Sunday, 20 December 2015

Satanic Training

I read many comments and messages saying" I want to be trained",  "I need a master"..Firstly why should anybody teach you. Satanism is not a proselytizing religion. How committed are you? How long have you been committed? Why should a Master bother with you. This is not some bloody game. This weeks interest. You need to show your commitment. Whether to a  Master, a Coven or a Teacher. They don't want to waste their time on a fly by night. You have to be as keen as if held under water and need to breath-only then are you ready. I think you should be on  your own path for at least a year or quite a few months before you seek a Teacher.. A Master will appear at the right time, at the right moment. Satan will see to that. Satanism is not like other religions. It is an individual path . Your path. The path Satan has mapped out for you. He wants you to be your own master . Not a wimp like other religions being led according to a book or some trumped up clergy. There are no Satanic sheep. If you are then you are in the wrong place.and or assigned yourself to the wrong group or person. Teachers can only advise having moved further along the path. They cannot tell what Satan has mapped out for  you. You are unique. It is a path for strong thinking powerful people. or who wish to become that.. That is what He has in mind for you. It is a life time commitment and growth. There is never a time when you can say "I have arrived".It is a never ending process as each idea is pealed away and you move forward. Sometimes you may go down a side path and have to back track. As I have said once on the Highway Satan will guide you.In many ways this path can be a DIY course. Many learn by their own instinct, ideas from Satan and the opening of pandora's box in their heads. There are no course books. The only ones there are are the experiences of other Satanists on their path. This may not be the path for you to follow. One must get away from the idea, which we have been indoctrinated with, that you must have a group or you must be led. These are very much the old type indoctrinations of the xian church. Their first premise being you are an idiot and they will tell you what to do. Not with Satanism. You must get your mind working. You must think, look into and ask what where how. Don't rely on the Teacher.. Question. Think deeply about new ideas. If necessarily get other opinions. Use your judgement. Don't be drawn into something you are uneasy about. Don't accept anything on face value. Even more so if they have some high rank. Remember you are only dealing with a human being who may in all probability have little more knowledge than you. He may on the other hand have a vast amount of experience to impart. You are unique and can in some way map out your path. Use the powers that you have. Make your mind work. Ask Satan. Its all in fact very simple. But you have to put in the effort. You have to put in the work. No one will do that for you. No coven will do that either. Show yourself what you are made of..You do not need other people to validate your growth.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Satan's Will

Should Satanic Will override your decision making process. If Satanic ideas flow into the mind must you automatically act on them. Very early in my Satanic path a Satanic Priest told me that there was a 50/50 rule. Satan tempts and gives ideas but it is the individual’s decision whether to act on that or not. Definitely not Satan’s. Over the years it has always been a sensible way of handling this process. As you progress down the path to Hell you will find that you become more dedicated. Satanism no longer becomes a sought of side line interest but a major drive in your life. In fact as your interest grows in will become the major force in your life.

Recently I came across a Devil’s Bible written by a Satanic Priest. It made interesting reading but what interested me were three comments that stated:-
1) We will always think in terms of the possible and impossible when contemplating how to carry out Satan's Will and not in terms of love, hate or fear.
2) If we find a task to be impossible, we will re-evaluate our plan of action and cross reference it to the possible risk or cost resulting from the outcome.
3) The Ultimate Will of Satan (achieving it) outweighs the risk or cost of the individual charged with carrying out his will.

From these three statement it would seem that the Will of Satan would overrule the 50/50 rule. Either one or the other is correct. One cannot have two conflicting rules on how to handle this.

But considering this further I came to the conclusion that maybe they did not conflict. When one starts on this path one is not experienced nor truly dedicated enough. By experience I mean one has not gone through many Satanic experiences, changed your life style  and the way you may perceive reality. By dedication I mean Satanism has not become fully your driving force in life.

