As one goes down this path one may wonder how far one will
go. The temptations seem unending. One peels to the next Temptations appear that were never even
considered when one started on this journey. When I first accepted Satan it was
scary-in some ways terrifying. In some ways it is scary now realizing how
debauched in ones thinking one has become. Some temptations that have been accepted
I never even thought about before becoming a Satanist. I would have considered them disgusting,
debauched and revolting. One was indoctrinated so well in those early years. It
is insidious. The indoctrination is everywhere. Sex is sinful, masturbation is
sinful, homosexuality is sinful. Sex is only for production. Morals not to be
broken. Taboos not to be broken. Most of the world is stressed. Controlled. We
are slaves and we don’t even realize it. From the time we are born till the day
we die we are controlled. Mentally step out of line –bang society will ostracize
you. Send you to prison or a mental home. When you are born you have no rights.
Fast track teaching so you can produce. So you will be allowed to live to exist.
You cannot just be. You are an instrument who is manipulated physically. Then
to cap it all they will not free your mind.
mind explodes with free thinking ideas. Nothing is held back. Bit by bit the
indoctrinations are considered and destroyed. Until you become what you were originally
supposed to be- a SATANIC animal Your rightful place on this earth.
In the Western word the xian church is much to blame for our
destruction. In the thirteenth to sixteenth century, two to eight million
pagans and herbalists were burnt at the stake in Europe. Much of the original
culture was lost. In India there are certain cults who are free and have been
for millennium. They exist outside main stream society and are considered left
of the left handed tantrists. They are left alone to carry on as they wish .In some
ways society accepts them. The Aghori of India live in or near cremation
grounds, cover their bodies with
cremation ash, use dead bodies as altars, consume the flesh, use bones to make
bowls and jewellery, drink alcohol and smoke cannabis. They believe eating
flesh from a corpse will give them special powers. Embracing death for them is
a religious choice. They believe the normal distinctions between purity and impurity
(eg between good and evil) are an illusion. They embrace their life style by
transcending social taboos etc. They go against the tide of conventional norms
to expand their consciousness. As Satanists we in some way mirror that. Human
beings react the same way whatever the culture.
You may
have massive swings mentally when going further down the path to Hell. The fear
of going deeper on the one hand versus Satanic growth. One grows in Satanism in
steps. The worse the swings the greater the potential step forward. To accept
and become more depraved in kind and deed. The point of no return. The point
where the “old’ had a safety valve to stop you going over the ‘edge’. Along
this path I think one must go over many cliff faces to become truly Satanist.
Much of ones growth in Satanism can be a total shock. Most people mold themselves
around society’s norms in some way. There can be a strong pull to conform. Satanism
seems to break this down by ripping these accepted norms apart in the thinking
process of the individual. Sometimes these new ideas or new ways of looking at
sexual orientation, societies morals and taboos, may be initially hard to
accept or even consider. The carrot is usually sexual erotic pleasure for the
individual. The stick is the continual feeling of mental pain and stress of not
go further down the path
want it
ReplyDelete"In some ways it is scary now realizing how debauched in ones thinking one has become. Some temptations that have been accepted I never even thought about before becoming a Satanist."
ReplyDeleteTo me, it has always, even as a boy, the norm. Of course, even then, I kept quiet. I still do. There are aspects I will never disclose. Will I indulge? Yes. When the time and place is right. Forcing it only leads to trouble. For me, the term depraved runs synonymous with enlightened. - LucioNero