Thursday, 26 December 2013


The Yezidi people of Iraq are supposed to be the only peoples who are still living today who over a long period of time have been Satanists. Satanism really does not have any ancient scriptures as such except for two very small scriptures from these peoples. They are the Al-Jiwah or The Revelation and The Black Book. But there is a general acceptance that they have probably through the aeons of time been corrupted. My feeling is they need to be read a few time to have any hope of understanding the deep meaning. Some Satanists feel they are relevant some I think pay no attention to them.


Before all creation this revelation was with Melek â’ûs, who sent ‘Abd â’ûs to this world that he might separate truth known to his particular people.
This was done, first of all, by means of oral tradition, and afterward by means of this book, Al-Jilwah, which the outsiders may neither read nor behold.


I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominion over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image. I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence. I participate in all the affairs which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve. Every age has its own manager, who directs affairs according to my decrees. This office is changeable from generation to generation, that the ruler of this world and his chiefs may discharge the duties of their respective offices every one in his own turn. I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely. No god has a right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made it an imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshiping all gods. All the books of those who are without are altered by them; and they have declined from them, although they were written by the prophets and the apostles. That there are interpolations is seen in the fact that each sect endeavors to prove that the others are wrong and to destroy their books. To me truth and falsehood are known. When temptation

comes, I give my covenant to him that trusts in me. Moreover, I give counsel to the skilled directors, for I have appointed them for periods that are known to me. I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instruction. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and goodness



I requite the descendents of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know. Moreover, power and dominion over all that is on earth, both that which is above and that which is beneath, are in my hand. I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own and that obey me of anything that is good for them. I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires. I appear in divers manners to those who are faithful and under my command. I give and take away; I enrich and impoverish; I cause both happiness and misery. I do all this in keeping with the characteristics of each epoch. And none has a right to interfere with my management of affairs. Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without. None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me; and if I so desire, I send a person a second or a third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls.


I lead to the straight path without a revealed book; I direct aright my beloved and my chosen ones by unseen means. All my teachings are easily applicable to all times and all conditions. I punish in another world all who do contrary to my will. Now the sons of Adam do not know the state of things that is to come. For this reason they fall into many errors. The beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven, and the fish of the sea are all under the control of my hands. All treasures and hidden things are known to me; and as I desire, I take them from one and bestow them upon another. I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and, in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me. But those who are without are my adversaries, hence they oppose me. Nor do they know that such a course is against their own interests, for might, wealth, and riches are in my hand, and I bestow them upon every worthy descendant of Adam. Thus the government of the worlds, the transition of generations, and the changes of their directors are determined by me from the beginning.


I will not give my rights to other gods. I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times, and four comers; because they are necessary things for creatures. The books of Jews, Christians, and Moslems, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with, and conform to, my statutes. Whatsoever is contrary to these they have altered; do not accept it. Three things are against me, and I hate three things. But those who keep my secrets shall receive the fulfilment of my promises. Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the worlds. It is my desire that all my followers shall unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without. I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.
p. 36


O ye that have believed in me, honor my symbol and my image, for they remind you of me. Observe my laws and statutes. Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Moslems, and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest they alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.