As you go down this path everything starts to change. Your old “personality” and your old way of relating to life may completely change. One may have major “religious” experiences. Friends, your social network, your partner, your work, your place of abode, your sexual orientation may have all changed. You may start to want to live a more complete Satanic lifestyle. It may start to become an unstoppable force within you. Probably driven by Satan. There will eventually come this tipping point when the 50/50 rule is in your opinion no longer necessary nor valid.This I believe only manifests when the person's personality is in fact broken down so that there is no other mind but Satanic mind. Your “personality” has been recreated in the shadow of Satanism. It in some ways reminds me of the ancient hermits or monks (of whatever religion) who lived completely outside societies norms.

You can only live by Satan’s Will when you are mentally and physically secure within the environment in which you live and can handle the consequences of your actions and not before.

So when starting out, when you are still a neophyte, one should live by the 50/50 rule until you have grown in your development. If you disregard this you may be asking for trouble. Many do disregard this too early in their walk with Satan to their detriment. Many experienced Satanists may still prefer to stay with the 50/50 rule and not venture further. They may have too many responsibilities or other valid reasons.

Ideas from Satan one may put on hold until the right moment or when the correct position of growth has happened. Sometimes you may fight Satan’s Will but eventually you will summit. Only when you are completely dedicated and have positioned yourself accordingly can you live completely just by Satan’s Will.

Monday, 30 November 2015

Dedication 2

Perhaps you may be initially horrified and not want to act out the temptations that Satan has presented to you. Perhaps He wants to make you think , consider and run through your mind these ideas. He wants to see maybe if you are Dedicated enough to Him whether you will carry them out even though not liking.  He wants to explode your mind . Maybe He wants to recreate you  in the image of Himself and the Demons. Maybe He wants to completely rebuild your ego or your whatever. There is nothing really there. It is all an illusion. This name this thing that we are. The personality does not really exist. It changes depending on the situation and people you are communicating with.  It is a mask built up over the years.We were taken at birth (catholics would say in original sin) and then mucked about with by current society in the method that was decided by the Catholics in Rome around 400AD. We  were programmed just like robots are programmed. Satan wants us to go back to our birth, to our original sin. To start again. To work out or destiny. To become our own Master. To become as it were like the Gods.
We have been messed about with for far too long. In all probability some one or something messed about with DNA to create us. Somewhere I have read that they believe we were as it were left uncompleted. Satan in some way is trying to complete the process.
He gives us freedom. He gives us incites. But we must not waste that. We must try to develop. Not just go down the road of immense pleasure. Although this is part of the process. We must also try to develop our pychic powers, our magical powers. The occult arena is immense. Look listen and learn. One must experiment. Try this, try that. If that does not work , do not give up, move on to something else. If you are on the Satanic Highway thoughts and ideas will pour through you. It just takes time and effort to take it all in and act upon it. One must put in the effort. Satan has chosen you. Listen to Him in return, and act accordingly.At the moment of death everything in the mind is broken down -you are super aware of reality. With Satan you can do that now.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Dedication to Satan

When you get on the Satanic highway thoughts may come to you as to how to possibly dedicate yourself to Satan or as it were prove yourself to him. As I have said in earlier posts it is most definetely your decision as to what you do and not Satan's. He tempts and makes suggestions to you. He wants you to develop into being your own Master.  There are many ways in which you can dedicated yourself to Satan either when you are in worship or just generally in your everyday life. These are just suggestions. Some I have heard about, some I do. Some are fairly easy and others more difficult a depending on how you look at them. Some one may consider life threatening and should only be done after much thought.  As you go down the path to Satan the ideas on what one wishes to do and how to dedicate oneself will become more powerful. In the case of the more potentially life threatning ones one may find the turmoil of the mind in these cases will in someway eventually override the risks involved. I have broken down these dedication that I have come across into three groups.

The dedications in the first group are somewhat simple. Once you come to Satan you re-orientate yourself, change your persona, change your appearance or changes your friends, One could be shaving your body and or shaving you head. A main dedication and possibly one of the most common is giving blood in worship.  The Demons really are very partial to blood. Sperm can also be dedicated. Another way of showing respect is to draw Satanic images on the body.An interesting one that I came across was not to wash for a period or never using deodorants.

