Saturday, 28 November 2015

Satanism 101

I get asked quite often"how do I start"-"I'm being drawn to this"-"what should I do". One must remember Satanism is quite different from any other religion. Sometimes wonder whether it should be called a religion. It is like in some way religious anarchy. When you are on this path it is your path, not mine, not his and not the books you may read. That is the writers path. Only you will know what Satan has mapped out for you. It is your journey your experience. There are many paths down the road to Hell.
I can therefore only write from my experience which may or may not help or give you limited advice.
What you have to do is get yourself on the Satanic highway. To make some connection with Satan. With Satan new ideas may flow through your mind. It must be remembered Satan may tempt but it is always your decision whether to act-Not Satan's.

 Possibly one can start by getting a picture of Satan or one of His Demons. A couple of candles preferably black or if unable to get red or blue. As a last resort if you have to use white then write Satan on them or paint them black.Then masturbate in front of the picture. See how it affects you. See how you experience this. Any new ideas come to mind? Do this as often as you want. If it freaks you out stop. Or stop for a time.If after a few days or weeks you feel happy and secure at the outcome then go further.
 If you feel you are now serious in your quest then it is time to probably set up a permanent altar. This is the place where you commune with Satan and His Demons. This is one of the basic worship set ups. There are others but this is the one I normally use. The Demons used are the ones that it seems male homosexuals use. You can set up an altar on a small table or it can be on a piece of wood on a couple of bricks to start with. Cover it with a black cloth and have two candles placed on it. Best if black, if not then red etc etc.You will need a knife. It can be a kitchen one to start with-don’t use it  for anything else afterwards-it represents your cock. A cup or chalice which should be silver or silver colour. To start any cup will do -it represents for us our anus.  A plate, again best if silver but to start any plate(for putting whatever on). A small bell but to start one can tap cup for noise with knife  and lastly a picture of Satan.
Some people like to wear black or have a black cloak. I have a black cloak but prefer to worship naked. Naked-bare feet-no watch on –nothing. Some people like to bath before –I don’t. Some like to wash in salt water-I don’t as it washes away any Demons/Power in you.
Your altar should face as far as possible East. The procedure is as follows.
Strip. Light candles. Ring bell 3 times(it clears area for unwanted guests).
Take the knife and look up. Imagine an inverted pentagram.
Point to left top. Draw knife down to bottom centre. Draw knife up to top right. Then across to left side. Then across to right side. Then back up to top left. You have drawn inverted pentagram. Put knife down
Now facing the altar looking down say "I invoke demons of Hell to watch over my worship", then still looking down say "I invoke the Beast to watch over my worship". Now looking straight in front of you facing the altar looking East say 'I invoke Lucifer to watch over my worship". Now turn to the South looking straight ahead and say "I invoke Belial to watch over my worship" Do the same looking West  say "I invoke Leviathan to watch over my worship". Then face North looking up and say "I invoke my Lord and Master Satan to watch over my worship".
Then you can say prayers, requests, masturbate saying I offer my sperm to you Satan or prick yourself and let the blood run into the plate etc Burn it and say “I offer my sperm/blood to you Satan”
 There are many other things that one may want to do as you develop. Maybe meditate on Satan or His Demons.
Listen. Thoughts and ideas in worship come from Satan
When finished (and this is important –a must do to clear the area)- Face North say "Satan thank you for watching over my worship. You may depart back to Hell. Depart." do the same for Leviathan facing West say "Leviathan Thanks for watching over my worship. You may depart back to Hell. Depart." Do the same for Belial facing South , Lucifer facing East, The Beast looking down and still looking down the Demons of Hell. Then ring bell 3 times and put out candles. You may have strong thoughts that night or in the day. 

There are many other methods used for worship and the above is definitely not written in stone.

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