Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Satanic Living

 Well you've become a Satanist. Now what? How do you live. I mean what will be your underlying motives in life. Say which are different from other human beings. I mean you can't necessarily live by their rules. Mind you I suppose you can if you want to. But Satanism gives you such freedom that makes you come alive.And Satan will probably work on you in some way. I tend or use three "rules"or what I would call underlying ideas. They are not written in stone. But just useful.
1)The Rules: There are no rules-Satanic Koan?
2)Always be aware of cause and effect
3)Satan may tempt you but it is your decision whether to implement

Now although "There are no rules" that must also be read with respect for every other human being. They have as much right as you to do what they want. Satanism is about every single person having the right to be an individual, thinking what they like and acting how they like. I think there is a proviso here-that is within the current laws of the country in which one resides.I don't feel it give you carte blanche to go out and make mayhem.I think its pointless.I don't quite see the benefit. It seems these sought of guys have in some way lost the plot. As a Satanist fine but I don't think as a Satanist you will grow. I think you will stagnate. And that to me in Satanism is not the idea . The idea is about growth. Also if your intention is to "stuff "others up you are to me breaking one of the fundermental Satanic premises that in Satanism everybody has the right to be an individual.
Many Satanists seem to get drawn to drugs or are already into it. Fine. But I think they should be aware of the down side. I feel it is cheating in some way. They want to fast track forward. Which it will. But it is like being put in charge of a jumbo jet at 40000 feet. Fantastic but heck "how do I land". The other risk is it opens up your aura and allows all manner of enterties to enter or attack you. Not all enterties or demons are in the Satanic camp. Many are very unfriendly to humans. Its like removing the earth's atmosphere. All manner of meteors etc would hammer the earth.
Lust is a very strong drive for most Satanists. Its probably the single biggest thing which "trapped" people into Satanism. Satan loves using this and knows the human weakness for this. Most of us have been bashed by the establishment to destroy our primordial lust. And when it is released it can be mind blowing for a time.You will want sex all the time.All soughts of hidden deprived and unconventional ideas may come to the fore . They may shock you. Things you never thought of before. This in some way you will have to handle. In most cases it will increase over time. Many Satanists get pulled into the lust thing 100%. They believe it is the b all and end all of it. That can be fine if that is what they truly want. But there could be more to Satanism. But if you want more sex and sensuality then Satan will give you what you want. He does not mind. But it can lead you into dangerous health situations.Always be on your guard.
Marriage in its present form in the Western World was always an xian concept. Basically to control men and womens sexuality. It is a complete farce. The ideal for a Satanist is to be single. If they are a couple I think it will put tremendous pressure on the relationship unless both are Satanists or are very accepting of each other, or they went into the relationship knowing the facts. The lustful drive will tend to break down any xian vows that they had.  Whoever is the Satanist will want to break down those vows. If in a relaitionship the other party cannot change then I think you will find that you have to lie and cheat to satisfy your lust. Possibly divorce. I have come across couples where the man was able to turn his wife into a total slut.  Or if she is able to cuckold him this again is a Satanic way to live.Love is very nebulous and goes out the door after a few months or years. It also seems that for most men and women a strong homosexual or bisexual theme seems to develop. So the points above would apply whether gay, bi or whatever. If there are children I think it is near impossible to play out that life. And if you do you may have problems from social services. So for those couples best if left till  kids have left home.
Politically I believe most Satanist would have a strong gravitation towards anarchy or libertarian camp.Eg minimum government controlling you. I'm afraid I don't see  that happening in the Western World. Did happen in the Ukraine after the breakdown of Russia in 1918 but the communist took the country after 3 years or so. But it would give us the greatest freedom.

"Always be aware of cause and effect". To me very very important. Think through what change you are going to initiate. Just don't go and do it . Think-think of all the possible outcomes. It may sound great. It may look great. It may be massively tempting. Stop-think it through. Afterwards what would be the outcome. Good for you. Bad for you. Dangerous. Risky. Health Danger. Illegal.  Loss of Finance. Loss of Partner. Legal outcomes. As they say in financial circles does the gain overide the risk.Usually for them the gain is at least double the potential loss.If the stakes are too high do not do it whatever the benefits are. And I know sometimes the temptations are massive.

Now we come to the last idea."Satan may tempt you but it is your decision whether to implement".
You will probably be bombarded with ideas and temptations from time to time. They are really suggestions from Satan to you.  They are not necessarily instructions from Him. He sees you as an individual who has a right to do as you will. That's what He wants. Not some weak figure doing what He tells them. He wants you to be powerful and think for yourself. So if you like, it is a joint relationship between Satan and you. He is helping you to break down all that xian indoctrination. Years of it. And it will take years to break. It is a never ending process. When new suggestions come into your mind you may never have thought about it before. He can bring up totally new ideas. It is up to you if you want to implement. You may need time to implement. You may try it out and say no not for me. You may put it on hold. But it is YOUR decision. And only yours.