Monday, 16 December 2013


For a Traditional Satanist Altars become very important as does worship.There are no books or writings except  the Yezidi Black Book and the Yezidi Book of Revelation. There is very little to say like other religions"this is the way". You are on your own to develop as you please. By your instinct. By communication between yourself and Satan. This is why Altars and your worship become so important. The Altar is in some way a gateway for you to Hell. I therefore thought I would see what I could find out and look into.


Altars have been used since time immemorial in worship by all religions. They have been all shapes and sizes. They have been in many different surroundings. On hill tops on, on the top of structures, in enclosed spaces. They have been used in many different ways for many different purposes depending on the religion and the worshipers. They seem to form an intricate part of all religious frameworks.
In all religions it seems that people need as much sensory input in the worship of their deities. In worship  some sought of focal point be it seeing, hearing, smell, touch and taste is needed to increase and help in their endeavor for salvation, sin or erotic pleasures etc. This may take the form of sculpture, painting, drawing or human. For hearing may be music or mantra. For smell may be incense or other smells .The focal point for touch in the RHP tends to be played down but in LHP it plays an important role sex being one. The focal point of taste is used in the xian religion being in bread and wine (in fact quite cannibalistic) and is used in LHP Hindu paths when human flesh is sometimes eaten. But also in LHP it can be gluttony, common in Roman times. The altar is the structure on which all the above can take place or where for the worshipers these focuses would originate from. The altar can be made of any substance, can be any size, and in fact in can be anything the worshipers see as “the altar”. It normally has representation of the worshiper's deity which can be a statue or drawing for the eyes to focus on. For sound the altar may have a bell or gong. For smell, incense or your own body odour. For touch in satanic rituals other worshipers or a living human altar, for taste wine or may be urine or sperm. All this is to aid the worshipers in their worship and to make their minds very focused on their deity. In Satanic rituals to see the Priest having sex on a satanic altar will make one very focused and aroused.
Within the human framework altars have been used for many different purposes.
For both human and animal sacrifice and for sexual pleasure etc. Basically it is for worshipers to see systems played out at a central point so giving structure to their religious beliefs..
E.g. the Aztecs would have a human sacrifice where the heart in ripped out of the body and offered to the sun god. All the worshipers would feel this would appease the sun god and therefore He would help them. It is in fact the focal point for communing with ones deity in which your tastes and fantasies play a major part.
In Sabbats in the middle ages worship was played out in the open in a large grassed flat area with wooded areas to the rear and a stone altar to the front. It would have an effigy of Baphomet and probably an effigy of a penis with sometimes as much as a few hundred people taking part. Many times there would be a naked adolescent girl on the altar.
As Satanic worship today takes place in homes and is very individualistic the difference in Satanic Altars is immense although possibly there are certain common themes.
Most  Satanic Altars seem to have two black candles, the sigil of Baphomet, a bell, a chalice, a sword or dagger, a phallic symbol, and a skull. The table they are on is usually covered with a cloth. In many cases the whole room can become an altar.
As Satanism allows immense freedom to its members so one has equal freedom in altars.
 There are so many different types of satanic altars each one unique. They do in fact become an art form in themselves. They are very much a reflection of the worshiper and how he experiences his worship with Satan. It also shows other Satanists what sought of person the worshiper is. The altar becomes the vehicle or vortex for prayers and emotional power that passes between the Satanist and his Master. It shows how you worship Satan and how you want to experience your worship of Him. It is where you can show your devotion to Satan in anyway you desire bringing forth all the temptations that Satan has shown one. The Satanist can show lust by masturbating or having sex or hatred of others or blasphemy at the altar for worshiping Him. Of course the altar can be ever changing as ones relationship with Satan changes.
In many ways the service that is carried out or type of worship to Satan will in some way be dictated to by the type of altar and size of the area it which it is placed. If the altar is large in a large area then this will be easy to accommodate a large gathering for worship or Black Mass. Then the energy will be very different from a single worshiper in a small room. Different energies will be released and experienced by different Satanists depending who they are worshiping with and before different altars. Different altars will set the initial stage. Below I have set out different altars and my thoughts on them:-

This Altar gives out tremendous power. One can feel it from the picture.
The combination between the blackness and the silver and the Baphomet really hits you.
One can feel the darkness and evil intent. This is what I would call a very classical altar.
Although only a drawing this I feel this is a very sexual altar with skulls, snakes, inverted cross and of course penises. Again it is very powerful and provocative. It draws you in to take part in the orgasmic worship.

This Altar is very open, very beautiful I like the skull with the phallic symbol and at the same time the blasphemy of the inverted cross, and the power of the red cloth. Very interesting. I have the feeling the worshipers would not be wearing black but possibly naked or violent coloured material.

This is another very classical altar, very powerful and very beautiful.
The skull to me seems to be the central point. I also like the red handled sword.
Very simple but very effective

This is an outstanding altar, very powerful and seems very connected to nature with the animal horns and skull.

This again is an outstanding altar. It fits together fantastically. It has an ancient feel about it but the pink picture breaks that.

This is very simple with the skull and prayer book.

This is a magnificent altar. You very much get the feeling this is a real working altar

Again a beautiful altar with a magnificent goat's skull. The altar has an eastern feel to it

                                  Everything fits together very well. Plus the peacock feathers

Both these Altars are very different from the others. Very clean cut. Very effective

 The next section of pictures are where people are the altar. Some people may not like or be offended. Tough- this I'm afraid is part of Satanism

This shows that Satanism thinks that sexuality is quite normal and should be used whenever necessary just like Left Handed Tantrism in the East.

Males-I also have many pictures of males as the Altar but I have a feeling Google won't like them so I have as yet not included them although still thinking about that. Email me and I will send to anybody who asks.

As I have shown other Satanist's Altars I have included mine below. It has developed enormously since when I realized I was a Satanist and is changing and developing as I change.

Satanic Altars are very varied, very beautiful, very dynamic, and very powerful. When the human aspect is included they become even more powerful and the whole altar area becomes filled with satanic energy. And sexual energy is very very erotic if added to the equation. This is I feel a very interesting subject which I feel I have only just touched on.

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