In the beginning God created the White Pearl out of his most precious essence. He also created a bird named Angar. He placed the White Pearl on the back of the bird, and dwelt on it for forty thousand years. On the first day, Sunday, God created Melek Anzazîl, and he is Ṭâ’ûs-Melek, the chief of all, On Monday he created Melek Dardâel, and he is Šeiḫ Ḥasan. Tuesday he created Melek Israfel, and he is Šeiḫ
Šams (ad-Dîn). Wednesday he created Melek Miḫâel, and he is Šeiḫ Abû Bakr. Thursday he created Melek Azrâel, and he is Sajad-ad-Dîn. Friday he created Melek Šemnâel, and he is Naṣir-ad-Dîn. Saturday he created Melek Nurâel, and he is Yadin (Faḫr-ad-Dîn). And he made Melek Ṭâ’ûs ruler over all. 8 After this God made the form of the seven heavens, the earth, the sun, and the moon. But Faḫr-ad-Dîn created man and the animals, and birds and beasts. He put them all in pockets of cloth, and came out of the Pearl accompanied by the Angels. Then he shouted at the Pearl with a loud voice. Thereupon the White Pearl broke up into four pieces, and from its midst came out the water which became an ocean. The world was round, and was not divided. Then he created Gabriel and the image of the bird. He sent Gabriel to set the four corners. He also made a vessel and descended in it for thirty thousand years. After this he came and dwelt in Mount Lališ. Then he cried out at the world, and the sea became solidified and the land appeared, but it began to shake. At this time he commanded Gabriel to bring two pieces of the White Pearl; one he placed beneath the earth, the other stayed at the gate of heaven. He then placed in them the sun and the moon; and from the scattered pieces of the White Pearl he created the stars which he hung in heaven as ornaments. He also created fruit-bearing trees and plants and mountains for ornaments to the earth. He created the throne over the carpet. 9 Then the Great God said: "O Angels, I will
create Adam and Eve; and from the essence of Adam shall proceed Šehar bn Jebr, and of him a separate community shall appear upon the earth, that of Azazîl, i.e., that of Melek Ṭâ’ûs, which is the sect of the Yezidis. Then he sent Šeiḫ ‘Adî bn Musâfir from the land of Syria, and he came (and dwelt in Mount) Lališ. Then the Lord came down to the Black Mountain. Shouting, he created thirty thousand Meleks, and divided them into three divisions. They worshiped him for forty thousand years, when he delivered them to Melek Ṭâ’ûs who went up with them to heaven. At this time the Lord came down to the Holy Land (al-Ḳuds), and commanded Gabriel to bring earth from the four comers of the world, earth, air, fire, and water. He created it and put in it the spirit of his own power, and called it Adam. Then he commanded Gabriel to escort Adam into Paradise, and to tell him that he could eat from all the trees but not of wheat. 10 Here Adam remained for a hundred years. Thereupon, Melek Ṭâ’ûs asked God how Adam could multiply and have descendants if he were forbidden to eat of the grain. God answered, "I have put the whole matter into thy hands." Thereupon Melek Ṭâ’ûs visited Adam and said "Have you eaten of the grain?" He answered, "No, God forbade me." Melek Ṭâ’ûs replied and said, "Eat of the grain and all shall go better with thee." Then Adam ate of the grain and immediately his belly was inflated. But Melek Ṭâ’ûs drove him out of the garden, and leaving him, ascended into heaven. Now
Adam was troubled because his belly was inflated, for he had no outlet. God therefore sent a bird to him which pecked at his anus and made an outlet, and Adam was relieved.
Now Gabriel was away from Adam for a hundred years. And Adam was sad and weeping. Then God commanded Gabriel to create Eve from under the left shoulder of Adam., Now it came to pass, after the creation of Eve and of all the animals, that Adam and Eve quarreled over the question whether the human race should be descended from him or her, for each wished to be the sole begetter of the race. This quarrel originated in their observation of the fact that among animals both the male and the female were factors in the production of their respective species. After a long discussion Adam and Eve agreed on this: each should cast his seed into a jar, close it, and seal it with his own seal, and wait for nine months. When they opened the jars at the completion of this period, they found in Adam's jar two children, male and female. Now from these two our sect, the Yezidis, are descended. In Eve's jar they found naught but rotten worms emitting a foul odor. And God caused nipples to grow for Adam that he might suckle the children that proceeded from his jar. This is the reason why man has nipples.
