Thursday, 29 August 2019

Power of Satan

What has always fascinated me is once you have accepted Satan your mind automatically starts to change. You do not need books on this path, Nor other persons or "Priests" to advice you. Satan will start to work on the mind. New ideas will start to form. It can in my opinion happen by two separate processes. Externally or Internally. You start to question all of societies rules, those indoctrinations. This can happen due to an external energy source or by the opening up of your own mind .Which of course may have been activated by an external source . All the thoughts that were crushed and pushed into the back of the mind will start to appear.These are suddenly slowly released. Once this process is started. Once you have these realizations it is impossible to return to your original mind state. Your eyes have been opened. You see the control by society. The control by main stream religions. Your body and  mind completely manipulated for your energy source. To start this process is simple. Many ask me "what can i do"." I feel drawn to this". "What is happening to me ". Many have been extremely devout within their religious practice on the RHP. But because they have been so devout what they do not realize is that the mind and body needs balance. They have gone too far to the right. The RHP just becomes too much for them. They need release from the rules. There body and mind need release from this cage they have put themselves in. Hence they start to find themselves moving on to the LHP. The basic stuff happening is masturbating, porn, prostitution, affairs, etc. All extremely normal given the current society. They of course being still in the fold. Only being able to understand all this within there current framework feel guilt and shame. But of course they go back to it again and again. Not realising the natural state of the human beings. There only way out in order for a mind and body to be at peace with itself is the LHP. Satan want you to develop to your full potential. As the powerful independant being that you were meant to be.  Free thinking and acting, without any guilt or shame.
The two simple methods to get on this Satanic highway is to worship HIM and then later do a simple Ritual of Initiation. It is as simple as that

GOD Phallus and Sexuality

Satanism increases one's sexuality. He makes you reassess it. He opens up the mind to never ending possibilities that societies indoctrinations had in the past crushed or swept under the table. He will take away all those feelings of guilt that you have been burdened with. He will make you realize what a sexual being humans are . That your thoughts and feeling in all this are in fact very normal. He will let that sexual freedom come to the surface. It is in a way a massive energy that has been held down for hundreds of years that the churches wanted to crush and or subjugated for their use . It brings up in your mind many sexual techniques or life styles possibly never even thought of before. Many be practices that have been crushed by societies norms. As humans for thousands of years sexuality was part of life. But once modern religions came into being sexuality was frowned upon.The sexual energy was destroyed in some way. Man and women were if you like neutered. Made to feel guilty. In fact it screws up peoples psychic development. Modern society wants to keep you in check. It wants to drain you of your energy. It in fact enslaves you to their desires of control.
With Satan and His Demons this will definitely come under the spotlight. Married men may question their relationships. Many married men may question their sexuality. Many men have found that in many ways they have been completely neutered by the female in this so called modern society. They were originaly enticed into the relationship by guile of sex in exchanged for "domestic bliss"
Mens natural urge is to want sexual gratification much more than most women can supply. Satan and His Demons like sex. His Demons cannot get it in their realm but can get it in the human realm. They like deviant sex. Any sex in total opposition to societys "norm". Satan holds up any man who is prepared to comply.
When ideas start to unfold in the mind many may find they cannot accept but Satan will keep on tempting . There may be many new ideas-  if married wanting other sexual partners, for heterosexual men having gay sex, strong desires for phallus worship in all its forms etc.  There may be strong ideas on flagellation or BDSM. The drive can get so intense that in many ways one may feel within one's norms out of control. There may a strong drive to delve into pornography . This is where you may find in a way you are at a cross road in your development. For Satanism can be much more than just sex. Sex does and or may play a part but it does not have to play the main part. It is a strong part but that energy can be used for many things. If you want to go further then one must develop it and then use it in your workings. You must be in control. Many do not reach this point and stop at the sexual point and develop along that path. The main problem is it is massively stimulating and fantastically pleasurable -in fact unknown intense pleasure but one tends to burn out. Also as the intensity increase with wanting more insatiable lust the risks increase radically. So there is the decision . It is down to your personality-your persona -your feelings how you want to proceed.
Satanism definitely appeals to Gay men because it accepts them completely and allows them complete free reign to there sexuality . Many only reach the point at organism screaming  "HAIL SATAN" and go no further.
In considering Depravity Satan wants all humans to develop to their full potential. He give one the freedom to think and act in any way that you see fit with out any restrictions. With Satan there is no right or wrong within the norms of the society in which we were brought up in. Satan accepts and 'allows" and  you will experience that freedom. There is a strong belief within LHP of some Hindu sects that anything that comes up in the mind is acceptable as we were all created by the creator god. If you think it, it is valid. The thought comes from the creator and is therefore acceptable. This will include acts and or thoughts on what the norm of society would call depravity. It would include many taboos. Many may not delve into this aspect. if they do they must be well aware of what I call the second maxim of Satanism which must always be considered and that is "cause and effect". One must always be aware of the outcome of any of one's actions.