The next group may give some pain but that depends on your frame of mind. The first in this group is pouring hot candle wax on your body when in worship. The next is sticking pins, long pins, in your body during worship. One may find in this and the hot wax treatment a mild ecstasy and no pain.The last is instead of drawing Satanic images on your body, one makes it more permanent with tattoos. 
The next group is upping the stakes somewhat. Serious Daemonalators may have a branding done on their legs. Usually one of the Demonic Sigils.  Your left buttock is also a potential branding spot. Some of this last group might not only be considered a dedication but a 666 fetish. Satanists may find they get into S &M and want to be whipped etc. To experience the pain. To in some way empower themselves. Show their dedication to Him. Some Satanist find that they eventually only want bareback sex or want to be pozzed.   It is for them a way to “prove" themselves to Satan.To live the life of complete freedom in sex. Another one is drinking urine. Your own urine is infact extremely good for you. Sometimes this develops further into licking public urinals. Satanists may find that they get into scat - eating your own shit. Some might find this disgusting but they say it feeds the Demons in you. One Satanist told me urine is the wine of Hell. Shit is the feast and inking and piercing the beautification.
There are of course others and it is up to the Satanist although tempted in some way to make his own decision as to whether to carry out these, what some people would call, “odd”practices.
In India the religious left handed tantric sect who live next to burial grounds eat human flesh of dead bodies. To some disgusting but I would imagine it must crack open the human mind and destroy any early indoctrinations. In fact in some way it must lead to some form of “enlightenment” or completely new way of looking at your existence. I think all these dedication have in some way this result.
There are many other dedication and it is up to the Satanist in his growth to work out what he wants to do and what he finds acceptable within the framework of his Satanic path in the never ending process of moving forward.

Satanism 101

I get asked quite often"how do I start"-"I'm being drawn to this"-"what should I do". One must remember Satanism is quite different from any other religion. Sometimes wonder whether it should be called a religion. It is like in some way religious anarchy. When you are on this path it is your path, not mine, not his and not the books you may read. That is the writers path. Only you will know what Satan has mapped out for you. It is your journey your experience. There are many paths down the road to Hell.
I can therefore only write from my experience which may or may not help or give you limited advice.
What you have to do is get yourself on the Satanic highway. To make some connection with Satan. With Satan new ideas may flow through your mind. It must be remembered Satan may tempt but it is always your decision whether to act-Not Satan's.

 Possibly one can start by getting a picture of Satan or one of His Demons. A couple of candles preferably black or if unable to get red or blue. As a last resort if you have to use white then write Satan on them or paint them black.Then masturbate in front of the picture. See how it affects you. See how you experience this. Any new ideas come to mind? Do this as often as you want. If it freaks you out stop. Or stop for a time.If after a few days or weeks you feel happy and secure at the outcome then go further.
 If you feel you are now serious in your quest then it is time to probably set up a permanent altar. This is the place where you commune with Satan and His Demons. This is one of the basic worship set ups. There are others but this is the one I normally use. The Demons used are the ones that it seems male homosexuals use. You can set up an altar on a small table or it can be on a piece of wood on a couple of bricks to start with. Cover it with a black cloth and have two candles placed on it. Best if black, if not then red etc etc.You will need a knife. It can be a kitchen one to start with-don’t use it  for anything else afterwards-it represents your cock. A cup or chalice which should be silver or silver colour. To start any cup will do -it represents for us our anus.  A plate, again best if silver but to start any plate(for putting whatever on). A small bell but to start one can tap cup for noise with knife  and lastly a picture of Satan.
Some people like to wear black or have a black cloak. I have a black cloak but prefer to worship naked. Naked-bare feet-no watch on –nothing. Some people like to bath before –I don’t. Some like to wash in salt water-I don’t as it washes away any Demons/Power in you.
Your altar should face as far as possible East. The procedure is as follows.
Strip. Light candles. Ring bell 3 times(it clears area for unwanted guests).
Take the knife and look up. Imagine an inverted pentagram.
Point to left top. Draw knife down to bottom centre. Draw knife up to top right. Then across to left side. Then across to right side. Then back up to top left. You have drawn inverted pentagram. Put knife down
Now facing the altar looking down say "I invoke demons of Hell to watch over my worship", then still looking down say "I invoke the Beast to watch over my worship". Now looking straight in front of you facing the altar looking East say 'I invoke Lucifer to watch over my worship". Now turn to the South looking straight ahead and say "I invoke Belial to watch over my worship" Do the same looking West  say "I invoke Leviathan to watch over my worship". Then face North looking up and say "I invoke my Lord and Master Satan to watch over my worship".
Then you can say prayers, requests, masturbate saying I offer my sperm to you Satan or prick yourself and let the blood run into the plate etc Burn it and say “I offer my sperm/blood to you Satan”
 There are many other things that one may want to do as you develop. Maybe meditate on Satan or His Demons.
Listen. Thoughts and ideas in worship come from Satan
When finished (and this is important –a must do to clear the area)- Face North say "Satan thank you for watching over my worship. You may depart back to Hell. Depart." do the same for Leviathan facing West say "Leviathan Thanks for watching over my worship. You may depart back to Hell. Depart." Do the same for Belial facing South , Lucifer facing East, The Beast looking down and still looking down the Demons of Hell. Then ring bell 3 times and put out candles. You may have strong thoughts that night or in the day. 

