What exactly is the desired outcome of summoning demons? Is the danger worth the reward? In worship we set up a relationship with Satan. We may use prayer and ritual to do this. This can be done without any reference or use of Demons. Some Satanists work with Demons some do not. There are Demonolaters who are Satanists many are not. But within our framework we accept Demons are there and are an energy source. Once you have accepted Satan it can radically change how they react to you. Certain Demons falling within the Satanic domain are therefore fairly accepting of humans but there are many out there who are not and should be left well alone. When dealing with them one must learn everything about them and put in protection barriers. Do not play stupid games with them. Always treat them with respect. There are different classifications of them, the main one being the Lesser Key of Solomon. One can ask help from them, to protect you, to act for you, for advice, to ask to intercede for you or to use them in sorcery. One must always remember to give them something in return for their services or help. Your intention is of paramount importance. One must think out any request very carefully. This is not a party game. They do not have our moral aptitude. They will carry out an exercise by the shortest or simplest method possible. A common request may be granted but with an outcome not required. I want money -someone dies and you inherit. Another danger is as far as I am aware is they are unable to experience sexual gratification in their realm. This they can achieve within our realm by “latching “on to a human. This experience may be pleasant but may become exhausting. It can be difficult to remove the Demon. One can become addicted in a way similar to drugs. If one is going to go into Demonology then take your time do not rush into it. Do your homework. Go by your instinct. Probably start by reading the Lesser Key of Solomon. As I said earlier if you are a Satanist then these Demons are fairly accepting of Humans. In our group Priest Orobas gives a topic on the ruling Demons every few days. Another important point is be aware of what to do if things go wrong. Always ask them to depart back to Hell when ending the ritual. Do not have them hanging around. If problems are encountered then grounding, smudging, saline spraying or total immersion in a salt bath may be necessary. Do the work in a circle with salt, chalk or an imaginary black, blue or red line. The ones to be aware of to start with are probably Lucifer, Belial and Leviathan. Beside Satan they are used in some of our ritual work. One has to experience your reaction to them and their reaction to you -one man’s meat maybe another man’s poison. You may get on with some whereas another may not. But remember they are NOT your friend or buddy. In many cases you are just asking them to watch over your ritual or worship session -you are not asking for any specific action on their part. You are just appreciating their presence. You can use them in many different ways, in Meditation for insight, contemplation, and divination. If you invoke them on drugs you do it at your peril. It is extremely dangerous. Also, if you have any mental problems, it is probably best to stay away. If you are looking into occult power to affect physical outcomes you may find sigil work an alternative. Another point to consider is Satan will in all probability cover all that which you may be requesting of Demons. I have had dealings with them. Various visitations that confirmed I was on the correct path. A Demon who deals with herbs gave me advice. It can be very hit and miss and requests can take time to be acted on. Demonology is in fact a vast subject.
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