Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The Satanic "Oh no" effect

These are the temptations that come in the middle of the night when you are ‘open’. They come when masturbating and or sexually high. They come when you worship. They come when you least expect it. They are temptations that you would have normally never even thought about.. You know the ones. No I didn’t think of that. That is awful.  That is disgusting. Oh no!
They are the temptations that are a bit further down the road to Hell than where you are at. But make no mistake they will keep on returning.. They can be to do with morals or taboos which had been dealt with in early child hood-now to be re opened and considered within your Satanism.
They may be to do with sexual orientation, societies norms, how you dress, how you treat your body, what you do with your body, what you do with your mind, drugs, in fact anything.
Early on in worship I had this temptation, idea or need to stick pins in my biceps and pour hot wax on my body etc I thought no way this will be painful. But the temptations did not go away.  It was in some way to overcome fear and physical pain. But on it went. When I did-No pain –Just ecstasy!-Weird. Perhaps it was a test.  I also had a temptation to drink my urine. I thought “oh no” this is insane. and disgusting. Eventually I did. To me it is pure nectar. Pure me. There have been many others.
It seems if you are gay and a Satanist you get a massive sexual drive which becomes uncontrollable. You want more. You cannot get enough. It seems most eventually have an obsession to go bare back even with the risks. The massive pleasure outweighs the potential pain.
Down this path parts of the “original “animal brain are activated destroying modern social rules. Many being the moral and taboo social codes. It is an unending realization as outer lays of social crap are peeled away. Some times easy and quick, other times difficult.  Those difficult ones when overcome are when you make giant leaps forward.
In some way you must draw a line down the middle of your thoughts. To the right you have the old thinking, Nice and comfortable. Now on the other side you have all the “Oh no” thoughts. You must cut yourself off from making an opinion about these. No judgment. No opinion. No right or wrong. They must not be tangled up with these”Oh no” thoughts. The thought must just be thoughts. Then action. You see chocolate. I want. I take. I feel horny. I fuck or masturbate. Maybe on the bus –well perhaps not! There must be no considered opinion. Definitely no judgment on what others or how society might view you –theirs is an irrelevant view. You then start to have Satanic mind. Your thought processes then flow without any regard for this right or wrong, moral judgment or taboo crap. You will be a free Satanic spirit. A free thinker. You will walk with Demons. You will feel .You will fully experience.

Look at these “oh no “temptations as service to Him. You definitely don’t have to like them initially. You may not want to do them. But you must consider them if you want to serve Him. Serve Satan and He will serves you. It will give you Power. Eventually you will want it .Eventually you will crave it. Sometimes you have to do things you may initially hate. Satan will drive you, be under no illusion in what ever way He thinks necessary. A fully enlightened Satanist has no problem with this. When temptations come he reacts. No questions, no consideration.. He then becomes the personification of Satan in the human form on this earth. Hail'

Power of Satan

Anonymous wrote:

I was a so say a "happy" married man. Then I saw a picture of Satan - No No Not This. But got drawn back again and again. First real fear, then submission, then pleasure. Then started to look at naked men. Then wanted cock. All I wanted was cock. Male bodies, male chests. Unknown lust, pleasure depravity and freedom. I am now a complete homosexual who has been turned and corrupted by Satan. If anybody had said this would happen I would of said it was impossible. Split from idiot wife. Satan has broken down my morals and taboos. Satan is corrupting me to break down the incest taboo ..

Found the above message on another Satanist’s site. It shows the strength of Satan.
It shows this is not a game.  This is a is serious endeavor. It is not for the faint hearted..  When you become a Satanist you will start to think and react like a Satanist without being primed by others. As a religion or life style it will have radical changes on you. From the above you can see anonymous starts off I assume reasonably happily married to a women. Building a “normal’ relationship over a number of years. Fucking her pussy. Getting turned on by her body and tits. Maybe something is wrong. Perhaps there is too much control. Perhaps he has to work night and day to please her. Perhaps she is a dominating bitch (why anybody would want to marry a woman today is beyond me. Men get nothing out of it .She can fuck whom she likes, divorce when she pleases, then gets all the assets and guardianship and custody of the children.)After a few years perhaps she gives him little sex.
Anyway just a picture of Satan starts to draw him in. Satan works on him to make sure he cannot resist. Satan works on his brain-in his subconscious. He probably starts to watch porn. More porn. Then men to men porn. He probably quickly turns it off. This is wrong. But his increased sex drive draws him back.  He wants more. This probably went on for weeks or months. He might set up an Altar. Wife is pissed off and won’t sleep in same room. That adds to him watching more porn. With Satan the drive to have sex is immense. He starts to hate her. He must touch, suck cocks. He must touch men, there chests, lick their tits. He starts to push things up his anus in worship. But he wants more. But he thinks STD’S, HIV. But he thinks “I can’t take this intense sexual stress “- it has  become greater not doing than taking the “risk” He has no further interest in his wife . Fuck her. He goes to a glory hole. Oh shit the ecstasy. Again and again. He has arrived. He will never go back. He has experienced sexual bliss for the first time in his life. The beauty of man on man sex.  Passionate and powerful. He still has far to go-anal fucking and bare backing. But he is on the correct path. Satan has converted him. Now be aware of the power of Satan if you join His world.
There are many many men out there who have gone part of the way he has but still hold back through fear. But they live in a sought of misery.  In a sought of twilight world. Never feeling complete. Never satisfied. Satan can break them out if they will let Him.

This extraordinary violent change can and does happen to anybody on this path. This is the radical fast track method to enlightenment. There is no other method as fast as this but like driving a racing car you must be careful you don’t go off the track, Hail