After this Adam knew Eve, and she bore two children, male and female; and from these the Jews, the Christians, the Moslems, and other nations and sects are descended. But our first fathers are Šeth, Noah,
and Enosh, the righteous ones, who were descended from Adam only.
It came to pass that trouble arose between a man and his wife, resulting from the denial on the part of the woman that the man was her husband. The man persisted in his claim that she was his wife. The trouble between the two was settled, however, through one of the righteous men of our sect, who decreed that at every wedding a drum and a pipe should be played as a testimony to the fact that, such a man and such a woman were married legally.
Then Melek Ṭâ’ûs came down to earth for our sect (i.e., the Yezidis), the created ones, and appointed kings for us, besides the kings of ancient Assyria, Nisroch, who is Našir-ad-Dîn; Kamush, who is Melek Fahr-ad-Dîn, and Artâmîs, who is Melek Šams-(ad-)Dîn. After this we had two kings, Šabur (Sapor) First (224-272 A. D.) and Second (309-379), who reigned one hundred and fifty years; and our amirs down to the present day have been descended from their seed. But we hated four kings.
Before Christ came into this world our religion was paganism. King Ahab was from among us. And the god of Ahab was called Beelzebub. Nowadays we call him Pir Bub. We had a king in Babylon, whose name was Baḫtnasar; another in Persia, whose name was Aḥšuraš; and still another in Constantinople, whose name was Agriḳâlus. The Jews, the Christians, the Moslems, and even the Persians, fought us; but they failed to subdue us, for in the strength of the Lord
we prevailed against them. He teaches us the first and last science. And one of his teachings is:
Before heaven and earth existed, God was on the sea, as we formerly wrote you. He made himself a vessel and traveled in it in kunsiniyat 11 of the seas, thus enjoying himself in himself. He then created the White Pearl and ruled over it for forty years. Afterward, growing angry at the Pearl, he kicked it; and it was a great surprise to see the mountains formed out of its cry; the hills out of its wonders; the heavens out of its smoke. Then God ascended to heaven, solidified it, established it without pillars. He then spat upon the ground, and taking a pen in hand, began to write a narrative of all the creation.
In the beginning he created six gods from himself and from his light, and their creation was as one lights a light from another light. And God said, "Now I have created the heavens; let some one of you go up and create something therein." Thereupon the second god ascended and created the sun; the third, the moon; the fourth, the vault of heaven; the fifth, the farġ (i.e., the morning star); the sixth, paradise; the seventh, hell. We have already told you that after this they created Adam and Eve.
And know that besides the flood of Noah, there was another flood in this world. Now our sect, the Yezidis, are descended from Na‘umi, an honored person, king of peace. We call him Melek Miran. The other sects are descended from Ham, who despised his father. The ship rested at a village called ‘Ain Sifni, 12 distant
from Mosul about five parasangs. The cause of the first flood was the mockery of those who were without, Jews, Christians, Moslems, and others descended from Adam and Eve. We, on the other hand, are descended from Adam only, as already indicated: This second flood came upon our sect, the Yezidis. As the water rose and the ship floated, it came above Mount Sinjar, 13 where it ran aground and was pierced by a rock. The serpent twisted itself like a cake and stopped the hole. Then the ship moved on and rested on Mount Judie.
Now the species of the serpent increased, and began to bite man and animal. It was finally caught and burned, and from its ashes fleas were created. From the time of the flood until now are seven thousand years. In every thousand years one of the seven gods descends to establish rules, statutes, and laws, after which he returns to his abode. While below, he sojourns with us, for we have every kind of holy places. This last time the god dwelt among us longer than any of the other gods who came before him. He confirmed the saints. He spoke in the Kurdish language. He also illuminated Mohammed, the prophet of the Ishmaelites, who had a servant named Mu‘âwiya, When God saw that Mohammed was not upright before him, he afflicted him with a headache. The prophet then asked his servant to shave his head, for Mu‘âwiya knew how to shave. He shaved his master in haste, and with some difficulty. As a result, he cut his head and made it bleed. Fearing that the blood might drop
