Saturday, 5 November 2016

Secret Life

Whether to expose yourself. Show people who you are. Show who you are on the net.The ideal is probably to be completly open.Show that you are a Satanic Homosexual. But even exposing yourself as a Gay can be tricky. Your position at work could be affected. Your social position could be affected. Loose friends gain others. Family could reject you. Satanism as well could cause more problems. Luckily for me I work on my own and do contract work. But my clients don't know I'm gay nor a Satanist. But I can if I want take days off, sometimes no work so I can do whatever I like. If you work in a large organisation it will be very different.As I work from home I can work naked or wear tank tops and I never wear underpants. I now shave my head.
There is a very strong desire to to expose myself. Give out your full name contact details. Some of my immediate family know. They think I'm nuts. When others were told one got some very strange looks. But looking back at least one was not "in fear" -Hiding in the closet. The more who possibly come out as Satanists maybe the better. I have also found when I tell other people their eyes open wide! As if I am going to put a spell on them. Idiots.
We are supposedly powerful Satanic men it seems ridiculous that we have to hide away. Mind you on the other hand it maybe a good thing. We can work on those xians in secret. Doing all manner of manipulations without them being aware of it. But as you go further down the path it gets more easy and less of a problem to expose more of yourself to the world and society.

Going Down the Path

As you go down this path things get more erotic. You were highly sexed before. Now it has been increased. Satan and the Demons will tempt you night and day with all soughts of new methods of enjoyment probably never considered before. You may find initialy this can surprise and or could horrify you. The levels of what society considers depravity are endless. This is all acceptable to Him. In fact He and the Demons get as much enjoyment out of one's sexual exploits as you. In fact many Demons like to get into your mind and try and control your antics for there pleasure. One may in early stages still have some ego strength and indoctrinations that will in some way override and may stop or mitigate these new sexual thoughts, so that they may be in your mind but not acted on. The temptation is there but you in some way still control it with your "old" thinking process. But the temptation may barrage you night and day. It will get stronger and stronger in time. You feel in some way you are going insane. Your mind is being completely turned on its head.You want it but you see the "risks" are high. Before you were careful. You used protection. Maybe occasionally going bareback. Now that is all being thrown out the window. You may have been a top now you want to be a bottom. Maybe Satan wants your ass as the cup for toxic Satanic seeds of men. As a bottom accepting all Toxic Satanic Seeds will make you very powerful. As a top you have unlimited Satanic sexual energy which must be released to empower others. Maybe you can manipulate it. Get the massive new sexual exhilaration without the risk. Maybe by more worship and invoking you can still get your sexual highs that Satan wants you to enjoy. It is in some way like walking a tightrope. One must play with this to come to an acceptable risk formula. If you go the whole way you may find you burn yourself out very very quickly. Satan may not want that. Prehaps He wants to show you what a sexualy pwerful being you are. If you have the mind control maybe this can be used for other purposes within the Satanic realm. Its up to you . Its your choice.