Tuesday, 27 May 2014

The Evilness of Satan

Is Satan Evil? Is this an illusion set up by main stream social religions. Is Satan in fact the good guy. He is the one who wants you to do what you want. To be the human being that you are. The animal that you are. And surely that is what you want. Is He in fact saying He feels sorry for us humans who have been used ,abused, controlled, kept down and basically been brain washed into being sheep and slaves. Are not  these other main stream gods controllers of society. Was in fact the Xian idea pushed to crack the Roman Empire and Western Civilization into this ridiculous passive state-and use that bloody useless idea called compassion. Satan  wants you to developed into what you should be. T o what your heritage is. A powerful individual in both mind and body. With his own ideas and identity. A powerful aggressive individual. A strongly sexual being. Afraid of no one. Not this whimpering individual we have all been turned into today. Ancient traditional  methods are looked down upon and ridiculed. Xian elders killed 2 to 8 million of these herbalists/witches in the last 500 years in Europe. So that the Vatican could dominate society. Even the political parties in any country are cartels. With this ridiculous idea that they sell called democracy. Its no more democracy than the man in the moon.  Look at your life. Really look at your life. Men completely emasculated. We have all been programmed from an early age to conform.
The xian god was pushed upon you. Controlling every thought you have. Don't do this don't do that. Less than 300 hundred years ago they would burn you, torture you if you had free thoughts. You had to conform. The inquisition ruled. The fear was immense. Terror and Damnation would come down on you if you did not toe the line. Plague and pestilence would come they said. This was the nice guy?? Please. They have have brainwashed society for ions with their crap.Given a chance they will move in on you tomorrow.The Demons are not the dangerous ones  the Angels are.
No Satan is the nice guy. He wants to release you from their control. He want to open your eyes. He wants expand your consciousness. He wants to expand your feelings. So you can give free rein to them. So that you can become what you truly are.So that every thought and feeling that you have can be savored, enjoyed and acted upon.