to the ground, Mu‘âwiya licked it with his tongue. Whereupon Mohammed asked, "What are you doing, Mu‘âwiya?" He replied, "I licked thy blood with my tongue, for I feared that it might drop to the ground." Then Mohammed said to him, "You have sinned, O Mu‘âwiya, you shall draw a nation after you. You shall oppose my sect." Mu‘âwiya answered and said, "Then I will not enter the world; I will not marry!' It came to pass that after some time God sent scorpions upon Mu‘âwiya, which bit him, causing his face to break out with poison. Physicians urged him to marry lest he die. Hearing this, he consented. They brought him an old woman, eighty years of age. in order that no child might be born. Mu‘âwiya knew his wife, and in the morning she appeared a woman of twenty-five, by the power of the great God. And she conceived and bore our god Yezid. But the foreign sects, ignorant of this fact, say that our god came from heaven, despised and driven out by the great God. For this reason they blaspheme him. In this they have erred. But we, the Yezidi sect, believe this not, for we know that he is one of the above-mentioned seven gods. We know the form of his person and his image. It is the form of a cock which we possess. None of us is allowed to utter his name, nor anything that resembles it, such as šeitân (Satan), ḳaitân (cord), šar (evil), šat (river), and the like. Nor do we pronounce mal‘ûn (accursed), or la‘anat (curse), or na‘al 14 (horseshoe), or any word that has a similar sound. All these are forbidden us out of respect
for him. So ḫass (lettuce) is debarred. We do not eat it,. for it sounds like the name of our prophetess Ḫassiah. Fish is prohibited, in honor of Jonah the prophet. Likewise deer, for deer are the sheep of one of our prophets. The peacock is forbidden to our Šeiḫ and his disciples, for the sake of our Ṭâ’ûs. Squash also is debarred. It is forbidden to pass water while standing, or to dress up while sitting down, or to go to the toilet room, or to take a bath according to the custom of the people. 15 Whosoever does contrary to this is an infidel. Now the other sects, Jews, Christians, Moslems, and others, know not these things, because they dislike Melek Ṭâ’ûs. He, therefore, does not teach them, nor does he visit them. But he dwelt among us; he delivered to us the doctrines, the rules, and the traditions, all of which have become an inheritance, handed down from father to son. After this, Melek Ṭâ’ûs returned to heaven.
One of the seven gods made the sanjaḳs 16 (standards) and gave them to Solomon the wise. After his death our kings received them. And when our god, the barbarian Yezîd, was born, he received these sanjaḳs with great reverence, and bestowed them upon our sect. Moreover, he composed two songs in the Kurdish language to be sung before the sanjaḳas in this language, which is the most ancient and acceptable one. The meaning of the song is this:
Hallelujah to the jealous God.
As they sing it, they march before the sanjaḳs with timbrels and pipes. These sanjaḳs remain with our emir, who sits on the throne of Yezid. When these are sent away, the ḳawwâls assemble with the emir, and the great general, the šeiḫ, who is the representative of Šeiḫ Nasir-ad-Dîn, i.e., Nisroch, god of the ancient Assyrians. 17 They visit the sanjaḳs. Then they send each sanjaḳ in care of a ḳawwâl to its own place; one to Ḥalataneye, one to Aleppo, one to Russia, and one to Sinjar. These sanjaḳs are given to four ḳawwâls by contract. Before they are sent, the; are brought to Šeiḫ ‘Adî's tomb, where they are baptized amid great singing and dancing. After this each of the contractors takes a load of dust from Šeiḫ ‘Adî's -tomb. He fashions it into small balls, each about the size of a gall nut, and carries them along with the sanjaḳs to give them away as blessings. When he approaches a town, he sends. a crier before him to prepare the people to accept the ḳawwâl and his sanjaḳ with respect and honor. All turn out in fine clothes, carrying incense. The women shout, and all together sing joyful songs. The ḳawwâl is entertained by the people with whom he stops. The rest give him silver presents, everyone according to his means.
Besides these four sanjaḳs, there are three others, seven in all. These three are kept in a sacred place for purposes of healing. Two of them, however, remain with Šeiḫ ‘Adî, and the third remains in the village of Baḥazanie, which is distant from Mosul about four hours. Every four months these ḳawwâls
travel about. One of them must travel in the province of the emir. They travel in a fixed order, differing each year. Every time he goes out, the traveler must cleanse himself with water made sour with summaḳ (sumac) and anoint himself with an oil. He must also light a lamp at each idol that has a chamber. This is the law that pertains to the sanjaḳs.
