Wednesday 13 March 2024


There are no rules in Satanism. Within the Satanic framework the concept of ”evil “ does not OR SHOULD NOT EXIST. It is an xtian concept. Within Satanism the thought process should only be on Serving Satan.  HE is only interested in you reaching your full potential as a MAN. Satan wants all gay men a to develop to the fullest. HE wants you to develop fully ALL your assets being the MIND, the FLESH and the COCK. Your actions should not in any way be compared with societies or xtians thinking or their “moral” codes. It is totally irrelevant. When that happens, indoctrinations are still existing inside the mind of the Satanist. They can take many years to destroy. Whatever you want to do should in no way be constrained by outdated old social rules. One should always be aware of the potential outcome of one’s actions. There are two ways of looking at this- serving one’s desires and serving Satan. One must serve both. Satan’s desires are paramount and should be obeyed without question The Demons in many ways help Satan in this regard. In worship they will engulf the mind with ideas to help the Satanist on his path. They want you to use all your bodily functions, all your body products and excretions in the service of our MASTER. It is to open the mind to its FULL potential. To release it from the chains of indoctrination from birth. It is to unlock the “pandora’s box” in the head which has stored all the evil desires from the past held back by society which has fucked one on your way forward. The control on one’s energy is released for ones SATANIC ENLIGHTENMENT. The ego manipulated by society is demolished and Satanic mind created. The mind is blown away and the cock explodes in expectation

Sunday 10 March 2024




Serve Demons

Work is irrelevant

Body and mind are to be sacrificed

For your Master’s PLEASURE

You cannot resist


COCK Rules

Always be NAKED

Your COCK erects

Seeing Satan

Seeing MEN


Expand the HOLE for Satanic seed to enter


Your mind is BLANK

Your mind has gone into NOTHINGNESS

All thoughts and ACTIONS are now SATANIC


Let the Flame of Salvation

Consume the Flesh

The Body

The Mind

The Cock

Let the Satanic Slime

Enter the Hole

Fill the Mind

With Depravity and Evil

Let the Satanic Venom

Corrupt the Innocent

Let all Men be consumed 


Awake in the night

Aware of the Curses

FFucking the Mind

Flesh and Cock oozing with Expectation.

Inner Fire Exploding

Inviting IT to Evil

The Portal Opens

The Power of Belial Beast

Master Rules

Belial Best Rules

Master’s Hand Enters

Ecstatic Pleasure 


Satanic/Demonic thoughts.

Snake mind is activated  

Lizard thoughts consume you.

Debauchery, evil, filth.

Nothing stands in the way of Satanic salvation

Body and mind cursed  by Demonic forces.

Lust unstoppable to serve Satan

Indoctrinations  destroyed

Ego replaced by Satan

Care not for society

Care  not for regulations

MIND, BODY and COCK  outside societies control

Recharged with the DARK EVIL ENERGY

AURA, BODY, MIND, COCK is a cess pool

Drawing in Satanic , Demon Energy

It empowers

Others drawn to you in Satanic embrace

Satanic Venom energises the Darkness

No guilt, no fear,

The power is unstoppable


Wednesday 4 October 2023


.Is prayer necessary within a Satanic framework? This is very much something that is done in xtian circles but does one require it if one is a Satanist? As I have gone further down the Satanic path I have started to wonder if prayer is necessary. As your relationship develops with HIM a strong connection occurs. HE will implant new ideas or open up one’s mind accordingly. Once that happens there may be a merging or exchange of energy in some way. A Satanic freeway is set up. This can be a two-way process. Because of this powerful connection, energy in the form of one’s thought processes may in some way pass back along this path. If your relationship with Satan is strong and well advanced then whatever comes to mind may be opened up within the Satanic realm. The mind and body will in some way be in sync with Satanic power. Then only thinking about one’s desires will automatically open doors to fulfil that need without the necessity of prayer. One may not even be aware of this process, It is in a way being in tune with the Satanic mind. But one may be aware that your life seems to be developing in more natural, calmer and Satanic ways, as you move forward along your life path. It may be something that one has not experienced before.

I think also prayer seems to me to be something that needy people use. They use prayer as a means to ask or beg for something. Some outcome that they want. If you are on par with Satan you will instinctively be aware of what HE wants of you. You will become aware of the path HE has chosen. It may shock or surprise you. But HE is showing you what you truly are and the way forward. Sometimes although aware of this you may find it will take some time to accept some of the changes that HE demands. 


