Saturday, 7 December 2013


Well my interest in Demons started to develop. From reading I found out there were millions of them. Some not so great and not necessarily kind to us humans. They are definitely not to be played around with and are not a side show for one's amusement. But one thing that surprised me was in fact how little information there was around about them even on the internet. Possibly a few lines at most. If you are a Satanist then there are Demons who fall into His camp so to speak who tended to be fairly pleasant to us. There are seventy two of these. Thirty six day Demons and thirty six night Demons. These are the main Demons of Satan and they have numbers of "legions" under them. Each Demon has certain attributes and is associated with certain times of the year. In some books and articles they say one should surround yourself in a circle of salt or chalk for protection if you wish to invoke a Demon. Others say this traps the Demon and is not appreciated by them and that if you are a Satanist it is not necessary. Some people stay in a circle while invoking a Demon into a triangle. But this seems to have been Magicians who were not Satanists. It also shows a level of fear in dealing with these entities.Which is not a good attitude to have. Why invoke a Demon? Well the main reason seems to be that you may want their advice or help or answers to queries. You may of course want them to do your bidding. But they will want something in return of you. As I said earlier they are not to be played with. And before dealing with them you must learn and know everything you can about them.One should look upon them as wild animals in some way. Some Satanist never invoke Demons.They see no need or others through fear. But one needs I think years of experience before embarking on things of this nature. I would compare it to climbing K2..You need years of experience before attempting to climb such a mountain and even when you make it you may be blown off the top. As yet I have not called them up but sometimes I get the feeling they are around. One of the first Demons that interested me was Buer. Possibly because he dealt with herbs and their treatment of various ills. A subject that interests me immensely. So after much searching I managed to come up with everything I could find on him that I felt would be useful if I had dealings with him at a later stage. Prehaps in some way he might give me advice or information without necessarily invoking.The information I gleaned was interesting:-

Information on the Demon Buer prior to possibly working with him                
             It seems that the concept of Satan started approximately 4000 years ago in Southern Russia with the Indo Europeans with the Celts migrating into Europe and the Middle East.In Ancient Greece the word daimon (demon) was the word for spirit or divine Power and had no connotation to evil but to happiness.The idea of “evil” only came in the bible.Demons came from Greek and Roman culture which included Gods and Demons from Mesopotania and Ancient Arabia passing into xian culture.The xian culture had a fear of possession by these Demons in the Middle Ages.

There have been quite a few earlier writings on Demons:-
The Testament of Solomon written approximately in the 4th century
Psellus’s Classification of Demons written in the 11th century
Spina’s Classification of Demons written in the 15th century
Binfields Classification of Demons written in the 16th century
Guazzo’s Classification of Demons written in the 17th century
Michaelis’s Classification of Demons written in the 17th century
Barretts Classification of Demons written in the 19th century
Abramelin the Mage written in 19th century
Pseudomonarchia deamonum (an appendix to De Praestigis Daemonum) written 
by Johann Weir in approximately 1577
Ars Goetia or The Lesser Key of Solomon written in the 17th century with 
some material believed to be from the 14th century.
Dictionnaire Infernal written by Collin de Plancy in 1818

Buer the Demon only appears in the last three writings above. The first time he appears is in Johann Weirs’s
De Praestigis Daemonun. It seems all the writers on Demons above were learned men of their time and 
Johann Weir was no exception.He was born in the Netherlands was a physician, occultist and demonologist.
 He was a student of the famous German magician, occult writer, astrologer, and alchemist Agrippa
 (Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim). Buer is considered a Demon of modern magic as there is no 
mention of him in the first eight of earlier writings above. I could find no mention of him in the Testament 
of Solomon (circa 300AD) nor in the later work Abramelin the Mage (circa 1898). He comes from xian 
demonology and not from earlier Jewish, Greek, Roman, Etruscan Mythology.

There was ancient city in Germany called Buer which is now called Gelsenkirchen.As he appears first in the
 writings of Weir in Holland or Germany I would assume that Buer came from that region and could have 
been a German or European “God”or Demon and was incorporated by Agrippa or Weir in their occult 
workings.In fact Johann Weir in human form had similar abilities to that of Buer .