The first day of our new year is called the Serṣâlie, i.e., the beginning of a year. It falls on the Wednesday of the first week in April 18. On that day there must be meat in every family. The wealthy must slaughter a lamb or an ox; the poor must kill a chicken or something else. These should be cooked on the night, the morning of which is Wednesday, New Year's day. With the break of day the food should be blessed. On the first day of the year alms should be given at tombs where the souls of the dead lie.
Now the girls, large and small, are to gather from the fields flowers of every kind that have a reddish color. They are to make them into bundles, and, after keeping them three days, they are to hang them on the doors 19 as a sign of the baptism of the people living in the houses. In the morning all doors will be seen well decorated with red lilies. But women are to feed the poor and needy who pass by and have no food; this is to be done at the graves. But as to the ḳawwâls, they are to go around the tombs with timbrels, singing in the Kurdish language. For so doing they are entitled to money. On the above-mentioned day of Serṣâlie no instruments of joy are to be played, because
God is sitting on the throne (arranging decrees for the year), 20 and commanding all the wise and the neighbors to come to him, And when he tells them that he will come down to earth with song and praise, all arise and rejoice before him and throw upon each the squash of the feast. Then God seals them with his own seal. And the great God gives a sealed decision to the god who is to come down. He, moreover, grants him power to do all things according to his own will. God prefers doing good and charity to fasting and praying. The worship of any idol, such as Seyed-ad-Dîn or Šeiḫ Šams is better than fasting. Some layman is to give a banquet to a kôchak after the fasting of the latter forty days, whether it be in summer or in winter. If he (the kôchak) says this entertainment is an alms given to the sanjaḳ, then he is not released from his fasting. When it comes to pass that the yearly tithe-gatherer finds that the people have not fully paid their tithes, he whips them till they become sick, and some even die. The people are to give the kôchaks money to fight the Roman army, and thus save the sect (Yezidis) from the wrath of the man of the year.
Every Friday a load of gifts is to be brought as an offering to an idol. At that time, a servant is to call the people aloud from the roof of a kôchak's house, saying, it is the call of the prophet to a feast. All are to listen reverently and respectfully; and, on hearing it, every one is to kiss the ground and the stone on which he happens to lean.
It is our law that no ḳawwâl shall pass a razor over his face. Our law regarding marriage is that at the time of the wedding a loaf of bread shall be taken from the house of a kôchak and be divided between the bride and the bridegroom, each to cat one-half. They may, however, eat some dust from Šeiḫ ‘Adî's tomb instead of the bread for a blessing. Marriage in the month of April is forbidden, for it is the first month of the year. This rule, however, does not apply to ḳawwâls; they may marry during this month. No layman is allowed to marry a kôchak's daughter. Everyone is to take a wife from his own class. But our emir may have for a wife any one whom he pleases to love. A layman may marry between the ages of ten and eighty; he may take for a wife one woman after another for a period of one year. On her way to the house of the bridegroom, a bride must visit the shrine of every idol she may happen to pass; even if she pass a Christian church, she must do the same. On her arrival at the bridegroom's house, he must hit her with a small stone in token of the fact that she must be under his authority. Moreover, a loaf of bread must be broken over her head as a sip to her that she must love the poor and needy. No Yezidi may sleep with his wife on the night the morning of which is Wednesday, and the night the morning of which is Friday. Whosoever does contrary to this commandment is an infidel. If a man steal the wife of his neighbor, or his own former wife, or her sister or mother, he is not obliged to give her dowry, for she is the booty of his hand. Daughters may not inherit their father's wealth. A young lady may be sold as an acre of land is sold. If she refuses to be married, then she must redeem herself by paying her father a sum of money earned by her service and the labor of her hand.
Here ends Kitâb Reš, which is followed by several stories, some of which are told secretly, some openly.

