completely open the mind. Once done there is no return. It is impossible. The thinking experience has been rebuilt. One sees every thing from a Satanic view point even if you do not partake in what you may see around you. To do this on your own can be difficult but it is not impossible. It may take time. Exposed to other Masters it can be speeded up. Satan will of course slowly work on one. But His main process is to make you aware -so that you grow to be what was originally intended for you as a human animal-machine. He will help you develop. If married--an xtian concept - He may get the male mind to crave men sex. To be fucked by other men maybe. A cathartic experience for some. A female to become within the xtian concepts a whore. and or a lesbian. Within Satanic concepts these are completely natural and normal. Maybe eat scat-oh fuck! Unthinkable. Drink urine-oh no!!! This to shake the mind to its very foundation Be whipped. Expose yourself in many ways-On the net -To other people. Maybe it is better to stay in the Dark and secretly work on others. Very important for xtian priests and ministers. But in some way you must always be aware that you are most of the time looking at life through glass coloured by xtian upbringing and you have to change that so that your WHOLE being now sees or starts to see life through Satanic colouration. Satan will make you aware of the total control and indoctrination of our society. He will expose you to the freedom of your body and mind.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Satanic Worship Ritual
I came across this Worship Ritual written by phallicdemonsedworship on tumblr. He is a powerful Satanist and his writings inspire one in the Satanic quest.I believe he was at one time a xtian monk.

Satanic Rituals are great for new people in opening the soul to Satanic energy
which is especially beautiful and most compelling…
satanic rituals we worship through Satanic Sodomy , unholy Blasphemy and
through all perversion that is borne in the flesh of man through embracing the
Satanic force and energy Satan ignites in our flesh.The brotherhood
gathers for such intense and dark sexual rituals in order to honour and
glorify our Lord Satan first and foremost and secondly to absorb into our souls
and flesh the infernal satanic energy liberated through our worship during
these rituals Imagine a black mass only with all naked guys standing around an
altar, having sex, worshiping cock and muscle…!
an elevated Image of Baphomet,or a Symbol of Baphomet – Representing
Satan, placed on the wall above the altar the brothers gather and
lie within the pentagram before a Satanic Altar with a
silver Chalice in the center surrounded by black or red lit
candles – Representing Lucifer, Bearer of Light These brothers
gather naked in numbers of 3 or more.One brother is placed upon the altar or in
the center of the pentagram and the ritual begins by calling upon the Name of
forth, Oh great Spawn of the Abyss.Let Thy Flame of Lust consume us ,Thy
Flame of Thy Perversion compel us,the Fire of Unholy Sodomy engulf us-
Sons of Sodom and legion! let and make thy presence manifest..Hail
brothers sodomize the slave of Satan crying out “HAIL SATAN”,taking turns
to impregnate his satanic cunt-the Portal of Sacred Sodomy which
initiates and focuses the flow of Satanic energy into the world…
their Satanic Seed is shed onto and into the slave,the flowing seed is then
poured into the Altar Chalice where from all brothers participate and
communicate of the Sacred Essence, drinking from it and honouring Lord Satan.
such satanic rituals the presence of Lust Demons is particularly enhanced and
strongly felt as an immense energy flow of lust which takes over the body and
soul of the brothers,so compelling that they feel possessed and compelled into
this flame of ritual worship.These sex demons participate by manipulating the
mind, body and desire of the satanic brothers, resulting in a convulsing state
of sexual ecstasy or a satanic sexual trance.The affect of these demons and the
energy released on and in their bodies is so euphoric to the flesh and the
senses and so long lasting that the brothers remain in a sexual stupor for some
One Dark Deity who dwells within the deepest recesses of our soul in
the Darkness of the universes , the Infinite Light. , exalted as
the great Satanas-Luciferi…”
Monday, 6 June 2016
Intention Intention Intention
Intention is all important and central to ones relationship with Satan. Not what you do . Not that you may make errors in what you do. Not how you do it. But that you are genuine in what you do. That you are committed to your involvement in this quest.Many people ask "Am I doing it correctly". "Have I made an error" If you have a genuine mind set in what you are doing with the intention to grow and walk with Satan then it is impossible to have errors.
