Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Satanic Name

After a time you may feel you wish to remove your original name, most likely xtian, and have a Satanic name. This could be more in keeping with your current life style. It can be anything that you associate with Satanism.. It can also be a Demon name. This can be a problem as there are so many. You had no choice in respect of your original name. It can be quite a difficult decision. You must ask yourself do you find you associate with a particular Demon. Do you find a particular Demon's name resonates with you. One should be in no rush over this. Take your time till you are sure. Look up as many Demons names as you can. Read up what they do. Have a look at their sigils. Do any appeal? When you have the correct name you will instinctively know it is the correct one. It will gel with you.
From my own experience this took me over 2 years. I looked up many Demons, had a short list. Reconsidered them. In worship asked for guidance. Spent long hours over this. But for some reason could not come to any decision. Nothing seem to click. Nothing seemed to gel. I liked some of the names. Some of the Demons I had worked with were short listed. I nearly chose one or two but for some reason held back. I just did not feel comfortable with any of them. In some way my instinct was holding me back. I had I felt strong connections with many but for some reason it did not open up to me taking their name. Eventually I gave up. I used one of my maxims-if in doubt-do nothing. I did not forget about it but put it on back burner.
At the time I had not realized something. I knew that Satan had chosen me. You do not choose HIM. I had been in typical fashion trying to make a decision on a Satanic matter which in fact HE or His Demons must do. Once on this path as we know Satan will start to show you HIS WILL. What HE has in mind for you. I had not put this observation into practice within Satanic Naming. It did of course happen when my ego/thinking mind stopped being concerned about it. Later I realized you do not choose a Demon name -the DEMON CHOOSES YOU.
It happened one morning as I woke up. In fact it hit me like a flash. The Demon CIMEJES. His name was completely new to me. I thought He might be one of the Geotia Demons. My instinct was already telling me this was the one. So I looked Him up and there was the obvious. He is an African Demon. He rules over spirits here. Heck I thought why had I not seen this before. As I lived in Africa this was an obvious connection. So Cimejes became my new name. As I said earlier it had taken over 2 years.
Many may ask why I have never considered a baptism. I tend to equate baptism with the xtian religion. To me it is as if one is using their framework and putting in a Satanic formula. For me it seems too xtian. A remembrance of that religion in which I want no association in any form. So for me baptism is out. I know many Satanists like baptism but they must be careful that by using that framework they are still paying lip service to xtian traditions.
So in all this there is no rush. Take your time. Listen to you instincts. Listen to your inner voice and see what the outcome is. You will in all probability know when you have made the right choice.

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