Tuesday, 22 April 2014

The Path to Satan

A few days ago a young guy asked for my advice. He said " I am new into this but I don"t know what is happening to me, I feel so attracted to Satan , getting to know unknown pleasures, dimensions, new organisms. Show me how to discover this "
In Satanism there is no strict course to follow. It is your journey not mine. Your relationship is with Him. You have to work out the were, how, when, what etc Although a person who already has gone down that path can guide in some way-but only guide. One cannot say you must or should do this -one can only say from ones experience try this and see the outcome-try that and see what happens.. 
For this neophyte I said he was already "called" as he was being  bombarded with these new and "evil" thoughts. As he seemed  highly sexed, I suggested  he get a picture of Satan and masturbate in front of it. Then listen. Really listen. See what ideas might come from Hell. Be aware developing with Satan is a life long process.
I always feel that these strong sexual feelings can be,  if one wants, channeled into other powerful forces to be used in magic. So in some way it should be controlled. I have at times been barraged by thoughts that made it impossible to work.
Another point came up for him giving himself to other men -receiving their seed.It seems to be common in Satanism. One always assumes the person receiving is in some way being used by the alpha male -but I think it might be the other way around and that the sub is the one who is taking energy which he can use.
Within Black Magic seed is a very powerful substance and should not be given away lightly.The person receiving it  is being given a powerful energy force while the person who gives it is losing out. Mind you some alpha males are so powerful- physically and sexually, that they have too much energy and need to give it away to cool down and function on an even keel.They can be drained so to speak for ever and not be ground down. In some ways they are fountains of sperm to be drained. This benefits the sub no end-He can this way gain enormous power. This is of course where the question of bareback comes in. Being given seed and power at the risk of eventual STD'S.I would not necessarily advocate it but it does have a strong pull for some people.  A certain type of freedom develops. That is why in Satanic worship if three or more get together the energy vortex of the people involved  increases dramatically. 

So later I said "You are on the right path. What is happening is normal and natural. I have been there. Old programming is being rearranged to set you FREE. New ideas and wanting new experiences will enter the mind. Set up an altar to our Master. 2 black candles, a knife,bell, plate, black cloth and pic Satan. Altar facing East. Strip naked, light candles, ring bell 9 times, looking down say "I invoke demons of Hell to watch over my worship", "I invoke the Beast to watch over my worship". Looking East say 'I invoke Lucifer to watch over my worship",Looking South say "I invoke Belial to watch over my worship", Looking West say"I invoke Leviathan to watch over my worship".Then face north and say "I invoke my Lord and Master Satan to watch over my worship". Then masturbate saying I offer my sperm to you Satan. Listen. Thoughts and ideas in worship come from Satan When finished- Face North say "Satan Thanks for watching over my worship you may depart back to Hell. Depart." do the same for Leviathan facing west say"Leviathan Thanks for watching over my worship. You may depart back to Hell. Depart." Do the same for Belial facing South , and Lucifer facing East. Then ring bell 9 times and put out candles.You will have strong thoughts that night. You are strong enough to do this. You have the makings of a powerful Satanist."

Then while looking on the net I saw another question from a neophyte in a similar vein saying "I just did the Dedication Ritual for Father Satan, what should I do next?"It was answered by a very experienced Satanist who said
"The point to make here, is that you should not have *expectations* of immediate reward.
Dedicating your soul is about reaching out to your creator and acknowledging Him as the Father of humanity and entering into a spiritual bond with Him that lasts forever.
Finally, (and this is a very important step) you should meditate. This is where you privately ask Satan for help and guidance through the difficult times that you will undoubtable encounter (as we all do in life).  This does not mean that you will see Satan appear before you. We all have different levels of openness and communicative abilities. But live the rest of your life intelligently and following Satan’s wishes (He will communicate them to you in time) and you will be greatly rewarded.
After a ritual there can be expected:
-         Bizarre coincidences that will give you confidence on what you did,
-         Reliable personal guidance,
-         Dreams in which you see a problem’s solution or answers to questions,
-         Solving of the problem in a way, let’s say, odd. Impressive,
-         Dreams in which Demons appear,
-         Guiding voices."

So there you have it -worship, meditate, listen ,watch and be aware. Satan will communicate with you.