 We have been programmed from the day we entered this world. All this programming has been within societies social rules and framework. If you are a Westerner then it will be dictated by christian /xtian thinking and indoctrination. But if you consider the mind similar to a computer then I think the indoctrination goes much deeper and is not superficial. It is the whole operating system of your mind that is affected. The operating system is programmed in a very xtian way. Even after dedicating one’s self to Satan much residue of xtian programming will remain. This can be extremely difficult to totally eradicate. It’s like having a Windows 10 Operating System handling this xtian indoctrination but also trying to handle new Satanic thoughts. All your Satanic thoughts will be tainted by xtianism in some way. Everything ones sees and experiences is through xtian coloured glasses. You need a new operating system in order to process information within the Satanic framework. A totally new way of handling Satanic concepts. You need to be completely reprogrammed like getting a Linux operating system into your head. In order to change one needs to think outside of the box. Outside the norms of society. Satan will help and give you new ideas to think on. New ideas on how to react. He may open up Pandora's box in your head where all the ideas that differed from societies rules were pushed into the dark recesses of the mind. It will be an ongoing process that may take many years It is something all Satanists should be aware of.

Satanism is also a lonely path. One has to be careful if you join a group since group dynamics come into play and the individual Satanist will find that he is paying lip service to the leader. He will find his development will be second string to the groups joint ideas. Satan wants one to develop to one's true individual potential. This cannot come about in a group. One has to listen to what Satan has in store for you. One must face your "Demon' on your own. You have to go through your Satanic growth on your own. A group cannot do this for you. You may run from Satanic ideas or suggestions. But you on your own must face them and either accept or deny them. In the deep crevices of the mind you may put these ideas that you are not able to accept or apply but they may return many times as Satan knows what HE feels is best for your ultimate growth on this path.  

Sunday 5 March 2023


Be aware on this path that once you accept Satan you are opening yourself up to another realm. You will probably find that you start to have new ideas. New suggestions start appearing. It is your choice whether you accept them but you may find the pressure to accept gets intense. When you do any rituals or worship make sure you have put in the correct protections depending on your experience and how far down this path you have progressed. Many are slack and or think this is a game to be played for amusement. If you play around in that way, you may find you are no longer in control, being unable to make valid judgements. The controlling mind will be weakened so that other entities take over. The main two desires which seem to be common and may manifest themselves are sex and drugs. It seems for many that once on this path their sex drive increase exponentially. Much of one’s prior life was controlled by a society and or religion which wished to down play this aspect of one’s existence. The sex energy or power of the male has been I think taken and used by society and main stream religions for their use. Satan wants one to reach ones full potential. As sexual energy has been extensively repressed when freedom occurs massive energies in the body are released. This is fine, it is good that we come to full realization of our sexual nature.

But at the same time other forces are at work here. So, one must be acutely aware of this. Other entities cannot, as far as I am aware, have or enjoy sexual gratification in their realm. But for some reason they can in the human realm. They may therefore, try to take control of a human for their enjoyment. The human will also enjoy blissful sexual feelings and may give over control. Once this happens it is may be nearly impossible to break. The entity will do everything in its power to keep itself in control.

Drugs can be the other danger. For the Satanist once “Pandora’s Box” is opened in one’s head all ideas and thoughts outside social norms may be released. These will be all those desires pushed to the back of the mind, that were considered immoral and unacceptable to society. Again entities may be at work as a drug induced sexual human can be more easily manipulated.

The important realisation is for the practitioner to be in control. As I said Satan wants one to reach your full potential. I can’t see this happening if one’s mind and body are controlled by others. If it is one’s destiny or if these cravings were always there then so be it. But I have seen many people on this path totally destroyed. This I believe is not what Satan intends.

 I am not saying don’t have sex, don’t have fun There are ways of protection and there are ways of taking back control if it all becomes overwhelming. But the main point is to be critically aware of what may be the end product of your actions. Being aware of “cause and effect “is crucial.


