Anal sex between males is very important in the extreme left handed paths. It will in some way speed up the process along the path to Hell. Even in the East some Tantric Masters fuck their male students as a final ritual on completion of their training. It seems this radically effects the sub conscious mind and causes some sought of cathartic experience. With anal fucking the kundalini energy at the base of the spine instead of going up goes in reverse down to Hell. Although there may be differences of opinion here. Some saying it just activates that energy which rises up. One of the middle eastern religions stated that when man fucked man they became demons. That is of course what we want to do in Satanism. But it does seem to have a radical effect on the psyche. There are of course strong reactions from main stream religions to sodomy But for Satanist's surely this is an even a stronger reason for it to be done. The Demons like it since man on man sex is generally extremely lustful, powerful and aggressive which in some way gives them energy. Nothing can be more powerful and stimulating than seeing men fucking. That may be why so many homosexuals are drawn to Satanism. Many enemas in some way speeds up the detoxing of the body. With all the glands in the anus the entrance of sperm must have radical effects on the body. It can probably cause some form of transcendence or spiritual enlightenment. Below are some interesting comments I have come across:-
1)Ritual Sodomy
“The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by Sodomy”
Sodomy is extremely important in Satanic orgy rituals and sex magik, because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity known as Jehovah) you get his power and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates.
Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…!
The act of sodomy is also performed to open up the initiate’s “third eye” which is suppose to enhance psychic ability. During this act, a demonic Entity/ies, called Legion, is/are invoked,refered to as an “unclean spirit”.
The key is in the trauma: the complete destruction of the inner spirit. Then at the propitious moment the initiate’s third eye is opened so as to completely resocialize them and open their psychic abilities. in doing so, a bridge is created between this physical world and the spiritual realm. Once the Pineal Gland is opened, it allows a person to see into that realm. Thus, the reference to it being the Third Eye…
2)The Mystical Doctrine
The Rites of the Hyena King of Shemeber
by Aloysius Foszdyke
Sodomy is extremely important to the Alpha Lodge because we know that if you sodomize Ialdabaoth (the deity you know as Jehovah) you get his power. It's just that simple and this elementary principle has been followed for millennia by the Greeks, the Romans, the Fascists and left-hand path initiates.
Austin Osman Spare found, bum sex both benumbs (which allows the subconscious to be accessed without the conscious mind interfering) and binds.
If binding is required the penetration of the 'wand' must occur at an upward angle so as to impress the nerves at the end of the spine and produce flashes of white light in the very mind of the initiate (enlightenment).
The XI degree of the OTO uses anal sex as do a number of affiliated groupings. There is a reversal of the body's subtle energy flows that is achieved by the aristocratic virtue of whitewashing the rear entry.
Since the proliferation of pornography, anal congress has established itself in the heterosexual world where the wonders of rectal romance are plain to apprehend. You don't even require a trained eye. By divorcing sex from any meaning it looses all meaning. Sex becomes an end in itself. Instead of lovers, there are sexual athletes. Love with all of its sentimental and cultural accretions is freed. Sodomy is normalized then consecrated.
Repressed homosexuals, in particular, display greater devotion. And by collecting the workings of such rites, acts of Magick can be effectively grounded (talismans, etc.) or used as a sacrament.
3)We maintain that the Eye of Hoor is better than the Mouth of Isis whichever the gender involved.
Satan and his Demons enter.
The direct invitation to demonic hordes:
Ritual sodomy stimulates what’s called the kundalini gland, which acts to stimulate the pineal gland. Some use drugs like peyote, mescaline or DMT for a similar experience, but RITUAL SODOMY is the preferred means that appears to have NO real substitute. There is a powerful ritual sex magick that was practiced by the ancients and is practiced today, which still manifests a powerful transformative supernaturalism…!
The demons (and Satan himself) whose abode is the spiritual realm, desperately want to get into this physical realm. They can only do so via invitation into this realm by human beings.
Demons access and affect this realm the greatest through their direct association with human beings. This could be anything from interfering with a human, to controlling aspects of their life, to outright possession of that individual. If they possess the individual, they have access to their brains as well as their bodies, controlling them to do whatever they want. Our being becomes transformes and demonized through this possession.All they need is an invite.
The point is that Satan has something for everyone. He can open that gateway to the spiritual realm through RITUAL SODOMY,rock music, drugs, pornography, New Age mysticism, Shamanism, the Occult, and many other ways…
“Those Sons of Mighty Satan who practice the dark occult arts believe and preach proudly to the world that Sodomy is a vehicle through which the door is open to the spiritual realm.”
Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the Initiate.Sacret Sodomy is the foundation for Gay Satanists. It is also called the key of David..
The affinity between the secretions of the endocrine glands and the vibrations radiating from the subtle chakras explored through sodomic rituals, forms the basis of sexual magick which utilizes these vibrations in a way as yet unknown to science. All the so-called phallic cults originally possessed the true knowledge of these matters before it was lost or perverted by improper use. What remains of the ancient wisdom is the remnant only of debased and phallic rites…!
In order to be fully consumed by the Satanic Flame there needs to be a change in the way the mind of the sodomised man works. This change can only be achieved through SODOMY..!!