There are many other methods used for worship and the above is definitely not written in stone.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Satanism - The Third Sex

Satan accepts us all. In fact homosexual men are able to have a strong relationship with Satan and His Demons. In many ways we have a different "vibration" in comparison to  heterosexuals. We are more in tune in some way with the "Dark Forces". We have more time to experiment with different paths along the way down to Hell. Many of us experience super charging through sex. The giving and receiving of fluids between men  is extremely powerful and empowering in itself but when Satanic Worship is added to the equation it can become explosive. Many gays are natural pagans, witches, herbalists. Many were burnt at the stake in the middle ages. For Satan we hold a very special place as we can live out all the deadly sins which I believe the heterosexuals find more difficult.(Being attached to main stream society). We can live the life that Satan wants of us. To be our own masters. Responsible only to ourselves. The main drive for a heterosexual women is to have children. She needs sperm and support from a male. To do this she needs to in some way to entrap him. The only way to do this is to emasculate him and  take away his powers-be aware man's powers are very powerful.. Once she has drained his powers it strips him completely. This she does by sucking it out of him when his cock is in her vagina. It strips him completely. It is like him being crucified  This is completely different for man on man sex where for some reason the vortex produced in fact empowers.Man on man sex is probably the most explosive form of sexual embrace on the planet. The power of one masturbating is one but the power of two men fucking is 3 and the power of three men in carnal embrace is 5.It is  a rather strange multiplier effect. When you accept Satan your sexual orientation may change.(Bisexual Satanist I chat to became 100% gay in under 6 weeks)  That is why for Satanists anal sex is so important. In many eastern tantric traditions as a last act the teacher has anal sex with the pupil. Sodomy was used by the Romans , Greeks and Fascists. This puts a different light on homosexuals.. Within the xian current society we are frowned upon. Despised in some way. Made to feel outsiders-guilty of what we are. Whereas within the Satanism we are the perfect carriers of the tradition.  When a man feels the rush of an erect cock in his anus it activates what people in the east call the kundalini. The power(coiled snake) at the base of the spine.Normally this takes years to activate but being fucked will fast track this process. It is the process to enlightenment. Austin Spare said bum sex benumbs( allows the sub conscious to be accessed without conscious mind interfering) and binds. There is a reversal of the body's subtle energy flows. The person fucking with the erect cock which he plunges into you needs to release his powerful energy in order to stabilize himself. So in some way it is a symbiotic relationship.If the fucking is carried out within Satanic Worship it will draw in Demons That is why a Satanic Black Mass can be mind blowing. Homosexual men are powerful beings. They need to be aware of this and capitalize on their strengths and be aware that their homosexuality is magnificent gift with which they have been born with and which if they use and develop will make them extremely powerful Satanists and sorcerers.  They must not waste their time fitting in with or feeling outsiders of main stream society. Satan has other plans for us.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Demons 2