Ceremonial and Ritualistic Worship is carried out within strict procedures laid down not by Satan but by parties who have had these ideas when walking this very individual path. One must remember it is this individual's way of interpreting his worship or methodology within the Satanic framework. These Ceremonial Worships are not written in stone. One can accept or reject them. The person whether Satanic Priest or whoever who composed them is basically no different from you. Many were written down hundreds of years ago.They may have relevance to you or not. It did to the person who wrote them but they can be totally irrelevant to you. Invoking Demons or Satan may have worked for them but that does not mean it will work for you. Remember Satanism is a totally individual path. There are no controlling books as there are in other religious.
Another form of worship or methodology within the Satanic frame work is Chaos. It suites Satanism well. In this case one develops along ones own path, unhindered by others. What works for you will be unique. You can develop your own methods of worship or methods of invoking Demons and Satan.You can experiment with anything that you may feel is relevant along this path. Total freedom for the individual. But that all important intention must be in the right place. If not you may be in for a shock. Satan and the Demons will know if you are fooling around. In Chaos workings you can grow and develop whereas with strict Ceremonial workings it may become somewhat static. Its only use may possibly be in group worship.
Within Satanism accept change, radical change. You may query your correctness. You may see errors. This adds to your growth. Satan will accept as long as you have respect. As long as the correct intention is there. That you are committed to this path as a person responsible and mindful of the outcome. You must be 100% committed if you are to get 100% return.The outcome is for your Satanic growth as you are led further down the path to Hell.
Serve Satan well with the right intention at all times and you will grow in mind and body into the person you were origionaly meant to be
Ceremonial and Ritualistic Worship is carried out within strict procedures laid down not by Satan but by parties who have had these ideas when walking this very individual path. One must remember it is this individual's way of interpreting his worship or methodology within the Satanic framework. These Ceremonial Worships are not written in stone. One can accept or reject them. The person whether Satanic Priest or whoever who composed them is basically no different from you. Many were written down hundreds of years ago.They may have relevance to you or not. It did to the person who wrote them but they can be totally irrelevant to you. Invoking Demons or Satan may have worked for them but that does not mean it will work for you. Remember Satanism is a totally individual path. There are no controlling books as there are in other religious.
Another form of worship or methodology within the Satanic frame work is Chaos. It suites Satanism well. In this case one develops along ones own path, unhindered by others. What works for you will be unique. You can develop your own methods of worship or methods of invoking Demons and Satan.You can experiment with anything that you may feel is relevant along this path. Total freedom for the individual. But that all important intention must be in the right place. If not you may be in for a shock. Satan and the Demons will know if you are fooling around. In Chaos workings you can grow and develop whereas with strict Ceremonial workings it may become somewhat static. Its only use may possibly be in group worship.
Within Satanism accept change, radical change. You may query your correctness. You may see errors. This adds to your growth. Satan will accept as long as you have respect. As long as the correct intention is there. That you are committed to this path as a person responsible and mindful of the outcome. You must be 100% committed if you are to get 100% return.The outcome is for your Satanic growth as you are led further down the path to Hell.
Serve Satan well with the right intention at all times and you will grow in mind and body into the person you were origionaly meant to be
Wednesday, 13 January 2016
Anal Sex
Anal sex between males is very important in the extreme left handed paths. It will in some way speed up the process along the path to Hell. Even in the East some Tantric Masters fuck their male students as a final ritual on completion of their training. It seems this radically effects the sub conscious mind and causes some sought of cathartic experience. With anal fucking the kundalini energy at the base of the spine instead of going up goes in reverse down to Hell. Although there may be differences of opinion here. Some saying it just activates that energy which rises up. One of the middle eastern religions stated that when man fucked man they became demons. That is of course what we want to do in Satanism. But it does seem to have a radical effect on the psyche. There are of course strong reactions from main stream religions to sodomy But for Satanist's surely this is an even a stronger reason for it to be done. The Demons like it since man on man sex is generally extremely lustful, powerful and aggressive which in some way gives them energy. Nothing can be more powerful and stimulating than seeing men fucking. That may be why so many homosexuals are drawn to Satanism. Many enemas in some way speeds up the detoxing of the body. With all the glands in the anus the entrance of sperm must have radical effects on the body. It can probably cause some form of transcendence or spiritual enlightenment. Below are some interesting comments I have come across:-
1)Ritual Sodomy
“The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by Sodomy”
Sodomy is extremely important in Satanic orgy rituals and sex magik, because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity known as Jehovah) you get his power and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates.
Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…!