In Pseudomonarchia daemonum Johann Weir says the following about Buer:-
Buer is a great president, and is seene in this signe; he absolutelei teacheth philosophie morall and naturall, 
and also logicke, and the virtue of herbes: he giveth the best familiars,he can heale all diseases, specialle 
of men, and reigneth over fiftie legions.

In Dictionnaire Infernal Collin De Plancy says the following about Buer:-
Buer is a demon of the second order, a President of Hell. He has the form of a star or a wheel and five 
branches and advanced by rolling himself. He teaches philosophy , logic and virtues of herbal medicine. He
 boasts of giving good servants and curing the sick. He commands 50 legions

In The Lesser Keys of Solomon (S.L.Mathers addition) the following is said of Buer:-
The Tenth Spirit is Buer, a Great President. He appeareth in Sagittary, and that is his shape when the Sun is
 there. He teaches Philosophy, both Moral and Natural, and the Logic Art, and also the Virtues of all the
 Herbs and Plants. He healeth all distempers and giveth good Familiars. He governeth 50 Legions of Spirits, 
and his Character of obedience is this, which thou must wear when thou callest him forth unto appearance.

 In Tikaboo the following is said of Buer:-
*Rank President
*Zodiac Cancer
*Dates 6/22-7/1
*Tarot 2 0f Cups
*Planet Mercury
*Metal Mercury
*Element Fire
*Color Orange 
*Plant Aloe
*Incense Storax
*Direction South

 In the”Joy of Satan Ministries” the following is also said of Buer:-
*Zodiac Position:15-19 degrees of Taurus
*May 5th -9th
*Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles
*Candle Color: Light Blue
*Plant: Aloe
*Planet: Mercury
*Metal: Mercury
*Element of Earth
*Buer is a Day Demon and rules over 50 legions of spirits

I think in looking at all this information what comes to mind is truth.Where was the original information gleaned
 from. Was it local information from the “heath”. There is no way of ascertaining that.It seems much of the 
information was from jewish sources and  like much ancient scriptures this could of been corrupted. Although it
seems that Buer was a later addition and was probably an original “pagan” of Germanic or of European origin.
One can only ascertain “truth” from ones own experience and I think this is really the only option in dealing, if 
one does, with demons.

I felt Buer is extremely relevant today in the current medical mainstream climate where current drugs can be 
useless, expensive and have a high risk of worse side affects than the condition. Therefore as an alternative 
I think Buer could help immensely if used in conjunction with alternative medical methods of herbalism and
 homeopathy.Many might say nuts but from experience I have had powerful results with herbs and homeopathy

Sigil of Buer:

Seal of Buer:

He has also appeared in art and literature in the following:
  • Buer is portrayed in a Polish fantasy movie "Dzieje Mistrze Twardowskiego" ("The Story of Master Twardowski") about famous polish necromancer Pan Twardowski, as a president of Trade Collegium of Hell.
  • A monster called a Buer (sometimes Buel) appears in the Final Fantasy series of games, usually as a multi-winged bat.
  • Buer also appears in "Hellblazer" comic book as one of demons from Hell, who tortures little children and wants to snatch a soul from John Constantine.
  • Buer appears in the Role Playing Game arkanun as a president of Hell.
  • Buer appears as a wheel-like monster in some games in the Castlevania series.
  • Buer appears in Alan Moore's comic book series Promethea, when he is summoned (along with the entire Ars Goetia) to attack the title character by a magician named Benny Solomon.
  • Buer appears in Grim Grimoire as a chimera, summoned using the alchemy rune.
  • The first boss fight in Tales of Destiny 2 is against a monster called Buer.
  • Buer also appears as a slang term (British) in Graham Greene's book 'Brighton Rock'.
  • Buer has a small comedic role as a lusty teacher in the manga series "Stray Little Devil" by Kotaro Mori. It is also apparent that he can teach without making any sort of signs of communication, physical or otherwise, making him mute throughout the series.

Information sources:
History of the Devil. Messande,
Good and Evil in Myth and Legend.Mercetante
The Testament of Solomon
Abramelin the Mage
Dictionnaire Infernal
The Lesser Key of Solomon
Pseudomonarchia daemonum
Joy of Satan Ministries

This I think is the minimum type of information one has to get before embarking on any work to do with the 
invoking of Demons.



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