What exactly is the desired outcome of summoning demons? Is the danger worth the reward? In worship we set up a relationship with Satan. We may use prayer and ritual to do this. This can be done without any reference or use of Demons. Some Satanists work with Demons some do not. There are Demonolaters who are Satanists many are not. But within our framework we accept Demons are there and are an energy source. Once you have accepted Satan it can radically change how they react to you. Certain Demons falling within the Satanic domain are therefore fairly accepting of humans but there are many out there who are not and should be left well alone. When dealing with them one must learn everything about them and put in protection barriers. Do not play stupid games with them. Always treat them with respect. There are different classifications of them, the main one being the Lesser Key of Solomon. One can ask help from them, to protect you, to act for you, for advice, to ask to intercede for you or to use them in sorcery. One must always remember to give them something in return for their services or help. Your intention is of paramount importance. One must think out any request very carefully. This is not a party game. They do not have our moral aptitude. They will carry out an exercise by the shortest or simplest method possible. A common request may be granted but with an outcome not required. I want money -someone dies and you inherit. Another danger is as far as I am aware is they are unable to experience sexual gratification in their realm. This they can achieve within our realm by “latching “on to a human. This experience may be pleasant but may become exhausting. It can be difficult to remove the Demon. One can become addicted in a way similar to drugs. If one is going to go into Demonology then take your time do not rush into it. Do your homework. Go by your instinct. Probably start by reading the Lesser Key of Solomon. As I said earlier if you are a Satanist then these Demons are fairly accepting of Humans. In our group Priest Orobas gives a topic on the ruling Demons every few days. Another important point is be aware of what to do if things go wrong. Always ask them to depart back to Hell when ending the ritual. Do not have them hanging around. If problems are encountered then grounding, smudging, saline spraying or total immersion in a salt bath may be necessary. Do the work in a circle with salt, chalk or an imaginary black, blue or red line. The ones to be aware of to start with are probably Lucifer, Belial and Leviathan. Beside Satan they are used in some of our ritual work. One has to experience your reaction to them and their reaction to you -one man’s meat maybe another man’s poison. You may get on with some whereas another may not. But remember they are NOT your friend or buddy. In many cases you are just asking them to watch over your ritual or worship session -you are not asking for any specific action on their part. You are just appreciating their presence. You can use them in many different ways, in Meditation for insight, contemplation, and divination. If you invoke them on drugs you do it at your peril. It is extremely dangerous. Also, if you have any mental problems, it is probably best to stay away. If you are looking into occult power to affect physical outcomes you may find sigil work an alternative. Another point to consider is Satan will in all probability cover all that which you may be requesting of Demons. I have had dealings with them. Various visitations that confirmed I was on the correct path. A Demon who deals with herbs gave me advice. It can be very hit and miss and requests can take time to be acted on. Demonology is in fact a vast subject.

Thursday 15 July 2021

Satanic Sacrifice

 As one moves along the path of Satanism one will have many new ideas and maybe what one feels are requests and or demands from Satan. They can of course be deep rooted ideas hidden in the recesses of the mind. Many may take time in coming to terms with and accepting. One must always I believe be aware that Satan wants one to achieve one’s full potential. One must also be aware that it is the individual’s decision whether to carry out these “demands” since they may only be suggestions to be considered as a possible way forward. One must always way up the consequences of one’s actions and be aware of the possible outcomes. Some of the demands may in the initial stage of development be fairly easy to comply with but as one progresses the demands may have far reaching consequences.

One may have been living within two mind sets. Day to day living within societies framework but inside a Satanist. Satan may have completely changed your way of thinking putting the old indoctrinations on their head. Once Satan called you accepted -new ideas and thinking came up. You obeyed. Sometimes it might have taken time to obey or adjust. Quite often when you held back then something or someone appeared to push you forward along the path . Up to now one may have acted with strong regard to the outcome. One has weighed up cause and effect and considered the effect was going to be acceptable within your current lifestyle.

But what happens when one considers the outcome to be radically life changing.   Maybe turning your lifestyle totally upside down? Where it could be a “sacrifice”. In many ways it depends on the how strong the drive to accept the demand and or your obedience.  It is in a way getting to a stage along the Satanic path called “walking with Satan”. Here one has the potential to obey without having any regard to the outcome. It really depends on how far down the Satanic Path one has gone. If your craving for what is demanded overrides the fear of what you believe to be the potential outcome then you will obey. But even if the craving is still not strong enough this desire to Serve HIM with total abandon to any safety net will keep on growing. Satan wants one to reach one’s full potential. To live according to one’s deepest desires. Many maybe which one was not aware of.  One may consider the “sacrifice “too high a price to pay and just accept that it was one of the latent deepest desires that was unobtainable along the path. On the other hand the stress of not doing may override any stress as to potential outcomes.