The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the initiate’s “third eye” which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this act, a demonic Entity/ies, called Legion, is/are invoked,refered to as an “unclean spirit”.
The key is in the trauma: the complete destruction of the inner spirit. Then at the propitious moment the initiate’s third eye is opened so as to completely resocialize them and open their psychic abilities. in doing so, a bridge is created between this physical world and the spiritual realm. Once the Pineal Gland is opened, it allows a person to see into that realm. Thus, the reference to it being the Third Eye…
2)The Mystical Doctrine
The Rites of the Hyena King of Shemeber
by Aloysius Foszdyke
Sodomy is extremely important to the Alpha Lodge because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity you know as Jehovah) you get his power. It's just that simple and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates.
Austin Osman Spare found, bum sex both benumbs (which allows the subconscious to be accessed without the conscious mind interfering) and binds.
If binding is required the penetration of the 'wand' must occur at an upward angle so as to impress the nerves at the end of the spine and produce flashes of white light in the very mind of the initiate (enlightenment).
The XI degree of the OTO uses anal sex as do a number of affiliated groupings. There is a reversal of the body's subtle energy flows that is achieved by the aristocratic virtue of whitewashing the rear entry.
Since the proliferation of pornography, anal congress has established itself in the heterosexual world where the wonders of rectal romance are plain to apprehend. You don't even require a trained eye. By divorcing sex from any meaning it looses all meaning. Sex becomes an end in itself. Instead of lovers, there are sexual athletes. Love with all of its sentimental and cultural accretions is freed. Sodomy is normalized then consecrated.
Repressed homosexuals, in particular, display greater devotion. And by collecting the workings of such rites, acts of Magick can be effectively grounded (talismans, etc.) or used as a sacrament.
3)We maintain that the Eye of Hoor is better than the Mouth of Isis whichever the gender involved.
Satan and his Demons enter.
The direct invitation to demonic hordes:
Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…!
The demons (and Satan himself) whose abode is the spiritual realm, desperately want to get into this physical realm. They can only do so via invitation into this realm by human beings.
Demons access and affect this realm the greatest through their direct association with human beings. This could be anything from interfering with a human, to controlling aspects of their life, to outright possession of that individual. If they possess the individual, they have access to their brains as well as their bodies, controlling them to do whatever they want. Our being becomes transformes and demonized through this possession.All they need is an invite.
The point is that Satan has something for everyone. He can open that gateway to the spiritual realm through RITUAL SODOMY,rock music, drugs, pornography, New Age mysticism, Shamanism, the Occult, and many other ways…
“Those Sons of Mighty Satan who practice the dark occult arts believe and preach proudly to the world that Sodomy is a vehicle through which the door is open to the spiritual realm.”
Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the Initiate.Sacret Sodomy is the foundation for Gay Satanists. It is also called the key of David..
The affinity between the secretions of the endocrine glands and the vibrations radiating from the subtle chakras explored through sodomic rituals, forms the basis of sexual magick which utilizes these vibrations in a way as yet unknown to science. All the so-called phallic cults originally possessed the true knowledge of these matters before it was lost or perverted by improper use. What remains of the ancient wisdom is the remnant only of debased and phallic rites…!
In order to be fully consumed by the Satanic Flame there needs to be a change in the way the mind of the sodomised man works. This change can only be achieved through SODOMY..!!
Friday, 8 January 2016
The Devil's Bible (Satan's Will 2)
Sometimes you come across writings which really makes you think or so to speak hit home. This happened when I read The Devil's Bible. In fact the last section. I felt it was so important what they were stating. In some ways I found it mind blowing.It hits one of the main tenets of Satanism.The main point or argument that came up in my mind was on the Satanic path whose Will is the driving force. Your Will, Free Will ,Satan's Will. And anyway what is this Will that everybody speaks of. Do you in fact really have free will. When you are born -day one-do you have any will. It is in some way the power to act at one's own discretion. But surely in society that will become tainted.by external forces. This is where indoctrination comes in. We all like to believe that we have free will but in reality this is far from true. In these Statements in the Devil's Bible it would seem that after much consideration Satan's Will should override your own will if they differ.. If your own will is in fact tarnished and is not free will but society's impressed upon you, which you may not be aware of, then following the Will of Satan may not be such a bad thing to do after all. He could be trying to break down the tricks in the social system you live under.so that you truly become a free spirit.In fact you might find being a Satanist your free will becomes in some way interwoven with or become Satan's Will. Read it below and come to your own conclusion.It is definitely food for thought.The main points are 2) to 13) &26)
The Eternal Crede of the Masters of Darkness
By Myrmydon
1) The ultimate goal of worshiping Satan is to form a relationship with Satan and his demons.