There are other translations and other information on the net as well as interpretations which one should look at. 

Monday, 16 December 2013


For a Traditional Satanist Altars become very important as does worship.There are no books or writings except  the Yezidi Black Book and the Yezidi Book of Revelation. There is very little to say like other religions"this is the way". You are on your own to develop as you please. By your instinct. By communication between yourself and Satan. This is why Altars and your worship become so important. The Altar is in some way a gateway for you to Hell. I therefore thought I would see what I could find out and look into.


Altars have been used since time immemorial in worship by all religions. They have been all shapes and sizes. They have been in many different surroundings. On hill tops on, on the top of structures, in enclosed spaces. They have been used in many different ways for many different purposes depending on the religion and the worshipers. They seem to form an intricate part of all religious frameworks.
In all religions it seems that people need as much sensory input in the worship of their deities. In worship  some sought of focal point be it seeing, hearing, smell, touch and taste is needed to increase and help in their endeavor for salvation, sin or erotic pleasures etc. This may take the form of sculpture, painting, drawing or human. For hearing may be music or mantra. For smell may be incense or other smells .The focal point for touch in the RHP tends to be played down but in LHP it plays an important role sex being one. The focal point of taste is used in the xian religion being in bread and wine (in fact quite cannibalistic) and is used in LHP Hindu paths when human flesh is sometimes eaten. But also in LHP it can be gluttony, common in Roman times. The altar is the structure on which all the above can take place or where for the worshipers these focuses would originate from. The altar can be made of any substance, can be any size, and in fact in can be anything the worshipers see as “the altar”. It normally has representation of the worshiper's deity which can be a statue or drawing for the eyes to focus on. For sound the altar may have a bell or gong. For smell, incense or your own body odour. For touch in satanic rituals other worshipers or a living human altar, for taste wine or may be urine or sperm. All this is to aid the worshipers in their worship and to make their minds very focused on their deity. In Satanic rituals to see the Priest having sex on a satanic altar will make one very focused and aroused.
Within the human framework altars have been used for many different purposes.
For both human and animal sacrifice and for sexual pleasure etc. Basically it is for worshipers to see systems played out at a central point so giving structure to their religious beliefs..
E.g. the Aztecs would have a human sacrifice where the heart in ripped out of the body and offered to the sun god. All the worshipers would feel this would appease the sun god and therefore He would help them. It is in fact the focal point for communing with ones deity in which your tastes and fantasies play a major part.
In Sabbats in the middle ages worship was played out in the open in a large grassed flat area with wooded areas to the rear and a stone altar to the front. It would have an effigy of Baphomet and probably an effigy of a penis with sometimes as much as a few hundred people taking part. Many times there would be a naked adolescent girl on the altar.
As Satanic worship today takes place in homes and is very individualistic the difference in Satanic Altars is immense although possibly there are certain common themes.
Most  Satanic Altars seem to have two black candles, the sigil of Baphomet, a bell, a chalice, a sword or dagger, a phallic symbol, and a skull. The table they are on is usually covered with a cloth. In many cases the whole room can become an altar.
As Satanism allows immense freedom to its members so one has equal freedom in altars.
 There are so many different types of satanic altars each one unique. They do in fact become an art form in themselves. They are very much a reflection of the worshiper and how he experiences his worship with Satan. It also shows other Satanists what sought of person the worshiper is. The altar becomes the vehicle or vortex for prayers and emotional power that passes between the Satanist and his Master. It shows how you worship Satan and how you want to experience your worship of Him. It is where you can show your devotion to Satan in anyway you desire bringing forth all the temptations that Satan has shown one. The Satanist can show lust by masturbating or having sex or hatred of others or blasphemy at the altar for worshiping Him. Of course the altar can be ever changing as ones relationship with Satan changes.
In many ways the service that is carried out or type of worship to Satan will in some way be dictated to by the type of altar and size of the area it which it is placed. If the altar is large in a large area then this will be easy to accommodate a large gathering for worship or Black Mass. Then the energy will be very different from a single worshiper in a small room. Different energies will be released and experienced by different Satanists depending who they are worshiping with and before different altars. Different altars will set the initial stage. Below I have set out different altars and my thoughts on them:-

This Altar gives out tremendous power. One can feel it from the picture.
The combination between the blackness and the silver and the Baphomet really hits you.
One can feel the darkness and evil intent. This is what I would call a very classical altar.
Although only a drawing this I feel this is a very sexual altar with skulls, snakes, inverted cross and of course penises. Again it is very powerful and provocative. It draws you in to take part in the orgasmic worship.

This Altar is very open, very beautiful I like the skull with the phallic symbol and at the same time the blasphemy of the inverted cross, and the power of the red cloth. Very interesting. I have the feeling the worshipers would not be wearing black but possibly naked or violent coloured material.

This is another very classical altar, very powerful and very beautiful.
The skull to me seems to be the central point. I also like the red handled sword.
Very simple but very effective

This is an outstanding altar, very powerful and seems very connected to nature with the animal horns and skull.

This again is an outstanding altar. It fits together fantastically. It has an ancient feel about it but the pink picture breaks that.

This is very simple with the skull and prayer book.

This is a magnificent altar. You very much get the feeling this is a real working altar

Again a beautiful altar with a magnificent goat's skull. The altar has an eastern feel to it

                                  Everything fits together very well. Plus the peacock feathers

Both these Altars are very different from the others. Very clean cut. Very effective

 The next section of pictures are where people are the altar. Some people may not like or be offended. Tough- this I'm afraid is part of Satanism

This shows that Satanism thinks that sexuality is quite normal and should be used whenever necessary just like Left Handed Tantrism in the East.

Males-I also have many pictures of males as the Altar but I have a feeling Google won't like them so I have as yet not included them although still thinking about that. Email me and I will send to anybody who asks.

As I have shown other Satanist's Altars I have included mine below. It has developed enormously since when I realized I was a Satanist and is changing and developing as I change.

Satanic Altars are very varied, very beautiful, very dynamic, and very powerful. When the human aspect is included they become even more powerful and the whole altar area becomes filled with satanic energy. And sexual energy is very very erotic if added to the equation. This is I feel a very interesting subject which I feel I have only just touched on.