Many people who initially get drawn to Satanism think that day one they can conjure up a Demon. For the vast majority of people it just cannot be done.  One has to start from small beginnings and build up your strengths whatever they are. This can well take months or years. When you get to a stage of development that you feel is right for this type of work you must look into your attitude. What is your attitude before and what will be your attitude when working with Demons? It is very important.
Much early writings on how to handle Demons was written by magicians who came from a very xian background. I believe they had an underlying fear of Demons. And many worked on “commanding” and “ordering” Demons to appear and do their bidding. To handle this they would sit in a circle 9ft wide and command the Demon to appear in a triangle adjacent to them. Many would have the circle circumference in salt or chalk to protect them. One person might invoke another interpret what was happening in the triangle. Some had a black mirror in the triangle and the Demon would appear in it.
There were of course other methods used such as crystal balls. John Dee the Elizabethan Occultist used these but he would only invoke as he did not have the power to interpret and another would do this.
I have always thought this attitude to Demons odd. These early magicians seemed to treat them as their enemy. And were invoked to do the magicians bidding. If you’re a Satanist and Demonolater then surely you are both on the same side. You will work with them and they with you
Therefore the attitude of the Satanist is all important. If you go into this with fear then they will make you extremely fearful. Demons are not to be played around with as if some party trick. One must treat them with respect. As advisers and as helpers along ones chosen path. A common practice in worship when invoking is that you ask them to depart back to Hell when finished.  The general thinking being you do not want them hanging around afterwards. I feel that if you are a committed Satanist then why get these beings to depart. Surely there should be no fear and no risk if they around all the time, if you are truly in their camp. This thinking seems to be confirmed by some modern Deamonolators who believe the same. At present I am experimenting with this view point. It also depends on the individual Demon and your experience along this path.
As a basic set up at your altar one should have a sigil of the Demon you wish to invoke. A sigil of your request and enns to be used.  Be prepared to give blood or sperm etc as a gift to the Demon for their help and advice. Again do not play games or the Demon will play games with you. Their “games “are sometimes not funny. Do you surround yourself with a salt circle?  Up to you. When I invoke I do not and I do not use a 9ft circle. But it’s your choice.  But my requests have usually been answered. Use your instinct. Listen. Satan will probably advise you. If He doesn’t then you probably need more experience before embarking on this quest. As they say let the buyer beware.

Exposure-The Secret Life

Do you expose yourself? If so how much? One sees on the net Satanists, naked men, cocks, asses, chests, tattoos etc. The may come a time when you are fed up with being in secret. Secret Satanist. You want to show yourself. You want to show who you are. Not to live in secret. Not to live in darkness. You want to expose yourself to other men.  So they know who you are. As a Satanist you should have no fear. Be proud of who you are. Show your face. Show your body .Show what you do. It should not be in secret.
It can be a two way process. If they know who you are. What your likes and dislikes are. What turns you on .They will respect you. You are a risk taker. The benefits will outway the risks. Your work, what is the effect on that? Will you be ridiculed? It is a problem and one must be very careful here. You could be fired or have employment problems. One must be very aware of the repercussions. On the other hand one may find all soughts of people contact you. Interested in what you’re about. More men may contact you. People you never spoke to before. I have found many people who I have told that I am a Satanist have shown initial fear. Maybe you only tell people in your immediate circle of friends. You could loose some. You might gain some who are more into your lifestyle. But whatever happens eventually I believe you will be confronted with this exposure problem which you will at some point have to deal with. There may be a certain kind of thrill in doing this. Satan may have made you physically stronger. You will want to show this off. In the Western World today there is an acceptance of homosexuality and religious freedom. Great and I don’t believe there will be a swing the other way in our lifetime. But one has to remember the general public is still very conservative. And there are many people who will baulk at your openness and what you are. Many people believe Satanists go around killing people, commit crimes etc and are a pretty bad lot. So you may have to explain your life style.
Some of my family and friends know. Most accept but think I am decidedly odd. Work wise I would not disclose my orientation as I believe it has nothing to do with them and would affect my employment. The ideal is to meet up with like minded people. But you will probably find that there are not many around where one lives. The alternative is of course the net. And possibly meeting up occasionally. I have chatted to like minded guys in the States who say that in their life time Satanism will become one of the main stream religions. Time will tell.