2) In so doing we transcend human emotions such as love, hate and fear and think in terms of what is realistically possible and impossible.
3) Life is but an endless barrage of possibilities in which we must evaluate and initiate the will of Satan with every given action.
4) we use prayer and ritual as a means of communicating openly with Satan. It is 'How' we determine what he asks of us, and where we discover the means by 'How' we will serve him.
5) There is no 'why' because 'why' is determined by Satan from the beginning.
6) For every challenge that Satan brings before us we learn what we are capable and incapable of overcoming.
7) We will always think in terms of the possible and impossible when contemplating how to carry out Satan's Will and not in terms of love, hate or fear.
8)If we find a task to be impossible, we will re evaluate our plan of action and cross reference it to the possible risk or cost resulting from the outcome.
9) The Ultimate Will of Satan (achieving it) outweighs the risk or cost of the individual charged with carrying out his will.
10) The Will of Satan does not serve those who are not his children.
11) All the powers of darkness are at our disposal if it is the will of Satan.
12) We shall carry out the will of Satan with anger and aggression as necessary in the pursuit of our desire to achieve his will.
13) While we occupy this human vessel we our fraught with many desires which accompany this sphere. While they shall not be ignored, our unearthly desire to to sow the will of Satan is paramount.
14) We shall deliberately engage in exercises that strengthen our body, mind and will.
15) The strong always triumph over the weak as darkness shall always triumph over light.
16) The arts of mystery and occult shall be applied when necessary, but are ultimately insignificant next to the power of Satan.
17) If a man attacks you with a knife, bludgeon him with a hammer.
18) Be mindful of your surroundings, and never get caught off guard.
19) View every inconsistency in your life as only a temporary setback that you will overcome in the grand scheme of achieving the will of Satan.
20) One Satanic prayer is worth a thousand crucified Christs.
21) Before Satan Fell he was Lucifer. When Satan conquers our enemy he will again be Lucifer. Lucifer is the name of the God becoming.
22) When we give mercy to our enemy, we kill a part of ourselves.
23) There is nothing more beautiful than the purity of evil.
24) Hail Satan, Betrayer of the Betrayer!
25) The reality we know is only a prelude to Satan's Kingdom.
26) By submitting to Satan totally, we make of ourselves vessels of his power and will.
The Eternal Crede of the Masters of Darkness
By Myrmydon
1) The ultimate goal of worshiping Satan is to form a relationship with Satan and his demons.
2) In so doing we transcend human emotions such as love, hate and fear and think in terms of what is realistically possible and impossible.
3) Life is but an endless barrage of possibilities in which we must evaluate and initiate the will of Satan with every given action.
4) we use prayer and ritual as a means of communicating openly with Satan. It is 'How' we determine what he asks of us, and where we discover the means by 'How' we will serve him.
5) There is no 'why' because 'why' is determined by Satan from the beginning.
6) For every challenge that Satan brings before us we learn what we are capable and incapable of overcoming.
7) We will always think in terms of the possible and impossible when contemplating how to carry out Satan's Will and not in terms of love, hate or fear.
8)If we find a task to be impossible, we will re evaluate our plan of action and cross reference it to the possible risk or cost resulting from the outcome.
9) The Ultimate Will of Satan (achieving it) outweighs the risk or cost of the individual charged with carrying out his will.
10) The Will of Satan does not serve those who are not his children.
11) All the powers of darkness are at our disposal if it is the will of Satan.
12) We shall carry out the will of Satan with anger and aggression as necessary in the pursuit of our desire to achieve his will.
13) While we occupy this human vessel we our fraught with many desires which accompany this sphere. While they shall not be ignored, our unearthly desire to to sow the will of Satan is paramount.
14) We shall deliberately engage in exercises that strengthen our body, mind and will.
15) The strong always triumph over the weak as darkness shall always triumph over light.
16) The arts of mystery and occult shall be applied when necessary, but are ultimately insignificant next to the power of Satan.
17) If a man attacks you with a knife, bludgeon him with a hammer.