Saturday, 7 December 2013


Well my interest in Demons started to develop. From reading I found out there were millions of them. Some not so great and not necessarily kind to us humans. They are definitely not to be played around with and are not a side show for one's amusement. But one thing that surprised me was in fact how little information there was around about them even on the internet. Possibly a few lines at most. If you are a Satanist then there are Demons who fall into His camp so to speak who tended to be fairly pleasant to us. There are seventy two of these. Thirty six day Demons and thirty six night Demons. These are the main Demons of Satan and they have numbers of "legions" under them. Each Demon has certain attributes and is associated with certain times of the year. In some books and articles they say one should surround yourself in a circle of salt or chalk for protection if you wish to invoke a Demon. Others say this traps the Demon and is not appreciated by them and that if you are a Satanist it is not necessary. Some people stay in a circle while invoking a Demon into a triangle. But this seems to have been Magicians who were not Satanists. It also shows a level of fear in dealing with these entities.Which is not a good attitude to have. Why invoke a Demon? Well the main reason seems to be that you may want their advice or help or answers to queries. You may of course want them to do your bidding. But they will want something in return of you. As I said earlier they are not to be played with. And before dealing with them you must learn and know everything you can about them.One should look upon them as wild animals in some way. Some Satanist never invoke Demons.They see no need or others through fear. But one needs I think years of experience before embarking on things of this nature. I would compare it to climbing K2..You need years of experience before attempting to climb such a mountain and even when you make it you may be blown off the top. As yet I have not called them up but sometimes I get the feeling they are around. One of the first Demons that interested me was Buer. Possibly because he dealt with herbs and their treatment of various ills. A subject that interests me immensely. So after much searching I managed to come up with everything I could find on him that I felt would be useful if I had dealings with him at a later stage. Prehaps in some way he might give me advice or information without necessarily invoking.The information I gleaned was interesting:-

Information on the Demon Buer prior to possibly working with him                
             It seems that the concept of Satan started approximately 4000 years ago in Southern Russia with the Indo Europeans with the Celts migrating into Europe and the Middle East.In Ancient Greece the word daimon (demon) was the word for spirit or divine Power and had no connotation to evil but to happiness.The idea of “evil” only came in the bible.Demons came from Greek and Roman culture which included Gods and Demons from Mesopotania and Ancient Arabia passing into xian culture.The xian culture had a fear of possession by these Demons in the Middle Ages.

There have been quite a few earlier writings on Demons:-
The Testament of Solomon written approximately in the 4th century
Psellus’s Classification of Demons written in the 11th century
Spina’s Classification of Demons written in the 15th century
Binfields Classification of Demons written in the 16th century
Guazzo’s Classification of Demons written in the 17th century
Michaelis’s Classification of Demons written in the 17th century
Barretts Classification of Demons written in the 19th century
Abramelin the Mage written in 19th century
Pseudomonarchia deamonum (an appendix to De Praestigis Daemonum) written 
by Johann Weir in approximately 1577
Ars Goetia or The Lesser Key of Solomon written in the 17th century with 
some material believed to be from the 14th century.
Dictionnaire Infernal written by Collin de Plancy in 1818

Buer the Demon only appears in the last three writings above. The first time he appears is in Johann Weirs’s
De Praestigis Daemonun. It seems all the writers on Demons above were learned men of their time and 
Johann Weir was no exception.He was born in the Netherlands was a physician, occultist and demonologist.
 He was a student of the famous German magician, occult writer, astrologer, and alchemist Agrippa
 (Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim). Buer is considered a Demon of modern magic as there is no 
mention of him in the first eight of earlier writings above. I could find no mention of him in the Testament 
of Solomon (circa 300AD) nor in the later work Abramelin the Mage (circa 1898). He comes from xian 
demonology and not from earlier Jewish, Greek, Roman, Etruscan Mythology.

There was ancient city in Germany called Buer which is now called Gelsenkirchen.As he appears first in the
 writings of Weir in Holland or Germany I would assume that Buer came from that region and could have 
been a German or European “God”or Demon and was incorporated by Agrippa or Weir in their occult 
workings.In fact Johann Weir in human form had similar abilities to that of Buer .

In Pseudomonarchia daemonum Johann Weir says the following about Buer:-
Buer is a great president, and is seene in this signe; he absolutelei teacheth philosophie morall and naturall, 
and also logicke, and the virtue of herbes: he giveth the best familiars,he can heale all diseases, specialle 
of men, and reigneth over fiftie legions.

In Dictionnaire Infernal Collin De Plancy says the following about Buer:-
Buer is a demon of the second order, a President of Hell. He has the form of a star or a wheel and five 
branches and advanced by rolling himself. He teaches philosophy , logic and virtues of herbal medicine. He
 boasts of giving good servants and curing the sick. He commands 50 legions

In The Lesser Keys of Solomon (S.L.Mathers addition) the following is said of Buer:-
The Tenth Spirit is Buer, a Great President. He appeareth in Sagittary, and that is his shape when the Sun is
 there. He teaches Philosophy, both Moral and Natural, and the Logic Art, and also the Virtues of all the
 Herbs and Plants. He healeth all distempers and giveth good Familiars. He governeth 50 Legions of Spirits, 
and his Character of obedience is this, which thou must wear when thou callest him forth unto appearance.

