Thursday, 8 September 2016

Do not apply xtian principles

Came across this email from a very powerful Satanist. She makes interesting comments here about the mind and Satanic thought. I don't agree with some of her other statements on the web but this gave me food for thought

Too many people apply Christian principles to Satanism. One does not "pray" to Satan or our Gods for this and that.

Satan is the giver of knowledge. He gives us knowledge on how we can obtain our desires using our own mind and power. When we do this, our minds and souls become much more powerful. We then obtain what we need.

I have worked very, very hard for Satan and the Powers of Hell for over 16 years now. I only ask Satan or Lilith (She has worked directly with me for the past several years), when there is something I can't accomplish on my own. I would never, ever bother them for trivial concerns. Never.

I respect them. I know they are extremely busy. I am grateful beyond words for the knowledge they have given me and they have rewarded me for my years of work in many different ways.

Satanism is about learning and empowering yourself so you can take care of your own needs.

Christians pray and weakly rely upon some nonexistent spook to take care of everything and to control their lives. If the spook is unresponsive, too bad. Many Christians pray for years and years and get no response. Also, the spook doesn't always pan out the way the Christian wants the earnest prayer answered. Many even wind up dead relying on the spook.

Satan gives us the knowledge, the words of power and meditation techniques so we can take control of our own lives.

Satanism is NOT Christianity and should never be approached in Christian ways.

My thoughts on this is that we are programmed in many ways like a computer. When grown up we are handling information within the xtian tradition. Its a bit like say Windows 10 Operating System being the xtian way for our minds to handle new Satanic thoughts. All your Satanic thoughts will be tainted by  xtianism in some way. You need a new operating  system in order to process information within the  Satanic framework.. A totally new way of handling Satanic concepts. You need to be completely re programmed like getting a Linux operating system  into your head. This is where in many traditions they take you and break you down mentally so that you start in some way from nothing -like being at day zero of your life again . You can then start to reprogram yourself to see and accept Satanic ideas  in a completely new light. In a Satanic way within a Satanic framework. Within the framework of your mind having a completely new Satanic operating system.This reprogramming framework one can see in many sects of Satanism. In some way you are "killed" and then given a new "life'. You are in some way broken down so that Satan can build you up and mold you in His ways. So that you then develop yourself in your way to become the real person you were meant to be. Not a lackey of Windows 10 programming.
There are many ways to reprogram yourself but it has to be done completely -Not in half measures. That I think is why some of the methods used can be painful or barbaric. The idea is to smash your built up crappy ways of looking and interpreting  life and situations. The idea is to break you down. To get you back to year dot. Then and only then can you be built up with a new Satanic system  in your head. It is in a way like the initiations one has at school, college, university or the army. But these are much more tame as you keep the original operating system and just pay alliance to their community.In Satanism it has to be much more in some ways extensive. More complete. All your rules are turned inside out. To some degree some of the processes bring on a cathartic experience which will completely open the mind. Once done there is no return.  It is impossible. The thinking experience has been rebuilt. One sees every thing from a Satanic view point even if you do not partake in what you may see around you. To do this on your own can be difficult but it is not impossible. It may take time. Exposed to other Masters it can be speeded up. Satan will of course slowly work on one.  But His main process is to make you aware -so that you grow to be what was originally intended for you as a human animal-machine. He will help you develop. If married--an xtian concept - He may get the male mind to crave men sex. To be fucked by other men maybe. A cathartic experience for some. A female to become within the xtian concepts a whore. and or a lesbian. Within Satanic concepts these are completely natural and normal. Maybe eat scat-oh fuck! Unthinkable. Drink urine-oh no!!! This to shake the mind to its very foundation Be whipped. Expose yourself in many ways-On the net -To other people. Maybe it is better to stay in the Dark and secretly work on others. Very important for xtian priests and ministers. But in some way you must always be aware that you are most of the time looking at life through glass coloured  by  xtian upbringing and you have to change that so that your WHOLE being now sees or starts to see life through Satanic colouration. Satan will make you aware of the total control and indoctrination of our society. He will expose you to the freedom of your body and mind.

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