Be aware on this path that once you accept Satan you are opening yourself up to another realm. You will probably find that you start to have new ideas. New suggestions start appearing. It is your choice whether you accept them but you may find the pressure to accept gets intense. When you do any rituals or worship make sure you have put in the correct protections depending on your experience and how far down this path you have progressed. Many are slack and or think this is a game to be played for amusement. If you play around in that way, you may find you are no longer in control, being unable to make valid judgements. The controlling mind will be weakened so that other entities take over. The main two desires which seem to be common and may manifest themselves are sex and drugs. It seems for many that once on this path their sex drive increase exponentially. Much of one’s prior life was controlled by a society and or religion which wished to down play this aspect of one’s existence. The sex energy or power of the male has been I think taken and used by society and main stream religions for their use. Satan wants one to reach ones full potential. As sexual energy has been extensively repressed when freedom occurs massive energies in the body are released. This is fine, it is good that we come to full realization of our sexual nature.
But at the same time other forces are at work here. So, one must be acutely aware of this. Other entities cannot, as far as I am aware, have or enjoy sexual gratification in their realm. But for some reason they can in the human realm. They may therefore, try to take control of a human for their enjoyment. The human will also enjoy blissful sexual feelings and may give over control. Once this happens it is may be nearly impossible to break. The entity will do everything in its power to keep itself in control.
Drugs can be the other danger. For the Satanist once “Pandora’s Box” is opened in one’s head all ideas and thoughts outside social norms may be released. These will be all those desires pushed to the back of the mind, that were considered immoral and unacceptable to society. Again entities may be at work as a drug induced sexual human can be more easily manipulated.
The important realisation is for the practitioner to be in control. As I said Satan wants one to reach your full potential. I can’t see this happening if one’s mind and body are controlled by others. If it is one’s destiny or if these cravings were always there then so be it. But I have seen many people on this path totally destroyed. This I believe is not what Satan intends.
I am not saying don’t have sex, don’t have fun There are ways of protection and there are ways of taking back control if it all becomes overwhelming. But the main point is to be critically aware of what may be the end product of your actions. Being aware of “cause and effect “is crucial.