 In Tikaboo the following is said of Buer:-
*Rank President
*Zodiac Cancer
*Dates 6/22-7/1
*Tarot 2 0f Cups
*Planet Mercury
*Metal Mercury
*Element Fire
*Color Orange 
*Plant Aloe
*Incense Storax
*Direction South

 In the”Joy of Satan Ministries” the following is also said of Buer:-
*Zodiac Position:15-19 degrees of Taurus
*May 5th -9th
*Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles
*Candle Color: Light Blue
*Plant: Aloe
*Planet: Mercury
*Metal: Mercury
*Element of Earth
*Buer is a Day Demon and rules over 50 legions of spirits

I think in looking at all this information what comes to mind is truth.Where was the original information gleaned
 from. Was it local information from the “heath”. There is no way of ascertaining that.It seems much of the 
information was from jewish sources and  like much ancient scriptures this could of been corrupted. Although it
seems that Buer was a later addition and was probably an original “pagan” of Germanic or of European origin.
One can only ascertain “truth” from ones own experience and I think this is really the only option in dealing, if 
one does, with demons.

I felt Buer is extremely relevant today in the current medical mainstream climate where current drugs can be 
useless, expensive and have a high risk of worse side affects than the condition. Therefore as an alternative 
I think Buer could help immensely if used in conjunction with alternative medical methods of herbalism and
 homeopathy.Many might say nuts but from experience I have had powerful results with herbs and homeopathy

Sigil of Buer:

Seal of Buer:

He has also appeared in art and literature in the following:
  • Buer is portrayed in a Polish fantasy movie "Dzieje Mistrze Twardowskiego" ("The Story of Master Twardowski") about famous polish necromancer Pan Twardowski, as a president of Trade Collegium of Hell.
  • A monster called a Buer (sometimes Buel) appears in the Final Fantasy series of games, usually as a multi-winged bat.
  • Buer also appears in "Hellblazer" comic book as one of demons from Hell, who tortures little children and wants to snatch a soul from John Constantine.
  • Buer appears in the Role Playing Game arkanun as a president of Hell.
  • Buer appears as a wheel-like monster in some games in the Castlevania series.
  • Buer appears in Alan Moore's comic book series Promethea, when he is summoned (along with the entire Ars Goetia) to attack the title character by a magician named Benny Solomon.
  • Buer appears in Grim Grimoire as a chimera, summoned using the alchemy rune.
  • The first boss fight in Tales of Destiny 2 is against a monster called Buer.
  • Buer also appears as a slang term (British) in Graham Greene's book 'Brighton Rock'.
  • Buer has a small comedic role as a lusty teacher in the manga series "Stray Little Devil" by Kotaro Mori. It is also apparent that he can teach without making any sort of signs of communication, physical or otherwise, making him mute throughout the series.

Information sources:
History of the Devil. Messande,
Good and Evil in Myth and Legend.Mercetante
The Testament of Solomon
Abramelin the Mage
Dictionnaire Infernal
The Lesser Key of Solomon
Pseudomonarchia daemonum
Joy of Satan Ministries

This I think is the minimum type of information one has to get before embarking on any work to do with the 
invoking of Demons.



Thursday, 5 December 2013

Strange Happenings

In the past when I was involved in a Hindu Religious Cult I had realized the power of Mantra and also Breathing techniques. They can if taught properly be extremely powerful. One can be aware of strange happenings and one can start to affect situations. Well after coming to Satan I decided to make my own black mirror. Just went by instinct. Went out bought a thick piece of glass I had found in a charity shop. Painted it black on one side. Put it on my Altar. It was just "there". One night in worship I got this strange feeling in my stomach .Deep down. A force, a power if you like. I started to feel it rise up to my chest. I was aware I was not in control of this. It was just happening-out of my control. My feelings were just let it happen. Just go with the experience. It rose up and out of my mouth. Then I let out a growl then a shout then a scream.Finish. It never happened again. And I never was able to work out who or what. It was just an experience. Maybe it was the forces of darkness getting rid of my excess baggage of past indoctrinations.Who knows. But I was interested in my own reactions .There was no fear.Just acceptance. Just experience.