Intention is all important and central to ones relationship with Satan. Not what you do . Not that you may make errors in what you do. Not how you do it. But that you are genuine in what you do. That you are committed to your involvement in this quest.Many people ask "Am I doing it correctly". "Have I made an error" If you have a genuine mind set in what you are doing with the intention to grow and walk with Satan then it is impossible to have errors.
Ceremonial and Ritualistic Worship is carried out within strict procedures laid down not by Satan but by parties who have had these ideas when walking this very individual path. One must remember it is this individual's way of interpreting his worship or methodology within the Satanic framework. These Ceremonial Worships are not written in stone. One can accept or reject them. The person whether Satanic Priest or whoever who composed them is basically no different from you. Many were written down hundreds of years ago.They may have relevance to you or not. It did to the person who wrote them but they can be totally irrelevant to you. Invoking Demons or Satan may have worked for them but that does not mean it will work for you. Remember Satanism is a totally individual path. There are no controlling books as there are in other religious.
Another form of worship or methodology within the Satanic frame work is Chaos. It suites Satanism well. In this case one develops along ones own path, unhindered by others. What works for you will be unique. You can develop your own methods of worship or methods of invoking Demons and Satan.You can experiment with anything that you may feel is relevant along this path. Total freedom for the individual. But that all important intention must be in the right place. If not you may be in for a shock. Satan and the Demons will know if you are fooling around. In Chaos workings you can grow and develop whereas with strict Ceremonial workings it may become somewhat static. Its only use may possibly be in group worship.
Within Satanism accept change, radical change. You may query your correctness. You may see errors. This adds to your growth. Satan will accept as long as you have respect. As long as the correct intention is there. That you are committed to this path as a person responsible and mindful of the outcome. You must be 100% committed if you are to get 100% return.The outcome is for your Satanic growth as you are led further down the path to Hell.
Serve Satan well with the right intention at all times and you will grow in mind and body into the person you were origionaly meant to be