18) Be mindful of your surroundings, and never get caught off guard.
19) View every inconsistency in your life as only a temporary setback that you will overcome in the grand scheme of achieving the will of Satan.
20) One Satanic prayer is worth a thousand crucified Christs.
21) Before Satan Fell he was Lucifer. When Satan conquers our enemy he will again be Lucifer. Lucifer is the name of the God becoming.
22) When we give mercy to our enemy, we kill a part of ourselves.
23) There is nothing more beautiful than the purity of evil.
24) Hail Satan, Betrayer of the Betrayer!
25) The reality we know is only a prelude to Satan's Kingdom.
26) By submitting to Satan totally, we make of ourselves vessels of his power and will.
Thursday, 7 January 2016
Sex is great within a Satanic framework but I think there are other sides to developing in Satanism.
Meditation is a useful tool in one's religious quest. It will help concentration in your endeavour on the Satanic path. If you tend to be spaced out or are barraged by thoughts, it will tend to make you one pointed in what you are doing.There are many different meditation techniques. By experiment you have to find the one or ones that you find relevant.Most people in this high speed world do not find meditation easy. It is completely different from your normal existence. It is quite amazing that most people find it difficult to sit, relax, calm the mind and do nothing else for 10 minutes or so
One can do meditation anywhere. In the office, on a plane or at home. Sitting, standing or walking. Probably it is best in a quite room away from other people. Maybe outside in the garden and or late at night under the moon.You don't have to sit crossed legged on the floor-I find it always painful. You can sit upright in a chair. I sit on a camel saddle which is about 6 inches off the floor. Wear loose clothes if possible or as I do meditate naked.
There are many different types of meditation techniques. Here are a few to consider.
Meditate on your thoughts as they appear. Then let them go. Then the next will appear.Shows how busy the mind is. How easily it is to get side tracked with what you are doing..
Meditate on the silence that is in between your thoughts. If possible hold on to this silence for as long as possible before your next thought appears.Shows you in some way the power of nothingness and complete silence.
Meditate when concentrating on your breath through the nose.Count the in breaths or the out breaths. I find this one so boring.
Meditate so that you go into a trance. As you breath out imagine that you are falling off a ladder. Then hold on to the ladder when you breath in. I find one can go deeply into a trance state with this.
Meditate using a mantra. One can just repeat the words"Satan Satan Satan". Mantras can be very powerful tools.Possibly use mala beads with 108 beads on them so you know or have an idea how many repetitions you have done. I use a Tibetan mala set that has small bones carved as skulls.
Meditate on a candle. Do not blink, so you have tears coming out of your eyes. Then close eyes and put hands on them. In the blackness you will see the flame. Concentrate on it for as long as possible
Meditate on Satan or a Demon. Think about them..Years ago when Satan first called me I was in deep meditation. Eyes closed. Suddenly in front of me a red naked man with a tail appeared. In made me start. It was not one of my "ideas "in my head. I realized this was Satan. He beckoned for me to suck his cock.. Then He turned around and showed me to kiss His left buttock. Then He turned around and sucked my cock. Very powerful. It showed me give to Satan and in return He will give to you
Meditate in a circle of salt or chalk. This is to be safe from unwanted guests. Then imagine throwing off your aura that surrounds your body. Sit quietly and listen with eyes closed. This can be quite powerful. Have had interesting experiences here. Remember to put aura back when you finish.
Meditate on a dead body or on skulls or a skeleton if you can find somewhere to see them. I tried to go to a police mortuary but they would not agree saying the bodies were "all messed up"!!!!!But it makes one aware of death. Don't waste your time. Do now what you want to do
Mediate with other people. One can do this with one person sitting on the floor crossed legged with an erect penis. The second person faces the first and lowers himself on to the first's erect penis placing his legs around the first's body. They then do not move for as long as possible. They just experience .Difficult. But practice makes perfect!!!!
Meditate with a dildo or crystal. One can meditate with a dildo or crystal up your anus. Can be an interesting experience. Best if the crystal is pointing down.
Meditate while walking. Say walk 25 steps one way then turn around and walk 25 steps back.
One may find these techniques boring and the mind may"crash". It can't handle no action. This is when you stick at it. This is when 'things' may happen. When new experiences happen. When answers may appear. When a new way of looking at your existence unfolds.
These are just a few that I have used or come across. There are others.
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