You have to deprogram the self. You have been programmed in a specific way from birth, to fit in with society. To be it's slave. To think and react in "it's" way. Not to question. You have to unscramble this process and create a new one. To move forward you must understand the current you..The old "you" holds you back. It must be broken down and destroyed. Stop the automatic circle of associations and reactions.Look at yourself. Who are you. You will associate your current given name with all the crap indoctrination from your "upbringing". Strip it away. Take away your association of where you were born or the country you grew up in. Strip it all away.You are not the "job" that you do. Do not let a relaitionship dictate who you are.You view everything through a "filter' that was impregnated into your"mind' by society.What are you left with. Emptiness-Nothing? Look at your biceps , flex them. Look at your body. What do you see. What do you feel. What is your reaction Question yourself. What is this consciousness you experience. Is it real or is it just a reflection of all the indoctrinations and rules society placed on you. Take all this away and the 'rules' associated with it may start to crumble-Compassion, morals, taboos, family values, eating habits and sexual orientation.What are there rules. Need I comply. You have to find the real you. Your basic desires. You must return to the animal that you are. You must get back to your true nature. You must disbelieve what you have been told about yourself. Bring out your basic nature. Identify your self beliefs. Accept what you are without guilt. Start seeing and experiencing reality in a new and different light. What is this consciousness. How do I experience? What is reality.Is it the same for everybody. Do they experience the same way as you. Do you experience the way society has told you to intrperet it. Do animals have the same consciousness. What is this sub consciousness. The secret hidden mind.
When you have completely "cleaned your thought process" you are left with an empty vessel? That conscious mind you are left with is raw existence. You will be like the cave man of ancient history. Complete animal. He saw he took.If he was horny he fucked. If he hungered he ate. If he hated he attacked. He was
That is what Satan wants you to be - primeval man. It is in your body it has just been buried under layers of indoctrinations over multiple generations of time. It will be near impossible to get back to day one . But it may be possible to go further back
Once you have reached primeval man you can go further back. Back to the animal mind,back to the lizard mind and further...
But start by braking down your indoctrinations from your life. Try to experience life without the filters.
Satan will push you forward. Satan will guide you. He will make you "see". Explode the mind. Push it to the limit.Let the chaos in. Satanic Mind. Hail